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206 blogs
  • 20 May 2014
    PRESS STATEMENT  GUNWATCHER - The Ultimate Gun Buying Search Engine May 16, 2014 GUNWATCHER is the ultimate search engine tool for today’s gun enthusiast. You can search for guns that are in stock and go directly to the sellers website. You can compare prices and products directly on the site to look for the best deal and find exactly what you want. GUNWATCHER allows you to search for guns, magazines and Class-3 products on auctions, in stores and in classifieds. GUNWATCHER is your one stop shop.  You also have the ability to register and sign up on GUNWATCHER to create a user profile so that you may save your searches for future references. You can check out current and popular deals that stores are running at that time. You can also find rare and obscure items that are hard to find elsewhere. GUNWATCHER is the fastest way to check online stores and compare pricing for the best deal. If you are a gun store owner, you can have your website added to GUNWATCHER, and have it indexed and pull all of your content and products into the site faster to help you be found by more people.  GUNWATCHER is the Google shopping search engine for gun people. Check it out today to find your AK, HK or Class-3 UZI in stock, quickly and compare pricing for the best deal.  SKYPE: brianroyce AIM: bmrsitebiz SITEBIZ Address: 1824 Spring St. #133, Houston Texas, 77007
    2285 Posted by Chris Avena
  • PRESS STATEMENT  GUNWATCHER - The Ultimate Gun Buying Search Engine May 16, 2014 GUNWATCHER is the ultimate search engine tool for today’s gun enthusiast. You can search for guns that are in stock and go directly to the sellers website. You can compare prices and products directly on the site to look for the best deal and find exactly what you want. GUNWATCHER allows you to search for guns, magazines and Class-3 products on auctions, in stores and in classifieds. GUNWATCHER is your one stop shop.  You also have the ability to register and sign up on GUNWATCHER to create a user profile so that you may save your searches for future references. You can check out current and popular deals that stores are running at that time. You can also find rare and obscure items that are hard to find elsewhere. GUNWATCHER is the fastest way to check online stores and compare pricing for the best deal. If you are a gun store owner, you can have your website added to GUNWATCHER, and have it indexed and pull all of your content and products into the site faster to help you be found by more people.  GUNWATCHER is the Google shopping search engine for gun people. Check it out today to find your AK, HK or Class-3 UZI in stock, quickly and compare pricing for the best deal.  SKYPE: brianroyce AIM: bmrsitebiz SITEBIZ Address: 1824 Spring St. #133, Houston Texas, 77007
    May 20, 2014 2285
  • 08 May 2014
    Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 8:00 am | Updated: 10:19 am, Wed May 7, 2014. 0 comments Forest Lake-area physician Betty Maloney doesn’t think enough attention has been paid to preventing Lyme disease. So Maloney, well-versed on tick-borne illness through close association with the Minnesota Lyme Association (MLA), wrote the following prevention handout, released just last month. The information is courtesy of Partnership for Healing and Health Ltd., of which she is president. It is intended for educational purposes only and not to replace or supersede care by a health care provider. The MLA meets in White Bear Lake the second Tuesday of every month. See Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that may develop after a bite from a Lyme-infected deer tick. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease occur each year in the United States. Here’s how to prevent and recognize Lyme disease: Avoid ticks Stay out of tick habitat, especially areas with long grass, lots of brush or leaf litter. Stay in the center of hiking and biking trails; don’t sit on fallen logs. Many people become infected around their home. Clear away brush and fallen leaves, keep your grass short. Place lawn furniture and play structures in sunny areas of the yard. Bird feeders and wood piles attract tick-carrying mice so keep them far from the house. Don’t feed deer or use plants that attract them. Pets that go outdoors can bring ticks indoors; perform tick checks and ask your veterinarian for a list of appropriate tick products. Use insecticides and repellents Insecticides and repellents reduce the risk of a tick bite. Insecticides kill ticks; repellents encourage them to leave before biting. Look for products with: • Permethrin, an essential insecticide. Apply it to clothing, sleeping bags and other gear, but not skin. It remains effective for two-six weeks and through multiple washings. • DEET, the best-known repellent. Use concentrations of 30 percent or higher. DEET is safe to apply to unbroken skin, wool and cotton, but it can damage other fabrics and materials. The EPA considers DEET to be safe for children older than 2 months old, but Canada’s health department recommends against using DEET on children. • Picaridin, a newer repellent that’s as effective as DEET. Use concentrations of 20 percent. Apply it to unbroken skin and fabrics. It is non-toxic and safe for children. • BioUD, a newer repellent derived from wild tomato plants. A concentration of 8 percent is two to four times more active than 98 percent DEET against deer ticks. It can be used on clothing but doesn’t last as long as permethrin. It’s only available online at Tick checks are vital Check for ticks frequently while in tick habitat and for 1-2 days after exposure. Promptly remove and save attached ticks in a resealable container so your doctor can examine them. The risk of contracting Lyme disease depends on how long the tick was attached and how likely it is to be infected. Few infected ticks transmit Lyme in less than 24 hours. At 48 hours, roughly 20 percent will transmit; at 60 hours, 50 percent pass on the infection and when infected ticks feed until full, 94 percent will transmit Lyme disease. In many high-risk areas, half of the deer ticks are infected with Lyme. Ticks may be infected with other diseases and these infections, often called co-infections, are also transmitted through bites. Anaplasmosis and babesiosis are known co-infections and bartonellosis may also be a tick-transmitted disease. Tick removal Don’t put anything on the tick; irritants like liquid soap don’t make the tick release its bite but do make it harder to grasp. Specialized tick removers work well, but so do finely pointed tweezers. Grasp the tick close to the skin (avoid squeezing its body) and use a steady motion to pull it straight out. Wash the bite site with soap and water. Antibiotic treatment Certain antibiotics may reduce the risk of Lyme disease if taken within two days of a bite. Contact your doctor to discuss this strategy. Following a “wait and see” strategy is risky because 30 percent of patients never develop a Lyme rash. Basing treatment decisions on blood tests done shortly after a bite isn’t a good idea because the results are unreliable. Antibiotic approaches are changing; ask your doctor to review a paper published in April 2011 in the Wisconsin Medical Journal and available at: or Prescribers’ Letter from June 2012. Lyme disease symptoms Lyme disease causes a wide variety of symptoms. Symptoms come and go, vary in intensity, change over time and differ from patient to patient. These variations sometimes make it difficult to recognize the infection. • Early Lyme disease occurs within 2-30 days of a bite. In 70 percent of CDC-reported cases, patients developed a rash at the site of the bite. Rashes are usually oval-shaped and solid-colored. The classic bull’s-eye is seen in less than 20 percent of cases. Patients may also have fever, chills, muscle and joint pains, neck stiffness, headaches, fatigue and sore throat. When the rash is absent, these flu-like symptoms may be the only clue of infection. Some patients are asymptomatic in early disease. • Early disseminated disease develops weeks to months after a bite. In this stage, the infection has spread beyond the skin to other body sites. Multiple rashes, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, generalized pain, severe headaches and stiff necks (indicating meningitis), Bell’s palsy, sleep and/or concentration difficulties may be seen. A small percentage of patients experience abnormalities in their heart rate. • Late Lyme disease occurs months to years after the bite. Patients may notice several seemingly unrelated problems, including: arthritis, nervous system abnormalities or nonspecific problems with fatigue, headaches, generalized pain or muscle pain, recurrent fevers, difficulty thinking or and changes in mood. A tricky diagnosis Because symptoms are variable and lab tests are not always reliable, Lyme disease can be a tricky diagnosis to make. If you spend time in tick habitat or areas known to have Lyme disease or co-infections and develop symptoms of these infections, be sure to let your doctor know about your exposures.   © 2014 Your local online newspaper. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    13612 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Posted: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 8:00 am | Updated: 10:19 am, Wed May 7, 2014. 0 comments Forest Lake-area physician Betty Maloney doesn’t think enough attention has been paid to preventing Lyme disease. So Maloney, well-versed on tick-borne illness through close association with the Minnesota Lyme Association (MLA), wrote the following prevention handout, released just last month. The information is courtesy of Partnership for Healing and Health Ltd., of which she is president. It is intended for educational purposes only and not to replace or supersede care by a health care provider. The MLA meets in White Bear Lake the second Tuesday of every month. See Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that may develop after a bite from a Lyme-infected deer tick. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease occur each year in the United States. Here’s how to prevent and recognize Lyme disease: Avoid ticks Stay out of tick habitat, especially areas with long grass, lots of brush or leaf litter. Stay in the center of hiking and biking trails; don’t sit on fallen logs. Many people become infected around their home. Clear away brush and fallen leaves, keep your grass short. Place lawn furniture and play structures in sunny areas of the yard. Bird feeders and wood piles attract tick-carrying mice so keep them far from the house. Don’t feed deer or use plants that attract them. Pets that go outdoors can bring ticks indoors; perform tick checks and ask your veterinarian for a list of appropriate tick products. Use insecticides and repellents Insecticides and repellents reduce the risk of a tick bite. Insecticides kill ticks; repellents encourage them to leave before biting. Look for products with: • Permethrin, an essential insecticide. Apply it to clothing, sleeping bags and other gear, but not skin. It remains effective for two-six weeks and through multiple washings. • DEET, the best-known repellent. Use concentrations of 30 percent or higher. DEET is safe to apply to unbroken skin, wool and cotton, but it can damage other fabrics and materials. The EPA considers DEET to be safe for children older than 2 months old, but Canada’s health department recommends against using DEET on children. • Picaridin, a newer repellent that’s as effective as DEET. Use concentrations of 20 percent. Apply it to unbroken skin and fabrics. It is non-toxic and safe for children. • BioUD, a newer repellent derived from wild tomato plants. A concentration of 8 percent is two to four times more active than 98 percent DEET against deer ticks. It can be used on clothing but doesn’t last as long as permethrin. It’s only available online at Tick checks are vital Check for ticks frequently while in tick habitat and for 1-2 days after exposure. Promptly remove and save attached ticks in a resealable container so your doctor can examine them. The risk of contracting Lyme disease depends on how long the tick was attached and how likely it is to be infected. Few infected ticks transmit Lyme in less than 24 hours. At 48 hours, roughly 20 percent will transmit; at 60 hours, 50 percent pass on the infection and when infected ticks feed until full, 94 percent will transmit Lyme disease. In many high-risk areas, half of the deer ticks are infected with Lyme. Ticks may be infected with other diseases and these infections, often called co-infections, are also transmitted through bites. Anaplasmosis and babesiosis are known co-infections and bartonellosis may also be a tick-transmitted disease. Tick removal Don’t put anything on the tick; irritants like liquid soap don’t make the tick release its bite but do make it harder to grasp. Specialized tick removers work well, but so do finely pointed tweezers. Grasp the tick close to the skin (avoid squeezing its body) and use a steady motion to pull it straight out. Wash the bite site with soap and water. Antibiotic treatment Certain antibiotics may reduce the risk of Lyme disease if taken within two days of a bite. Contact your doctor to discuss this strategy. Following a “wait and see” strategy is risky because 30 percent of patients never develop a Lyme rash. Basing treatment decisions on blood tests done shortly after a bite isn’t a good idea because the results are unreliable. Antibiotic approaches are changing; ask your doctor to review a paper published in April 2011 in the Wisconsin Medical Journal and available at: or Prescribers’ Letter from June 2012. Lyme disease symptoms Lyme disease causes a wide variety of symptoms. Symptoms come and go, vary in intensity, change over time and differ from patient to patient. These variations sometimes make it difficult to recognize the infection. • Early Lyme disease occurs within 2-30 days of a bite. In 70 percent of CDC-reported cases, patients developed a rash at the site of the bite. Rashes are usually oval-shaped and solid-colored. The classic bull’s-eye is seen in less than 20 percent of cases. Patients may also have fever, chills, muscle and joint pains, neck stiffness, headaches, fatigue and sore throat. When the rash is absent, these flu-like symptoms may be the only clue of infection. Some patients are asymptomatic in early disease. • Early disseminated disease develops weeks to months after a bite. In this stage, the infection has spread beyond the skin to other body sites. Multiple rashes, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, generalized pain, severe headaches and stiff necks (indicating meningitis), Bell’s palsy, sleep and/or concentration difficulties may be seen. A small percentage of patients experience abnormalities in their heart rate. • Late Lyme disease occurs months to years after the bite. Patients may notice several seemingly unrelated problems, including: arthritis, nervous system abnormalities or nonspecific problems with fatigue, headaches, generalized pain or muscle pain, recurrent fevers, difficulty thinking or and changes in mood. A tricky diagnosis Because symptoms are variable and lab tests are not always reliable, Lyme disease can be a tricky diagnosis to make. If you spend time in tick habitat or areas known to have Lyme disease or co-infections and develop symptoms of these infections, be sure to let your doctor know about your exposures.   © 2014 Your local online newspaper. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    May 08, 2014 13612
  • 21 Apr 2014
          Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Announces 2014 NRA Show Celebrity Signings         NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (April 21, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce that former professional cage fighter Matt Hughes, TV host of “Uncaged”, along with Larry Weishuhn, TV host of “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon”, and Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, TV hosts of “Archers Choice” & “The Choice,” will be appearing in the Zeiss booth (#6854) at the 143nd Annual NRA Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis (IN), April 25-27, 2014. ZEISS is a proud sponsor and optics partner of all three shows.  The “Uncaged” TV Show is hosted by 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion Matt Hughes, and airs on the Sportsman Channel.  The show is an adventure series focusing on challenging, free-range hunts around the world.  Larry Weishuhn’s “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” TV Show airs on the Sportsman Channel, featuring “Mr. Whitetail” who travels the world in search of exotic and popular trophy game.  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo are hosts of two of today’s top rated award-winning hunting TV shows.  These two have introduced millions of viewers to their very unique relationship and incredible hunting adventures on “Archers Choice” & “The Choice” TV shows that air on The Outdoor Channel. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics will showcase their innovative hunting optics at the NRA convention, including products from the premium entry TERRA line, the premium CONQUEST line and super-premium VICTORY line.  NRA attendees are encouraged to stop by the Zeiss booth (#6854) to meet Matt, Larry, Ralph & Vicki, and experience the latest offerings from the industry leader in optical technology.  See the full schedule of celebrity signing times below.  Friday, April 25th (all times Eastern Standard Time) 1 pm – 2 pm:  Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Saturday, April 26th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:      Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Sunday, April 27th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” The 143nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in the center of downtown Indianapolis, IN, April 25-27, 2014.  Bring the whole family to enjoy the over 600 exhibitors covering over 400,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, educational seminars, celebrities, and fun-filled special events.  There will be something for everyone!  For more information on this event, visit    About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.  
    20475 Posted by Chris Avena
  •       Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Announces 2014 NRA Show Celebrity Signings         NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (April 21, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce that former professional cage fighter Matt Hughes, TV host of “Uncaged”, along with Larry Weishuhn, TV host of “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon”, and Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, TV hosts of “Archers Choice” & “The Choice,” will be appearing in the Zeiss booth (#6854) at the 143nd Annual NRA Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis (IN), April 25-27, 2014. ZEISS is a proud sponsor and optics partner of all three shows.  The “Uncaged” TV Show is hosted by 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion Matt Hughes, and airs on the Sportsman Channel.  The show is an adventure series focusing on challenging, free-range hunts around the world.  Larry Weishuhn’s “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” TV Show airs on the Sportsman Channel, featuring “Mr. Whitetail” who travels the world in search of exotic and popular trophy game.  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo are hosts of two of today’s top rated award-winning hunting TV shows.  These two have introduced millions of viewers to their very unique relationship and incredible hunting adventures on “Archers Choice” & “The Choice” TV shows that air on The Outdoor Channel. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics will showcase their innovative hunting optics at the NRA convention, including products from the premium entry TERRA line, the premium CONQUEST line and super-premium VICTORY line.  NRA attendees are encouraged to stop by the Zeiss booth (#6854) to meet Matt, Larry, Ralph & Vicki, and experience the latest offerings from the industry leader in optical technology.  See the full schedule of celebrity signing times below.  Friday, April 25th (all times Eastern Standard Time) 1 pm – 2 pm:  Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Saturday, April 26th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:      Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Sunday, April 27th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” The 143nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in the center of downtown Indianapolis, IN, April 25-27, 2014.  Bring the whole family to enjoy the over 600 exhibitors covering over 400,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, educational seminars, celebrities, and fun-filled special events.  There will be something for everyone!  For more information on this event, visit    About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.  
    Apr 21, 2014 20475
  • 02 Apr 2014
    Firearms Industry Economic ImpactNearly Doubles in Five Years NEWTOWN, Conn. – The total economic impact of the firearms and ammunition industry in the United States increased from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $37.7 billion in 2013, a 97 percent increase, while the total number of full-time equivalent jobs rose from more than 166,000 to more than 245,000, a 48 percent increase in that five-year period, according to a new report released today by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s trade association. “We have seen dramatic, unprecedented during peacetime growth in the firearms and ammunition industry that is the direct result of consumer demand for our products in the last five years,” said Stephen L. Sanetti, NSSF president and chief executive officer. “While our nation’s overall economic recovery has been slow since 2008, our industry has been a true bright spot, increasing our direct workforce by nearly half, adding jobs that pay an average of more than $47,700 in wages and benefits. Supplier and induced jobs* were also increased by about half since 2008, even as we increased federal tax payments by 93 percent, Pittman-Robertson excise taxes that support wildlife conservation by 83 percent and state business taxes by 77 percent.” The Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report: 2013 provides a state by state breakdown of job numbers, wages and output covering direct, supplier and induced employment, as well as federal excise taxes paid. Access the full report here. * Induced jobs are those created by the economic impact made by the industry. -30- About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to  
    1676 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Firearms Industry Economic ImpactNearly Doubles in Five Years NEWTOWN, Conn. – The total economic impact of the firearms and ammunition industry in the United States increased from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $37.7 billion in 2013, a 97 percent increase, while the total number of full-time equivalent jobs rose from more than 166,000 to more than 245,000, a 48 percent increase in that five-year period, according to a new report released today by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s trade association. “We have seen dramatic, unprecedented during peacetime growth in the firearms and ammunition industry that is the direct result of consumer demand for our products in the last five years,” said Stephen L. Sanetti, NSSF president and chief executive officer. “While our nation’s overall economic recovery has been slow since 2008, our industry has been a true bright spot, increasing our direct workforce by nearly half, adding jobs that pay an average of more than $47,700 in wages and benefits. Supplier and induced jobs* were also increased by about half since 2008, even as we increased federal tax payments by 93 percent, Pittman-Robertson excise taxes that support wildlife conservation by 83 percent and state business taxes by 77 percent.” The Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report: 2013 provides a state by state breakdown of job numbers, wages and output covering direct, supplier and induced employment, as well as federal excise taxes paid. Access the full report here. * Induced jobs are those created by the economic impact made by the industry. -30- About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to  
    Apr 02, 2014 1676
  • 02 Apr 2014
          Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Adds New Sunshade for Riflescopes             NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (March 31 , 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce the new sunshade accessory designed specifically for 42mm and 50mm CONQUEST HD5 and TERRA 3x riflescopes.  These uniquely designed sunshades will help prevent stray light from entering your scope and producing flare and glare across your sight picture. Prevent a sudden flash of sunlight from ruining your hunting experience with these new ZEISS sunshades.  Just attach the shade to the end of your scope, and enjoy the clarity it brings on super sunny days.  These shades can also drastically reduce glare so sunlight can't give away your position to game animals.  ZEISS sunshades are also designed to keep dust and rain off the objective lens. Another benefit of the sunshade is that it reduces the effects of mirage caused by heat coming off the barrel when firing repeatedly. Installation of the ZEISS sunshade is simple.  It can be easily screwed into place on the objective end of the scope.   Product features: Reduces glare from sunlight Anodized to match scopes’ matte finish Length excluding the threading is 3.75 inches Improves Image Quality Blocks Peripheral Light Shields Dust/Dirt/Debris/Moisture   MSRP’s:   CONQUEST HD5 / TERRA 3x 42mm     $53.42   CONQUEST HD5  / TERRA 3x 50mm    $55.54      About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.
    62504 Posted by Chris Avena
  •       Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Adds New Sunshade for Riflescopes             NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (March 31 , 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce the new sunshade accessory designed specifically for 42mm and 50mm CONQUEST HD5 and TERRA 3x riflescopes.  These uniquely designed sunshades will help prevent stray light from entering your scope and producing flare and glare across your sight picture. Prevent a sudden flash of sunlight from ruining your hunting experience with these new ZEISS sunshades.  Just attach the shade to the end of your scope, and enjoy the clarity it brings on super sunny days.  These shades can also drastically reduce glare so sunlight can't give away your position to game animals.  ZEISS sunshades are also designed to keep dust and rain off the objective lens. Another benefit of the sunshade is that it reduces the effects of mirage caused by heat coming off the barrel when firing repeatedly. Installation of the ZEISS sunshade is simple.  It can be easily screwed into place on the objective end of the scope.   Product features: Reduces glare from sunlight Anodized to match scopes’ matte finish Length excluding the threading is 3.75 inches Improves Image Quality Blocks Peripheral Light Shields Dust/Dirt/Debris/Moisture   MSRP’s:   CONQUEST HD5 / TERRA 3x 42mm     $53.42   CONQUEST HD5  / TERRA 3x 50mm    $55.54      About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.
    Apr 02, 2014 62504
  • 20 Mar 2014
    News ReleaseFor Immediate Release    CROSMAN OPENS REGISTRATION FOR 2014 NORTHEAST REGIONALFIELD TARGET CHAMPIONSHIP  ROCHESTER, New York, (March 20, 2014) – Now in its fifth year, the Northeast Regional Field Target Championship (NRFTC) is the country’s largest regional championship with nearly 100 shooters participating in nine shooting disciplines. Open to professionals, amateurs and families, the NRFTC offers a challenging yet forgiving shooting course in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State. The event will be held on the campus of Crosman Corporation in Bloomfield, New York from July 11-13 and is now open for registration. “Spots are limited, so please register soon,” says Mark DeBoard, Shooting Services Manager for Crosman. “Participants are encouraged to come early and enjoy a Crosman factory tour and compete in the friendly Quigley Bucket Challenge. Field target is a fun event for all skill levels and participants will benefit by shooting alongside members of Team USA and other shooting professionals from across the country. This year we’ll be welcoming Fred Eichler, host of Predator Nation on the Sportsman Channel, as a competitor in the event” added DeBoard. The NRFTC rifle event takes place over two days and competitors with the highest number of “hits” will be named winners. The event is governed under the rules of the American Airgun Field Target Association. Field target competition requires a shooter to successfully manage a course of fire in which they attempt to knock down steel targets set at distances ranging from 15 to 50 yards. “Shooting is truly a level playing field, making it a great family experience,” says DeBoard. “Age, height and weight don’t offer any advantages, so we see both adults and youth performing at high levels and leaving with huge smiles,” he added. Pre-registration closes June 1 when the match fees increase from $50 to $60.   For more information, including rules, lodging options and online registration, visit the NRFTC page Participants may choose to register online, or download and mail their form. Schedule of Events:Friday, July 11th9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Practice range open1:00 p.m. Crosman facility tour2:00 p.m. Quigley Bucket Challenge*. Quigley Bucket Challenge Rules: Best of 5 shots at a 1.75" bucket placed at 55 yards, 10-meter gun (6.5 ft. lb. limit), Open and Iron Sights or non-magnified sights only. (Guns will be available for those who do not have the proper equipment but wish to compete).* A re-creation of the famous scene in the movie “Quigley Down Under” starring Tom Selleck in which the lead character shoots a bucket at an estimated 700 yards. Saturday, July 12th7:00 a.m. – 8:30 am Practice range open9:00 a.m. Match begins12:30 p.m. Lunch begins (approximately)Following lunch – Pistol match beginsSunday, July 13th7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Practice range open9:00 a.m. Match begins1:30 p.m. Awards Presentation (approximately) For additional information on the 2014 Northeast Regional Field Target Championship, visit, or write to Laura Evans, marketing coordinator, Crosman Corporation, 7629 Routes 5 & 20, Bloomfield, NY 14469, email her at, or call her at (800) 7–AIRGUN (724-7486). For up-to-the-minute news from Crosman Corporation, follow us on Twitter ( and Facebook (    For over 90 years Crosman has led the world in the design and manufacture of airguns and airgun ammunition, along with airsoft, optics and shooting sports accessories. Headquartered in Bloomfield, N.Y., the company sells its products worldwide under the Crosman®, Benjamin®, CenterPoint®, Game Face® and Undead Apocalypse® brands. F
    4088 Posted by Chris Avena
  • News ReleaseFor Immediate Release    CROSMAN OPENS REGISTRATION FOR 2014 NORTHEAST REGIONALFIELD TARGET CHAMPIONSHIP  ROCHESTER, New York, (March 20, 2014) – Now in its fifth year, the Northeast Regional Field Target Championship (NRFTC) is the country’s largest regional championship with nearly 100 shooters participating in nine shooting disciplines. Open to professionals, amateurs and families, the NRFTC offers a challenging yet forgiving shooting course in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State. The event will be held on the campus of Crosman Corporation in Bloomfield, New York from July 11-13 and is now open for registration. “Spots are limited, so please register soon,” says Mark DeBoard, Shooting Services Manager for Crosman. “Participants are encouraged to come early and enjoy a Crosman factory tour and compete in the friendly Quigley Bucket Challenge. Field target is a fun event for all skill levels and participants will benefit by shooting alongside members of Team USA and other shooting professionals from across the country. This year we’ll be welcoming Fred Eichler, host of Predator Nation on the Sportsman Channel, as a competitor in the event” added DeBoard. The NRFTC rifle event takes place over two days and competitors with the highest number of “hits” will be named winners. The event is governed under the rules of the American Airgun Field Target Association. Field target competition requires a shooter to successfully manage a course of fire in which they attempt to knock down steel targets set at distances ranging from 15 to 50 yards. “Shooting is truly a level playing field, making it a great family experience,” says DeBoard. “Age, height and weight don’t offer any advantages, so we see both adults and youth performing at high levels and leaving with huge smiles,” he added. Pre-registration closes June 1 when the match fees increase from $50 to $60.   For more information, including rules, lodging options and online registration, visit the NRFTC page Participants may choose to register online, or download and mail their form. Schedule of Events:Friday, July 11th9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Practice range open1:00 p.m. Crosman facility tour2:00 p.m. Quigley Bucket Challenge*. Quigley Bucket Challenge Rules: Best of 5 shots at a 1.75" bucket placed at 55 yards, 10-meter gun (6.5 ft. lb. limit), Open and Iron Sights or non-magnified sights only. (Guns will be available for those who do not have the proper equipment but wish to compete).* A re-creation of the famous scene in the movie “Quigley Down Under” starring Tom Selleck in which the lead character shoots a bucket at an estimated 700 yards. Saturday, July 12th7:00 a.m. – 8:30 am Practice range open9:00 a.m. Match begins12:30 p.m. Lunch begins (approximately)Following lunch – Pistol match beginsSunday, July 13th7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Practice range open9:00 a.m. Match begins1:30 p.m. Awards Presentation (approximately) For additional information on the 2014 Northeast Regional Field Target Championship, visit, or write to Laura Evans, marketing coordinator, Crosman Corporation, 7629 Routes 5 & 20, Bloomfield, NY 14469, email her at, or call her at (800) 7–AIRGUN (724-7486). For up-to-the-minute news from Crosman Corporation, follow us on Twitter ( and Facebook (    For over 90 years Crosman has led the world in the design and manufacture of airguns and airgun ammunition, along with airsoft, optics and shooting sports accessories. Headquartered in Bloomfield, N.Y., the company sells its products worldwide under the Crosman®, Benjamin®, CenterPoint®, Game Face® and Undead Apocalypse® brands. F
    Mar 20, 2014 4088
  • 19 Mar 2014
            Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Expands CONQUEST HD5 Line             NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (March 12, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce the addition of the new CONQUEST HD5 3-15x50 to their tremendously successful CONQUEST HD5 line.   “We were extremely proud to bring CONQUEST HD5 riflescopes to market last year,” said Todd Pearson, Vice President Sales and Marketing of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics.  “ZEISS is the innovative leader when it comes to hunting optics and once again we listened to what hunters and sport shooters alike wanted, the very best performance at incredibly competitive price points.  With the huge success of the HD5 line we moved quickly to bring a 50mm objective to market.  This was the next natural evolution of this incredible scope line.”   The new CONQUEST HD5  3-15x50 will satisfy the needs of all hunters and shooters working in lower light conditions who require the enhanced performance of a larger objective diameter.  Optical performance is maximized by the use of  HD glass, legendary ZEISS T* multi-coating and the practical benefit of LotuTec® protective coating.  All of these features provide tremendous performance for the most demanding user.   The new 3-15x50 models are available with standard Z-PLEX, or exclusive RAPID-Z® ballistic compensation reticles.   Locking target turrets are also available.  Also new this year is the CONQUEST HD5 5-25x50 with Z-PLEX reticle and standard hunting turret.  All CONQUEST HD5 riflescopes are designed and built in Germany, backed by the Carl Zeiss Limited Lifetime Transferable Warranty and 5 Year No-Fault policy for complete customer assurance.     About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries
    2957 Posted by Chris Avena
  •         Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Expands CONQUEST HD5 Line             NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (March 12, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce the addition of the new CONQUEST HD5 3-15x50 to their tremendously successful CONQUEST HD5 line.   “We were extremely proud to bring CONQUEST HD5 riflescopes to market last year,” said Todd Pearson, Vice President Sales and Marketing of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics.  “ZEISS is the innovative leader when it comes to hunting optics and once again we listened to what hunters and sport shooters alike wanted, the very best performance at incredibly competitive price points.  With the huge success of the HD5 line we moved quickly to bring a 50mm objective to market.  This was the next natural evolution of this incredible scope line.”   The new CONQUEST HD5  3-15x50 will satisfy the needs of all hunters and shooters working in lower light conditions who require the enhanced performance of a larger objective diameter.  Optical performance is maximized by the use of  HD glass, legendary ZEISS T* multi-coating and the practical benefit of LotuTec® protective coating.  All of these features provide tremendous performance for the most demanding user.   The new 3-15x50 models are available with standard Z-PLEX, or exclusive RAPID-Z® ballistic compensation reticles.   Locking target turrets are also available.  Also new this year is the CONQUEST HD5 5-25x50 with Z-PLEX reticle and standard hunting turret.  All CONQUEST HD5 riflescopes are designed and built in Germany, backed by the Carl Zeiss Limited Lifetime Transferable Warranty and 5 Year No-Fault policy for complete customer assurance.     About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries
    Mar 19, 2014 2957
  • 06 Mar 2014
    In a dramatic move to satisfy anti-gun groups, the popular social media networks Facebook and Instagram announced today they planned to restrict content they say promotes the illegal sale of firearms. According an announcement sent to Grand View Outdoors by a Facebook spokesman, the social media network will police all posts relating to the sale of what the company calls "regulated items," which includes tobacco products, alcohol and firearms. The company specifically targets guns by warning potential sellers that they must "comply with relevant laws and regulations" and will only allow those over the age of 18 to read the posts.     "People sometimes use our free tools to discuss products that are regulated or controversial," Facebook said in its statement. "While we've recently heard specific concerns from people about offers for the private sales of firearms, this is one of many areas where we face a difficult challenge balancing individuals' desire to express themselves on our services, and recognizing that this speech may have consequences elsewhere." The move comes after efforts by gun control groups Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns pressured Facebook and Instagram to restrict gun-related content on their sites. The groups have been trying to get high-profile businesses like Staples and Starbucks to ban firearms on their premises. In a statement applauding the Facebook policy, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts said her group's efforts to pressure companies to institute "common sense" gun policy will continue. "Moms have momentum and we&'re moving the country toward a culture of gun safety one company, one legislator, one law at a time," Watts said. "We're going to keep applying pressure to corporations and political leaders until they do more to reduce the gun violence that plagues our country." Recent crime statistics issued from the FBI show gun violence continues its 30 year decline — even as 2013 marked one of the highest rates of gun sales and concealed carry permit requests. A recent Gallup poll showed a more than 300 percent increase in the percentage of Americans who think U.S. gun laws are too strict. A Facebook spokesman said in an interview his company spoke "with all sides of the debate" in arriving at the new rules to curb firearms transactions. But while the Facebook statement said the company "worked with a number of individuals and organizations on the development of these efforts," it lists only gun control groups who helped develop the policy. "We are grateful in particular for the advice offered by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Americans for Responsible Solutions, Sandy Hook Promise, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and Moms Demand Action, which helped us develop an approach for the private sale of firearms," the company said. Facebook said it will institute the new rules in the coming weeks. CATEGORIES News   Christian Lowe - See more at:
    2349 Posted by Chris Avena
  • In a dramatic move to satisfy anti-gun groups, the popular social media networks Facebook and Instagram announced today they planned to restrict content they say promotes the illegal sale of firearms. According an announcement sent to Grand View Outdoors by a Facebook spokesman, the social media network will police all posts relating to the sale of what the company calls "regulated items," which includes tobacco products, alcohol and firearms. The company specifically targets guns by warning potential sellers that they must "comply with relevant laws and regulations" and will only allow those over the age of 18 to read the posts.     "People sometimes use our free tools to discuss products that are regulated or controversial," Facebook said in its statement. "While we've recently heard specific concerns from people about offers for the private sales of firearms, this is one of many areas where we face a difficult challenge balancing individuals' desire to express themselves on our services, and recognizing that this speech may have consequences elsewhere." The move comes after efforts by gun control groups Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns pressured Facebook and Instagram to restrict gun-related content on their sites. The groups have been trying to get high-profile businesses like Staples and Starbucks to ban firearms on their premises. In a statement applauding the Facebook policy, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts said her group's efforts to pressure companies to institute "common sense" gun policy will continue. "Moms have momentum and we&'re moving the country toward a culture of gun safety one company, one legislator, one law at a time," Watts said. "We're going to keep applying pressure to corporations and political leaders until they do more to reduce the gun violence that plagues our country." Recent crime statistics issued from the FBI show gun violence continues its 30 year decline — even as 2013 marked one of the highest rates of gun sales and concealed carry permit requests. A recent Gallup poll showed a more than 300 percent increase in the percentage of Americans who think U.S. gun laws are too strict. A Facebook spokesman said in an interview his company spoke "with all sides of the debate" in arriving at the new rules to curb firearms transactions. But while the Facebook statement said the company "worked with a number of individuals and organizations on the development of these efforts," it lists only gun control groups who helped develop the policy. "We are grateful in particular for the advice offered by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Americans for Responsible Solutions, Sandy Hook Promise, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and Moms Demand Action, which helped us develop an approach for the private sale of firearms," the company said. Facebook said it will institute the new rules in the coming weeks. CATEGORIES News   Christian Lowe - See more at:
    Mar 06, 2014 2349
  • 21 Feb 2014
    Press Release ZEISS Expands the TERRA 3X line with 50mm Riflescopes NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA. (February 19, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics, is expanding its award-winning TERRA 3X riflescope line with four 50mm lowlight models: the 3-9x50 Z-PLEX, the 3-9x50 RZ6, the 4-12x50 Z-PLEX and the 4-12x50 RZ8. ZEISS TERRA 3X riflescopes outperform many other well-known brands by featuring best-in-class image quality, comfortable ergonomics and durable construction. With a retail price starting at just $349, these riflescopes pack a powerful, uncompromising punch into a lightweight, yet extremely rugged, compact one-inch design. All TERRA 3X feature proprietary ZEISS MC anti-reflective coatings and 1/4-MOA adjustments. Based on its high performance and value, TERRA 3X riflescopes received Petersen's Hunting magazine’s 2014 Editor’s Choice Award. Building on this success, the new TERRA 3X models add even more versatility to this line of riflescopes: Featuring a larger 50mm objective, these four new riflescopes are perfect for low light conditions and offering hunters an opportunity to extend their day of shootable light. “With the tremendous success that the TERRA line has experienced,” said Mike Jensen, President of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, “it made perfect sense to expand this line with more high-performance models at incredibly competitive price points. We are excited to now offer 50mm low light performance riflescopes within reach of almost every sportsmen.” The new riflescopes come standard with Z-PLEX or the TERRA-exclusive RZ6 and RZ8 ballistic reticles and are backed by ZEISS’ U.S. Limited Lifetime Warranty. For more information visit About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars and spotting scopes, throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, Va. About Carl Zeiss Group The Carl Zeiss Group is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. In fiscal year 2011- 2012, the company's 24,000 employees generated revenue of nearly 4.2 billion euros. In the markets for Industrial Solutions, Research Solutions, Medical Technology and Consumer Optics, Carl Zeiss has contributed to technological progress for more than 160 years and continues to enhance the quality of life of many people around the globe. The Carl Zeiss Group develops and produces planetariums, eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses and binoculars as well as solutions for biomedical research, medical technology and the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Carl Zeiss is located in more than 40 countries around the globe with about 40 production facilities, over 50 sales and service locations and service locations and approximately 20 research and development sites. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation). Page
    2346 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Press Release ZEISS Expands the TERRA 3X line with 50mm Riflescopes NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA. (February 19, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics, is expanding its award-winning TERRA 3X riflescope line with four 50mm lowlight models: the 3-9x50 Z-PLEX, the 3-9x50 RZ6, the 4-12x50 Z-PLEX and the 4-12x50 RZ8. ZEISS TERRA 3X riflescopes outperform many other well-known brands by featuring best-in-class image quality, comfortable ergonomics and durable construction. With a retail price starting at just $349, these riflescopes pack a powerful, uncompromising punch into a lightweight, yet extremely rugged, compact one-inch design. All TERRA 3X feature proprietary ZEISS MC anti-reflective coatings and 1/4-MOA adjustments. Based on its high performance and value, TERRA 3X riflescopes received Petersen's Hunting magazine’s 2014 Editor’s Choice Award. Building on this success, the new TERRA 3X models add even more versatility to this line of riflescopes: Featuring a larger 50mm objective, these four new riflescopes are perfect for low light conditions and offering hunters an opportunity to extend their day of shootable light. “With the tremendous success that the TERRA line has experienced,” said Mike Jensen, President of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, “it made perfect sense to expand this line with more high-performance models at incredibly competitive price points. We are excited to now offer 50mm low light performance riflescopes within reach of almost every sportsmen.” The new riflescopes come standard with Z-PLEX or the TERRA-exclusive RZ6 and RZ8 ballistic reticles and are backed by ZEISS’ U.S. Limited Lifetime Warranty. For more information visit About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars and spotting scopes, throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, Va. About Carl Zeiss Group The Carl Zeiss Group is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. In fiscal year 2011- 2012, the company's 24,000 employees generated revenue of nearly 4.2 billion euros. In the markets for Industrial Solutions, Research Solutions, Medical Technology and Consumer Optics, Carl Zeiss has contributed to technological progress for more than 160 years and continues to enhance the quality of life of many people around the globe. The Carl Zeiss Group develops and produces planetariums, eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses and binoculars as well as solutions for biomedical research, medical technology and the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Carl Zeiss is located in more than 40 countries around the globe with about 40 production facilities, over 50 sales and service locations and service locations and approximately 20 research and development sites. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation). Page
    Feb 21, 2014 2346
  • 11 Feb 2014
    Thomas McIntyre Named ZEISS 2013 Outdoor Writer of the Year   NORTH CHESTERFIELD, Va. (January 15, 2014) – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics, has named Thomas McIntyre, field editor with Sports Afield and a contributing editor with Field & Stream magazines, as its “2013 Carl Zeiss Outdoor Writer of the Year.”   The award was presented on January 14, 2014, at the company’s annual writers’ event during the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. In honor of his contributions to outdoor writing and to the hunting and outdoor sports, McIntyre received a customized crystal accolade and a premium ZEISS product of his choice.   Established in 2003, the Carl Zeiss Outdoor Writer of the Year Award marks its 10th anniversary. Each year, the award recognizes an outstanding outdoor writer who has achieved excellence in outdoor communications, has made significant contributions to the hunting and outdoor industry, and is an active supporter of wildlife conservation. McIntyre joins a Who’s Who list of outdoor writers who have positively shaped and informed the public about hunting and outdoor sports experiences and issues.   Previous Carl Zeiss Outdoor of the Year award winners have included: Wayne van Zwoll (2003), David Fortier (2004), David Petzal (2005), Ron Spomer (2006), John Barsness (2007), Terry Wieland (2008), Craig Boddington (2009), John Zent (2010), Andrew McKean (2011) and Mike Schoby (2012). Carl Zeiss Sports Optics also has honored two outdoor writers with Lifetime Achievement Awards -- Bill McRae (2003) and Jim Carmichel (2008).   “Tom is an extremely talented writer, author and champion of the outdoors,” said Michael A. Jensen, President of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics. “He masterfully communicates the experience of the hunt with colorful insight along with accurate and in-depth technical information that increases the knowledge and understanding of his many, many fans. His passion and appreciation for the outdoors combined with 37 years of seeking writing excellence make Tom the perfect choice for this year’s Outdoor Writer of the Year award.”   Since 1976, McIntyre, a resident of Sheridan, Wyo., has distinguished himself in several areas of the outdoor writing industry. As a magazine and newspaper writer, McIntyre has had hundreds of articles published by Sports Afield, Field & Stream, Gray's Sporting Journal, Petersen's Hunting, American Hunter, Men's Journal, Outdoor Life, Bugle, Sporting Classics, Fly Rod & Reel, Wyoming Wildlife, Texas Sporting Journal, The Hunting Report, Garden & Gun, and The Field in England. He has been the co-winner of Best Magazine Story for Best Sports Stories, awarded by The Sporting News. McIntyre also writes a column about hunting for The Sheridan Press.     As a book author, McIntyre has penned several critically acclaimed books, novels and anthologies, including: "Days Afield," "Dreaming the Lion," "Seasons & Days," "Shooter's Bible Guide to Optics (2012),” and "The Snow Leopard's Tale.”  He also served as the editor of, and contributor to, the outdoor-story anthology "Wild and Fair," featuring Pulitzer Prize winners David Mamet and Philip Caputo. Currently, McIntyre is working on a novel about the African explorer Henry Morton Stanley.   And as a screenwriter, McIntyre has written scripts for more than 750 episodes of outdoor television programs for Orion Entertainment, including “Buccaneers & Bones,” which was narrated by Tom Brokaw, and the documentary, “Wyoming: Predators, Prey, and People” for the Wyoming Game & Fish Department.   "You need only to read one line of a McIntyre story to know instantly who wrote it,” said Anthony Licata, Editorial Director for Field & Stream. “Tom's prose is an astounding blend of comprehensive technical knowledge, keen intelligence, biting wit, and deep pathos. He offers one of the most interesting and original voices in the sporting press."   About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics. As a member of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss, Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, spotting scopes, riflescopes and laser rangefinders throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, Va.   About Carl Zeiss Group   The Carl Zeiss Group is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. In fiscal year 2011-2012 the company's approximately 24,000 employees generated revenue of nearly 4.2 billion euros (approximately US$5.6 billion). In the markets for Industrial Solutions, Research Solutions, Medical Technology and Consumer Optics, Carl Zeiss has contributed to technological progress for more than 160 years and enhances the quality of life of many people around the globe.   The Carl Zeiss Group develops and produces planetariums, eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses and binoculars as well as solutions for biomedical research, medical technology and the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Carl Zeiss is located in more than 40 countries around the globe with about 40 production facilities, over 50 sales and service locations, and approximately 20 research and development sites. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation). Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany.    
    1696 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Thomas McIntyre Named ZEISS 2013 Outdoor Writer of the Year   NORTH CHESTERFIELD, Va. (January 15, 2014) – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics, has named Thomas McIntyre, field editor with Sports Afield and a contributing editor with Field & Stream magazines, as its “2013 Carl Zeiss Outdoor Writer of the Year.”   The award was presented on January 14, 2014, at the company’s annual writers’ event during the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. In honor of his contributions to outdoor writing and to the hunting and outdoor sports, McIntyre received a customized crystal accolade and a premium ZEISS product of his choice.   Established in 2003, the Carl Zeiss Outdoor Writer of the Year Award marks its 10th anniversary. Each year, the award recognizes an outstanding outdoor writer who has achieved excellence in outdoor communications, has made significant contributions to the hunting and outdoor industry, and is an active supporter of wildlife conservation. McIntyre joins a Who’s Who list of outdoor writers who have positively shaped and informed the public about hunting and outdoor sports experiences and issues.   Previous Carl Zeiss Outdoor of the Year award winners have included: Wayne van Zwoll (2003), David Fortier (2004), David Petzal (2005), Ron Spomer (2006), John Barsness (2007), Terry Wieland (2008), Craig Boddington (2009), John Zent (2010), Andrew McKean (2011) and Mike Schoby (2012). Carl Zeiss Sports Optics also has honored two outdoor writers with Lifetime Achievement Awards -- Bill McRae (2003) and Jim Carmichel (2008).   “Tom is an extremely talented writer, author and champion of the outdoors,” said Michael A. Jensen, President of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics. “He masterfully communicates the experience of the hunt with colorful insight along with accurate and in-depth technical information that increases the knowledge and understanding of his many, many fans. His passion and appreciation for the outdoors combined with 37 years of seeking writing excellence make Tom the perfect choice for this year’s Outdoor Writer of the Year award.”   Since 1976, McIntyre, a resident of Sheridan, Wyo., has distinguished himself in several areas of the outdoor writing industry. As a magazine and newspaper writer, McIntyre has had hundreds of articles published by Sports Afield, Field & Stream, Gray's Sporting Journal, Petersen's Hunting, American Hunter, Men's Journal, Outdoor Life, Bugle, Sporting Classics, Fly Rod & Reel, Wyoming Wildlife, Texas Sporting Journal, The Hunting Report, Garden & Gun, and The Field in England. He has been the co-winner of Best Magazine Story for Best Sports Stories, awarded by The Sporting News. McIntyre also writes a column about hunting for The Sheridan Press.     As a book author, McIntyre has penned several critically acclaimed books, novels and anthologies, including: "Days Afield," "Dreaming the Lion," "Seasons & Days," "Shooter's Bible Guide to Optics (2012),” and "The Snow Leopard's Tale.”  He also served as the editor of, and contributor to, the outdoor-story anthology "Wild and Fair," featuring Pulitzer Prize winners David Mamet and Philip Caputo. Currently, McIntyre is working on a novel about the African explorer Henry Morton Stanley.   And as a screenwriter, McIntyre has written scripts for more than 750 episodes of outdoor television programs for Orion Entertainment, including “Buccaneers & Bones,” which was narrated by Tom Brokaw, and the documentary, “Wyoming: Predators, Prey, and People” for the Wyoming Game & Fish Department.   "You need only to read one line of a McIntyre story to know instantly who wrote it,” said Anthony Licata, Editorial Director for Field & Stream. “Tom's prose is an astounding blend of comprehensive technical knowledge, keen intelligence, biting wit, and deep pathos. He offers one of the most interesting and original voices in the sporting press."   About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics. As a member of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss, Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, spotting scopes, riflescopes and laser rangefinders throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, Va.   About Carl Zeiss Group   The Carl Zeiss Group is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. In fiscal year 2011-2012 the company's approximately 24,000 employees generated revenue of nearly 4.2 billion euros (approximately US$5.6 billion). In the markets for Industrial Solutions, Research Solutions, Medical Technology and Consumer Optics, Carl Zeiss has contributed to technological progress for more than 160 years and enhances the quality of life of many people around the globe.   The Carl Zeiss Group develops and produces planetariums, eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses and binoculars as well as solutions for biomedical research, medical technology and the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Carl Zeiss is located in more than 40 countries around the globe with about 40 production facilities, over 50 sales and service locations, and approximately 20 research and development sites. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation). Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany.    
    Feb 11, 2014 1696