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Chris Avena 's Entries

206 blogs
  • 22 May 2016
    By Nico Els from East Cape Bushveld Hunting                                                                                        May 21, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What Really Matters Being a Professional Hunter, I get to experience nature in all his glory. Anything from open plains roaming with Impala, Giraffe, Zebra and Wildebeest to Kudu infested valleys down to Springhare and Scrubhare during the cold winter nights. I’ve been privileged to be able to meet many different people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. I’ve worked with some of them, worked for some of them but hunted with most of them. Around the traditional South African campfires I’ve heard their stories, all they had to share about life, love and of course hunting. Over the years I’ve gotten a good idea what matters to them when they are out hunting in our beautiful country. What makes them tick and what not. Some reckon that the enjoyment of the hunt is the most important part, others reckon the animals or the amount of game you see. Some might say the people you hunt with and others the guides who take you hunting. Many hunters, many opinions, but what about the actual hunt? When push comes to shove, what really matters? Well, as a Professional Hunter, I’ve developed my own list of essentials when out hunting. These essentials consist of characteristics, equipment and capabilities that, to me can really make or break a hunt. Telescopes – I went hunting for Impala, Warthog and Blesbuck once with a client. He got some real nice animals, but he took them all with one of my rifles, simply because he couldn’t get his rifle to shoot where he was aiming. After some time we realized that the crosshairs were basically hanging loose. In short, it was dysfunctional and so he had to use one of mine. So many times, I’ve hunted with chaps who seem to spend all their money on the rifle and as little as possible on the scope. They buy expensive stocks, suppressors, gun belts and similar equipment to make the rifle more comfortable to carry and handle, but then go for low budget scopes not suited for their rifles, calibres or hunting terrain. Now the first thing we do when a client arrives at East Cape Bushveld Hunting is to take him or her down to the shooting range to sight the rifles. More than often, ammo is wasted trying to sight a rifle that should have been sighted with the second or third shot. Either the scope isn’t setting or it just can’t handle the recoil from the rifle. The result? The hunter goes hunting with a rifle not sighted in properly and with limited ammo or, like with this client, he had to borrow one of mine or one from his PH , all because the choice for a scope is not taken up seriously. The quality of your telescope matters. Ammunition – The second mistake hunters make is to go for cheap ammo. Picture this; A Client joins us on a hunt for Kudu. We spot a bull in the early morning sun and plan our stalk. We walk slowly and stop regularly to avoid being spotted or heard. We get down in prone position before reaching our FFP. The kudu now not more than 120 yards away is standing quartering away, browsing on a ‘Spekboom’ or Bacon Tree as it is known in English. We get set up, shooting across the valley. Everything goes according to plan, until he fires the shot, hitting the animal just behind the shoulder and hoping the bullet exits his chest on the opposite side. The bull disappears like only a Kudu knows how to disappear in these thickets. Long story short, we tracked the bull for several hundred yards before finding it dead in the shade of a Jacket Plum where he had gone to lay down. He never got up. The bullet disintegrated but the right lung got punctured by a small fragment of the jacket. If it weren’t for that, the bull would surely have gone way further and we wouldn’t have gotten him, or worse, he could’ve hit him further back in the stomach... As with the choice of a scope, the ammo you plan on using is very important and can be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful hunt.  The ability of the bullet to penetrate and stay on course matters. Fitness - the physical capability of the hunter to cover the terrain without tiring too quickly is something many hunters oversee many times. Hunting Steenbuck with a European client once, we had to cross a valley and walk right to the top of the opposite hill where there is less bushes and trees and of course where we spotted a pair of Steenbuck. The terrain was fairly rugged, but most hunters would have covered it without breaking too much of a sweat. We probably covered about a mile to get within range of the animal, but the client being very tired from walking, forgot his rifle on safe. When he realised that, he suddenly went into a rush to take it off of safe and shoot. The animal got away and afterwards the client explained to me that he couldn’t concentrate and that it was too much walking for him. “Next time, we use more car and less foot”. Yup, fitness matters. Patience – I cannot emphasize this enough. More than ninety percent of all the hunters or clients I hunt with from all over, lack patience. When I was about eleven years old, my father took me hunting for a Bushbuck. One Saturday afternoon, we slowly made our way down into a valley where we knew some bushbuck had been hanging around. We sat down under ‘n Jacket-Plum and started scanning across the valley for Bushbuck on the other side. Couple of hours went by and we didn’t see as much as a Duiker. Bird sounds reverberated all over the valley, but no animals. A Kudu bull makes his way out of the thick bush and my father immediately notes that he is crippled in his one front leg. He instructed me to set up, but even before I can do so, he spots us and rushes back into the brush. All of a sudden a Bushbuck ewe and ram appears from the bushes below us. They must have heard our shuffling and whispering, thus deciding to leave the valley. As they make their way out, I set up to take the shot. Just before they enter the thick brush across the valley the ram turns broad side for a moment and I pull the trigger. The shot goes off but to my disappointment the ram walks in behind a River Euphorbia and the bullet from the 30-06 makes a hole on the one side of the tree trunk. The ram took off into the bush. I pulled the trigger when the animal’s front leg was exactly behind the tree, thus hitting the tree trunk and not the animal. Rooky mistake. Never before have I been so disappointed. A week later, Saturday morning very early I make my way back to that same spot to wait for that ram. I sit down under the same tree and for the next four hours, the previous Saturday repeats itself. The distinct chanting of a couple Glossy Starlings keeps me entertained for the morning, but no movement or sign of any animal, not even to mention Bushbuck. I wait patiently. Eventually I start to mash up dung from animals that have been resting under the tree, only looking up now and then to check for animals. All of sudden I catch movement in the corner of my eye. Looking up, I spot the ram making his way out of the tree line where he had disappeared the previous week and stopping in the shade of a Shepherds tree. I quickly get set up and take aim on the only part of the animal I’m able to see – his neck. Now, not more than 150 yards away I squeeze the trigger gently. The bang from the rifle overpowers every other sound and for a moment everything else seems to go quiet. The Bushbuck is down. All the hard work has paid off. Months of hunting and scouting, trying to outthink the animals. Sitting, glassing the thick brush and waiting quietly – yes my friend, patience matters more than anything else. The list goes and on. So many things come into play when you’re out hunting. Yes, you must enjoy it. Yes your guides, chef, tracker, friends, family and everyone else involved will have an enormous effect on how much you enjoy it. Even your own mind-set will be a determining factor, but on top of my list of essentials, gear and characteristics, is this; Telescope, Bullet Quality, Fitness and Patience. The most important of these, is patience.
    733 Posted by Chris Avena
  • By Nico Els from East Cape Bushveld Hunting                                                                                        May 21, 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What Really Matters Being a Professional Hunter, I get to experience nature in all his glory. Anything from open plains roaming with Impala, Giraffe, Zebra and Wildebeest to Kudu infested valleys down to Springhare and Scrubhare during the cold winter nights. I’ve been privileged to be able to meet many different people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. I’ve worked with some of them, worked for some of them but hunted with most of them. Around the traditional South African campfires I’ve heard their stories, all they had to share about life, love and of course hunting. Over the years I’ve gotten a good idea what matters to them when they are out hunting in our beautiful country. What makes them tick and what not. Some reckon that the enjoyment of the hunt is the most important part, others reckon the animals or the amount of game you see. Some might say the people you hunt with and others the guides who take you hunting. Many hunters, many opinions, but what about the actual hunt? When push comes to shove, what really matters? Well, as a Professional Hunter, I’ve developed my own list of essentials when out hunting. These essentials consist of characteristics, equipment and capabilities that, to me can really make or break a hunt. Telescopes – I went hunting for Impala, Warthog and Blesbuck once with a client. He got some real nice animals, but he took them all with one of my rifles, simply because he couldn’t get his rifle to shoot where he was aiming. After some time we realized that the crosshairs were basically hanging loose. In short, it was dysfunctional and so he had to use one of mine. So many times, I’ve hunted with chaps who seem to spend all their money on the rifle and as little as possible on the scope. They buy expensive stocks, suppressors, gun belts and similar equipment to make the rifle more comfortable to carry and handle, but then go for low budget scopes not suited for their rifles, calibres or hunting terrain. Now the first thing we do when a client arrives at East Cape Bushveld Hunting is to take him or her down to the shooting range to sight the rifles. More than often, ammo is wasted trying to sight a rifle that should have been sighted with the second or third shot. Either the scope isn’t setting or it just can’t handle the recoil from the rifle. The result? The hunter goes hunting with a rifle not sighted in properly and with limited ammo or, like with this client, he had to borrow one of mine or one from his PH , all because the choice for a scope is not taken up seriously. The quality of your telescope matters. Ammunition – The second mistake hunters make is to go for cheap ammo. Picture this; A Client joins us on a hunt for Kudu. We spot a bull in the early morning sun and plan our stalk. We walk slowly and stop regularly to avoid being spotted or heard. We get down in prone position before reaching our FFP. The kudu now not more than 120 yards away is standing quartering away, browsing on a ‘Spekboom’ or Bacon Tree as it is known in English. We get set up, shooting across the valley. Everything goes according to plan, until he fires the shot, hitting the animal just behind the shoulder and hoping the bullet exits his chest on the opposite side. The bull disappears like only a Kudu knows how to disappear in these thickets. Long story short, we tracked the bull for several hundred yards before finding it dead in the shade of a Jacket Plum where he had gone to lay down. He never got up. The bullet disintegrated but the right lung got punctured by a small fragment of the jacket. If it weren’t for that, the bull would surely have gone way further and we wouldn’t have gotten him, or worse, he could’ve hit him further back in the stomach... As with the choice of a scope, the ammo you plan on using is very important and can be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful hunt.  The ability of the bullet to penetrate and stay on course matters. Fitness - the physical capability of the hunter to cover the terrain without tiring too quickly is something many hunters oversee many times. Hunting Steenbuck with a European client once, we had to cross a valley and walk right to the top of the opposite hill where there is less bushes and trees and of course where we spotted a pair of Steenbuck. The terrain was fairly rugged, but most hunters would have covered it without breaking too much of a sweat. We probably covered about a mile to get within range of the animal, but the client being very tired from walking, forgot his rifle on safe. When he realised that, he suddenly went into a rush to take it off of safe and shoot. The animal got away and afterwards the client explained to me that he couldn’t concentrate and that it was too much walking for him. “Next time, we use more car and less foot”. Yup, fitness matters. Patience – I cannot emphasize this enough. More than ninety percent of all the hunters or clients I hunt with from all over, lack patience. When I was about eleven years old, my father took me hunting for a Bushbuck. One Saturday afternoon, we slowly made our way down into a valley where we knew some bushbuck had been hanging around. We sat down under ‘n Jacket-Plum and started scanning across the valley for Bushbuck on the other side. Couple of hours went by and we didn’t see as much as a Duiker. Bird sounds reverberated all over the valley, but no animals. A Kudu bull makes his way out of the thick bush and my father immediately notes that he is crippled in his one front leg. He instructed me to set up, but even before I can do so, he spots us and rushes back into the brush. All of a sudden a Bushbuck ewe and ram appears from the bushes below us. They must have heard our shuffling and whispering, thus deciding to leave the valley. As they make their way out, I set up to take the shot. Just before they enter the thick brush across the valley the ram turns broad side for a moment and I pull the trigger. The shot goes off but to my disappointment the ram walks in behind a River Euphorbia and the bullet from the 30-06 makes a hole on the one side of the tree trunk. The ram took off into the bush. I pulled the trigger when the animal’s front leg was exactly behind the tree, thus hitting the tree trunk and not the animal. Rooky mistake. Never before have I been so disappointed. A week later, Saturday morning very early I make my way back to that same spot to wait for that ram. I sit down under the same tree and for the next four hours, the previous Saturday repeats itself. The distinct chanting of a couple Glossy Starlings keeps me entertained for the morning, but no movement or sign of any animal, not even to mention Bushbuck. I wait patiently. Eventually I start to mash up dung from animals that have been resting under the tree, only looking up now and then to check for animals. All of sudden I catch movement in the corner of my eye. Looking up, I spot the ram making his way out of the tree line where he had disappeared the previous week and stopping in the shade of a Shepherds tree. I quickly get set up and take aim on the only part of the animal I’m able to see – his neck. Now, not more than 150 yards away I squeeze the trigger gently. The bang from the rifle overpowers every other sound and for a moment everything else seems to go quiet. The Bushbuck is down. All the hard work has paid off. Months of hunting and scouting, trying to outthink the animals. Sitting, glassing the thick brush and waiting quietly – yes my friend, patience matters more than anything else. The list goes and on. So many things come into play when you’re out hunting. Yes, you must enjoy it. Yes your guides, chef, tracker, friends, family and everyone else involved will have an enormous effect on how much you enjoy it. Even your own mind-set will be a determining factor, but on top of my list of essentials, gear and characteristics, is this; Telescope, Bullet Quality, Fitness and Patience. The most important of these, is patience.
    May 22, 2016 733
  • 08 Mar 2016
    “THE REVOLUTION WITH JIM & TRAV” EXPANDS PARTNERSHIP WITH OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN GROUP – NETWORKS Nationally Syndicated Radio Show to Now Serve as Official Radio Program of Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network   Denver – March 8, 2016 – Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, including Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network, today announced the expansion of its multi-platform partnership with The Revolution with Jim & Trav (The Revolution). The largest nationally syndicated radio show and podcast dedicated to outdoor lifestyle enthusiasts has been serving as “The Official Radio Program of Outdoor Channel” since 2013 and will now add Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network as title sponsors.   Hosted by father and son team Jim and Travis Ferguson, The Revolution airs on 444 radio stations, including American Forces Radio Network on satellite radio. The award-winning radio show is heard by a projected audience of more than 7.2 million listeners across 34 states in the U.S. and all Canadian provinces.   The three networks – Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network – will now serve as title sponsors of The Revolution. The partnership also enables shared cross-promotional marketing opportunities.   “After three years of working together, we are pleased to expand our relationship with The Revolution to not only include Outdoor Channel, but Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network as well,” said Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks CEO and President Jim Liberatore. “As the premier voice of the outdoor airwaves, listeners of their program will now have unmatched access to talent from our full media and entertainment brand portfolio.”   “The Revolution is the comprehensive source for all things outdoors – from hunting and fishing to survival techniques and industry news. We have built a foundation of more than 7.2 million listeners who religiously tune in to broaden their endemic knowledge and connect with our industry leading guests,” said Jim Ferguson, co-host of The Revolution. “By bolstering our relationship with Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, together, we are super-serving our core audiences of outdoor adventure seekers.”   Each week, The Revolution brings its one-hour talk radio show to listeners with an endless roster of special guests – from celebrities to outdoor pros – sharing expert advice and personal anecdotes from their experience in the great outdoors. Since the show’s inception, Jim and Travis have interviewed more than 1,700 celebrities, recorded more than 1,600 product reviews and 700 vehicle reviews, and shared information on hundreds of outdoor trail destinations featuring some of the finest hunting and fishing spots in North America and around the world.   About The Revolution with Jim & Trav Airing on 444 radio and cable stations in the U.S., as well as on American Forces Radio Network, The Revolution with Jim & Trav is a popular radio show and podcast geared towards outdoor enthusiasts. The award-winning program is heard by a projected audience of more than 7.2 million listeners in 34 states in the U.S., in addition to all Canadian provinces. In 2013, The Revolution became the official radio show of Outdoor Channel, and has since expanded to be the official radio show for Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network. The Revolution also creates programming for and, and produces podcasts for The Hunting Wire and iTunes. For program times, stations and other information, visit or Follow The Revolution on Facebook and Twitter. #TheRevolution   About Outdoor Sportsman Group Outdoor Sportsman Group is comprised of the world’s foremost media and entertainment brands for outdoor adventure enthusiasts. It includes three leading multichannel networks: Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network. The Group also consists of a number of established integrated media assets: 15 outdoor magazines, such as Guns & Ammo, Petersen’s Bowhunting and Florida Sportsman, and 17 top websites, including Additionally, Outdoor Sportsman Group includes television production operations, Winnercomm, as well as aerial camera businesses, SkyCam and CableCam.   About Outdoor Channel Outdoor Channel has been taking viewers across America and around the world on unparalleled adventures since 1993. Dedicated to the outdoor lifestyle and conservation, the independent cable network is a division of Outdoor Sportsman Group and provides a complete spectrum of riveting hunting, fishing, shooting and adventure entertainment. Outdoor Channel has the largest outdoor TV footprint in the country and is available in more than 50 countries internationally. Outdoor Channel can be viewed in HD and is accessible by broadband and mobile platforms. For program times and other information, visit Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, and download our iPhone and iPad app. #WhatGetsYouOutdoors   About Sportsman Channel Launched in 2003, Sportsman Channel/Sportsman HD is a television and digital media company fully devoted to honoring a lifestyle that is celebrated by millions of Americans. A division of Outdoor Sportsman Group, Sportsman Channel delivers entertaining and informative programming that showcases outdoor adventure, hunting and fishing, and illustrates it through unique and authentic storytelling. Sportsman Channel embraces the attitude of “Red, Wild & Blue America” – where the American Spirit and Great Outdoors are celebrated in equal measure. Stay connected to Sportsman Channel online at, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.   About World Fishing Network World Fishing Network is North America’s only television network, online and mobile platform dedicated exclusively to fishing and outdoor enthusiasts with programming that covers instruction, tips, tournaments, travel, food, boating, outdoor lifestyle and more. Available to cable, satellite and telco subscribers throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean, our lineup includes a selection of the best international series and the most diverse species coverage of any TV channel hosted by some of the top anglers from North America and across the globe. For more information, please visit and follow us at Facebook and Twitter.
    782 Posted by Chris Avena
  • “THE REVOLUTION WITH JIM & TRAV” EXPANDS PARTNERSHIP WITH OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN GROUP – NETWORKS Nationally Syndicated Radio Show to Now Serve as Official Radio Program of Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network   Denver – March 8, 2016 – Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, including Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network, today announced the expansion of its multi-platform partnership with The Revolution with Jim & Trav (The Revolution). The largest nationally syndicated radio show and podcast dedicated to outdoor lifestyle enthusiasts has been serving as “The Official Radio Program of Outdoor Channel” since 2013 and will now add Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network as title sponsors.   Hosted by father and son team Jim and Travis Ferguson, The Revolution airs on 444 radio stations, including American Forces Radio Network on satellite radio. The award-winning radio show is heard by a projected audience of more than 7.2 million listeners across 34 states in the U.S. and all Canadian provinces.   The three networks – Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network – will now serve as title sponsors of The Revolution. The partnership also enables shared cross-promotional marketing opportunities.   “After three years of working together, we are pleased to expand our relationship with The Revolution to not only include Outdoor Channel, but Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network as well,” said Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks CEO and President Jim Liberatore. “As the premier voice of the outdoor airwaves, listeners of their program will now have unmatched access to talent from our full media and entertainment brand portfolio.”   “The Revolution is the comprehensive source for all things outdoors – from hunting and fishing to survival techniques and industry news. We have built a foundation of more than 7.2 million listeners who religiously tune in to broaden their endemic knowledge and connect with our industry leading guests,” said Jim Ferguson, co-host of The Revolution. “By bolstering our relationship with Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, together, we are super-serving our core audiences of outdoor adventure seekers.”   Each week, The Revolution brings its one-hour talk radio show to listeners with an endless roster of special guests – from celebrities to outdoor pros – sharing expert advice and personal anecdotes from their experience in the great outdoors. Since the show’s inception, Jim and Travis have interviewed more than 1,700 celebrities, recorded more than 1,600 product reviews and 700 vehicle reviews, and shared information on hundreds of outdoor trail destinations featuring some of the finest hunting and fishing spots in North America and around the world.   About The Revolution with Jim & Trav Airing on 444 radio and cable stations in the U.S., as well as on American Forces Radio Network, The Revolution with Jim & Trav is a popular radio show and podcast geared towards outdoor enthusiasts. The award-winning program is heard by a projected audience of more than 7.2 million listeners in 34 states in the U.S., in addition to all Canadian provinces. In 2013, The Revolution became the official radio show of Outdoor Channel, and has since expanded to be the official radio show for Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network. The Revolution also creates programming for and, and produces podcasts for The Hunting Wire and iTunes. For program times, stations and other information, visit or Follow The Revolution on Facebook and Twitter. #TheRevolution   About Outdoor Sportsman Group Outdoor Sportsman Group is comprised of the world’s foremost media and entertainment brands for outdoor adventure enthusiasts. It includes three leading multichannel networks: Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel and World Fishing Network. The Group also consists of a number of established integrated media assets: 15 outdoor magazines, such as Guns & Ammo, Petersen’s Bowhunting and Florida Sportsman, and 17 top websites, including Additionally, Outdoor Sportsman Group includes television production operations, Winnercomm, as well as aerial camera businesses, SkyCam and CableCam.   About Outdoor Channel Outdoor Channel has been taking viewers across America and around the world on unparalleled adventures since 1993. Dedicated to the outdoor lifestyle and conservation, the independent cable network is a division of Outdoor Sportsman Group and provides a complete spectrum of riveting hunting, fishing, shooting and adventure entertainment. Outdoor Channel has the largest outdoor TV footprint in the country and is available in more than 50 countries internationally. Outdoor Channel can be viewed in HD and is accessible by broadband and mobile platforms. For program times and other information, visit Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, and download our iPhone and iPad app. #WhatGetsYouOutdoors   About Sportsman Channel Launched in 2003, Sportsman Channel/Sportsman HD is a television and digital media company fully devoted to honoring a lifestyle that is celebrated by millions of Americans. A division of Outdoor Sportsman Group, Sportsman Channel delivers entertaining and informative programming that showcases outdoor adventure, hunting and fishing, and illustrates it through unique and authentic storytelling. Sportsman Channel embraces the attitude of “Red, Wild & Blue America” – where the American Spirit and Great Outdoors are celebrated in equal measure. Stay connected to Sportsman Channel online at, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.   About World Fishing Network World Fishing Network is North America’s only television network, online and mobile platform dedicated exclusively to fishing and outdoor enthusiasts with programming that covers instruction, tips, tournaments, travel, food, boating, outdoor lifestyle and more. Available to cable, satellite and telco subscribers throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean, our lineup includes a selection of the best international series and the most diverse species coverage of any TV channel hosted by some of the top anglers from North America and across the globe. For more information, please visit and follow us at Facebook and Twitter.
    Mar 08, 2016 782
  • 01 Mar 2016
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: BADLANDS ANNOUNCES A BOLD NEW APPROACH TO CAMOUFLAGE TECHNOLOGY   West Jordan, UT – After undertaking the company’s biggest project to date three years ago, Badlands has announced that Approach Evasion Technology is ready to conceal hunters everywhere in 2016. Developed around a “Design, Test, Repeat” mentality, the Badlands Approach pattern evolved into the most versatile and adaptable camouflage to date.   Based on Badlands’ “Adaptive Coloration Technology,” the look and feel of the Approach pattern changes based on the wearer’s surroundings and lighting conditions. Heavily wooded forests shift Approach to a green and brown dominant pattern while sagebrush and rock bring out the lighter tones of the Approach pattern. Tested at both extreme distances and up close, Badlands Approach features an innovative breakup pattern to ensure visual confusion for whatever may be looking the wearer’s way, no matter the distance.   “The Approach project got its name for two reasons,” said Badlands General Manager Bill Crawley. “First, we truly did take a brand-new approach to looking at how and why camouflage is effective. Second, this pattern will really allow you to physically approach the game you pursue more effectively and get you closer than ever before.”    Available Spring/Summer 2016, Badlands Approach will first be offered on several Badlands packs and all-new apparel items. Pricing will vary. Additional information can be found at Now in its 20th year, Badlands continues to focus on exceptional quality, continuing innovation, unmatched performance and as always the only unconditional lifetime warranty in the industry.
    1023 Posted by Chris Avena
  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: BADLANDS ANNOUNCES A BOLD NEW APPROACH TO CAMOUFLAGE TECHNOLOGY   West Jordan, UT – After undertaking the company’s biggest project to date three years ago, Badlands has announced that Approach Evasion Technology is ready to conceal hunters everywhere in 2016. Developed around a “Design, Test, Repeat” mentality, the Badlands Approach pattern evolved into the most versatile and adaptable camouflage to date.   Based on Badlands’ “Adaptive Coloration Technology,” the look and feel of the Approach pattern changes based on the wearer’s surroundings and lighting conditions. Heavily wooded forests shift Approach to a green and brown dominant pattern while sagebrush and rock bring out the lighter tones of the Approach pattern. Tested at both extreme distances and up close, Badlands Approach features an innovative breakup pattern to ensure visual confusion for whatever may be looking the wearer’s way, no matter the distance.   “The Approach project got its name for two reasons,” said Badlands General Manager Bill Crawley. “First, we truly did take a brand-new approach to looking at how and why camouflage is effective. Second, this pattern will really allow you to physically approach the game you pursue more effectively and get you closer than ever before.”    Available Spring/Summer 2016, Badlands Approach will first be offered on several Badlands packs and all-new apparel items. Pricing will vary. Additional information can be found at Now in its 20th year, Badlands continues to focus on exceptional quality, continuing innovation, unmatched performance and as always the only unconditional lifetime warranty in the industry.
    Mar 01, 2016 1023
  • 03 Feb 2016
                                                                                            Safari Club International 2016   February 3rd - 7th we will be attending the 44th Annual Safari Club International Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The Safari Club International Convention is over one million square feet with more than 1200 exhibitors.     Over 20,000 hunters are expected to attend this years SCI Convention to interact with guides and outfitters from 33 countries from around the word. There will be 110 of the worlds best taxidermists at this years SCI Convention to display their work throughout the show floor.     You can participate in live or silent auctions for hunts, fishing trips, art, firearms and jewelry worth over 10 million dollars. The funds raised during this SCI Convention account for 70% of money raised through out the year that supports SCI Conservation programs and hunter advocacy.     Come down to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and support the future of hunting and conservation.
    978 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                                                                         Safari Club International 2016   February 3rd - 7th we will be attending the 44th Annual Safari Club International Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The Safari Club International Convention is over one million square feet with more than 1200 exhibitors.     Over 20,000 hunters are expected to attend this years SCI Convention to interact with guides and outfitters from 33 countries from around the word. There will be 110 of the worlds best taxidermists at this years SCI Convention to display their work throughout the show floor.     You can participate in live or silent auctions for hunts, fishing trips, art, firearms and jewelry worth over 10 million dollars. The funds raised during this SCI Convention account for 70% of money raised through out the year that supports SCI Conservation programs and hunter advocacy.     Come down to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and support the future of hunting and conservation.
    Feb 03, 2016 978
  • 20 Jan 2016
    GLOCK Releases Two New MOS Pistols: G17 Gen4 in MOS & G19 Gen4 in MOS   Las Vegas, Nev. – Jan. 18, 2016 Today, GLOCK, Inc., announced the release of two new pistols to join the Modular Optic System (MOS) series, the G17 Gen4 in MOS and the G19 Gen4 in MOS. Now, two of GLOCK’s best selling pistols are available with milled slides designed specifically to be adaptable to multiple optic systems without costly customization. The G17 Gen4 MOS and G19 Gen4 MOS are the ideal addition to the series as the market continues to trend toward optic-ready everyday carry and defense. “We’re seeing more and more professional trainers recommend the use of optics for primary and defensive use,” stated Josh Dorsey, vice president at GLOCK. “Optic ready pistols will enable faster target acquisition when a reflex sight is mounted.” Both pistols are chambered in .9mm and do not differ in specifications from their respective standard models. Other MOS pistols, introduced in January of 2015, are the G34 Gen4 MOS, G35 Gen4 MOS, G41 Gen4 MOS, and the G40 Gen4 MOS. The new models were unveiled today at the Range Day for SHOT Show and will be on display at the GLOCK booth (#12254) throughout the week. The pistols will be available for purchase at retailers in the following weeks.
    1225 Posted by Chris Avena
  • GLOCK Releases Two New MOS Pistols: G17 Gen4 in MOS & G19 Gen4 in MOS   Las Vegas, Nev. – Jan. 18, 2016 Today, GLOCK, Inc., announced the release of two new pistols to join the Modular Optic System (MOS) series, the G17 Gen4 in MOS and the G19 Gen4 in MOS. Now, two of GLOCK’s best selling pistols are available with milled slides designed specifically to be adaptable to multiple optic systems without costly customization. The G17 Gen4 MOS and G19 Gen4 MOS are the ideal addition to the series as the market continues to trend toward optic-ready everyday carry and defense. “We’re seeing more and more professional trainers recommend the use of optics for primary and defensive use,” stated Josh Dorsey, vice president at GLOCK. “Optic ready pistols will enable faster target acquisition when a reflex sight is mounted.” Both pistols are chambered in .9mm and do not differ in specifications from their respective standard models. Other MOS pistols, introduced in January of 2015, are the G34 Gen4 MOS, G35 Gen4 MOS, G41 Gen4 MOS, and the G40 Gen4 MOS. The new models were unveiled today at the Range Day for SHOT Show and will be on display at the GLOCK booth (#12254) throughout the week. The pistols will be available for purchase at retailers in the following weeks.
    Jan 20, 2016 1225
  • 11 Jan 2016
                                                                                                                                MEDIA ADVISORY                                               Outdoor Sportsman Group at SHOT Show 2016   DENVER (January 11, 2016) – Outdoor Sportsman Group brands – including premier outdoor lifestyle cable networks, Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, as well as the industry-leading publishing and digital brands from Outdoor Sportsman Group – Integrated Media, such as Guns & Ammo, Petersen’s Hunting, North American Whitetail, Rifle Shooter and Game & Fish – are once again an integral part of this year’s National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) annual Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. The Las Vegas, Nevada gathering, taking place from Tuesday, January 19 through Friday, January 22, is one of the largest and most comprehensive trade shows for hunting, shooting, military and law enforcement industries.   Fans of the brands are invited to stop by the Outdoor Sportsman Group booth #13923 on the show floor for giveaways – including branded buffs and camo stress balls – and to learn about the world’s largest multimedia portfolio dedicated to the outdoor lifestyle.   Take Aim: Introducing American Marksman Tuesday, January 19 to Friday, January 22 ▪ During Show Hours | Sands Expo & Convention Center ▪ Booth L218, Level 2   In 2016, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be launching a groundbreaking new target shooting competition called American Marksman, which gives amateur shooters the chance to compete and earn their way to a national championship. Throughout the year, competitors in four categories – Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Junior (ages 12-17) and Military/Law Enforcement – will participate in local and regional events and a national championship that will be filmed for a network television series.   If you think you have what it takes, stop by the American Marksman booth #L218 to sign-up for a local qualifying event near you. For more information about the nationwide shooting competition, go to, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook by using: #AmericanMarksman.   SHOT Show Retailer Seminar: Merchandising to Women Hunters Thursday, January 21 ▪ 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ Lando Ballroom, Room 4302   This year, several Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel all-stars will be featured on an educational panel targeted towards helping endemic retailers attract and retain female customers. From merchandising to store layout and marketing initiatives, this session will address the specific needs of women hunters.   The panel will feature: Tiffany Lakosky, co-host of Outdoor Channel’s Crush with Lee & Tiffany; Melissa Bachman, host of Sportsman Channel TV show Winchester Deadly Passion; Shannon Reaser, a young hunter and TV personality; Judy Rhodes, founder of the DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide; and panel moderator Barbara Baird, publisher Women’s Outdoor News. To register, visit your dashboard at after applying to attend the 2016 SHOT Show and add this event to your shopping cart.   And the Outdoor Sportsman Award Goes to… Thursday, January 21 ▪ 8 - 11 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ The Venetian Theatre   Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel are joining forces for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA) to honor the networks’ notable talent and production teams. The invitation-only signature event will be co-hosted by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector. Joining him as co-host this year is Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN. Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded red carpet event also will include a musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   This year, 17 accolades will be handed out, including the Fan Favorite Best Host/s for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel as voted on by loyal viewers. Among the OSA presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   For fans at home, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet and SHOT Show will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.   Live from SHOT Show: Down Range TV Live Stream Tuesday, January 19 to Thursday, January 21 ▪ 1 - 3 p.m. PT | Sands Expo & Convention Center   For the first time ever, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be live streaming directly from the SHOT Show floor on Down Range TV Live Stream. Hosted by Outdoor Channel personality Michael Bane, the program will provide an inside look at what's new and trending within shooting sports, hunting and personal defense. Swing by booth #L218 or tune in online via to see Bane interview a surprise lineup of Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel talent, as well as makers of firearms, ammunition, outdoor apparel, optics, and related products and services, throughout the week.
    10327 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                                                                                                             MEDIA ADVISORY                                               Outdoor Sportsman Group at SHOT Show 2016   DENVER (January 11, 2016) – Outdoor Sportsman Group brands – including premier outdoor lifestyle cable networks, Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, as well as the industry-leading publishing and digital brands from Outdoor Sportsman Group – Integrated Media, such as Guns & Ammo, Petersen’s Hunting, North American Whitetail, Rifle Shooter and Game & Fish – are once again an integral part of this year’s National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) annual Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. The Las Vegas, Nevada gathering, taking place from Tuesday, January 19 through Friday, January 22, is one of the largest and most comprehensive trade shows for hunting, shooting, military and law enforcement industries.   Fans of the brands are invited to stop by the Outdoor Sportsman Group booth #13923 on the show floor for giveaways – including branded buffs and camo stress balls – and to learn about the world’s largest multimedia portfolio dedicated to the outdoor lifestyle.   Take Aim: Introducing American Marksman Tuesday, January 19 to Friday, January 22 ▪ During Show Hours | Sands Expo & Convention Center ▪ Booth L218, Level 2   In 2016, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be launching a groundbreaking new target shooting competition called American Marksman, which gives amateur shooters the chance to compete and earn their way to a national championship. Throughout the year, competitors in four categories – Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Junior (ages 12-17) and Military/Law Enforcement – will participate in local and regional events and a national championship that will be filmed for a network television series.   If you think you have what it takes, stop by the American Marksman booth #L218 to sign-up for a local qualifying event near you. For more information about the nationwide shooting competition, go to, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook by using: #AmericanMarksman.   SHOT Show Retailer Seminar: Merchandising to Women Hunters Thursday, January 21 ▪ 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ Lando Ballroom, Room 4302   This year, several Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel all-stars will be featured on an educational panel targeted towards helping endemic retailers attract and retain female customers. From merchandising to store layout and marketing initiatives, this session will address the specific needs of women hunters.   The panel will feature: Tiffany Lakosky, co-host of Outdoor Channel’s Crush with Lee & Tiffany; Melissa Bachman, host of Sportsman Channel TV show Winchester Deadly Passion; Shannon Reaser, a young hunter and TV personality; Judy Rhodes, founder of the DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide; and panel moderator Barbara Baird, publisher Women’s Outdoor News. To register, visit your dashboard at after applying to attend the 2016 SHOT Show and add this event to your shopping cart.   And the Outdoor Sportsman Award Goes to… Thursday, January 21 ▪ 8 - 11 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ The Venetian Theatre   Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel are joining forces for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA) to honor the networks’ notable talent and production teams. The invitation-only signature event will be co-hosted by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector. Joining him as co-host this year is Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN. Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded red carpet event also will include a musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   This year, 17 accolades will be handed out, including the Fan Favorite Best Host/s for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel as voted on by loyal viewers. Among the OSA presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   For fans at home, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet and SHOT Show will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.   Live from SHOT Show: Down Range TV Live Stream Tuesday, January 19 to Thursday, January 21 ▪ 1 - 3 p.m. PT | Sands Expo & Convention Center   For the first time ever, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be live streaming directly from the SHOT Show floor on Down Range TV Live Stream. Hosted by Outdoor Channel personality Michael Bane, the program will provide an inside look at what's new and trending within shooting sports, hunting and personal defense. Swing by booth #L218 or tune in online via to see Bane interview a surprise lineup of Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel talent, as well as makers of firearms, ammunition, outdoor apparel, optics, and related products and services, throughout the week.
    Jan 11, 2016 10327
  • 05 Jan 2016
              NSSF Statement: "Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and make Our Communities Safer"   We all share the goal of reducing the intentional misuse of guns and enhancing the safety of our communities. As the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) will carefully review all aspects of the executive actions that President Obama announced today. Much remains to be spelled out. In the interim we have some initial reactions:   •We support further resources being allocated to staffing and increasing operational hours for the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to make the system more efficient and responsive. •We represent Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs). The criteria for what will constitute being "engaged in the business" going forward needs considerable clarification and raises questions about enforceability. •The number of firearms lost or stolen while in transit to or from FFLs is less than 0.15 percent of the number manufactured and imported in a given year. In these rare occurrences, FFLs already actively participate in ATF's long-standing voluntary reporting program and FFLs and common carriers work closely with ATF to investigate them. Proposals to make a shipping FFL responsible for tracking and reporting firearms no longer in their inventories, after the legal title has been transferred to the purchaser, are misdirected, as the receiving FFL is in the best position to know if it receives its shipment. •We have long called for the effective enforcement of the numerous laws already on the books regarding the criminal misuse of firearms and would encourage the administration to carry through on this directive. •NSSF has been working actively since early 2013 through our FixNICS initiative to encourage states to report all appropriate adjudicated mental health records to NICS and has succeeded in getting legislation passed in more than a dozen states. We welcome the administration's attention to this issue. •With regard to the development of "smart-gun" technology, the industry has never opposed its development. How additional government research into this technology would advance it is unclear. Law enforcement agencies and consumers themselves will have to make the determination whether acquisition of firearms with this technology "would be consistent with operational needs," as the White House itself states. We would continue to oppose mandates for this technology, particularly since there are well proven existing methods to secure firearms, and firearms accidents are at historic low levels.   NSSF will have additional responses in the days, weeks and months ahead, especially as federal departments and agencies begin the work of carrying out the executive orders.
    980 Posted by Chris Avena
  •           NSSF Statement: "Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and make Our Communities Safer"   We all share the goal of reducing the intentional misuse of guns and enhancing the safety of our communities. As the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) will carefully review all aspects of the executive actions that President Obama announced today. Much remains to be spelled out. In the interim we have some initial reactions:   •We support further resources being allocated to staffing and increasing operational hours for the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to make the system more efficient and responsive. •We represent Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs). The criteria for what will constitute being "engaged in the business" going forward needs considerable clarification and raises questions about enforceability. •The number of firearms lost or stolen while in transit to or from FFLs is less than 0.15 percent of the number manufactured and imported in a given year. In these rare occurrences, FFLs already actively participate in ATF's long-standing voluntary reporting program and FFLs and common carriers work closely with ATF to investigate them. Proposals to make a shipping FFL responsible for tracking and reporting firearms no longer in their inventories, after the legal title has been transferred to the purchaser, are misdirected, as the receiving FFL is in the best position to know if it receives its shipment. •We have long called for the effective enforcement of the numerous laws already on the books regarding the criminal misuse of firearms and would encourage the administration to carry through on this directive. •NSSF has been working actively since early 2013 through our FixNICS initiative to encourage states to report all appropriate adjudicated mental health records to NICS and has succeeded in getting legislation passed in more than a dozen states. We welcome the administration's attention to this issue. •With regard to the development of "smart-gun" technology, the industry has never opposed its development. How additional government research into this technology would advance it is unclear. Law enforcement agencies and consumers themselves will have to make the determination whether acquisition of firearms with this technology "would be consistent with operational needs," as the White House itself states. We would continue to oppose mandates for this technology, particularly since there are well proven existing methods to secure firearms, and firearms accidents are at historic low levels.   NSSF will have additional responses in the days, weeks and months ahead, especially as federal departments and agencies begin the work of carrying out the executive orders.
    Jan 05, 2016 980
  • 05 Jan 2016
    OUTDOOR CHANNEL AND SPORTSMAN CHANNEL UNVEIL NOMINEES FOR THE 16TH ANNUAL OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN AWARDS   Michael Waddell and Tom McMillan to Co-Host; Taya Kyle, Willie Robertson, Eva Shockey and More Among the Presenters; Legendary Rock & Roll Musical Guest and Kristy Lee Cook to Perform   DENVER (January 5, 2016) – Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, part of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, today announced the nominees for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA). The OSA serve as the hallmark event to recognize the outstanding programming created by Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel’s talent and production teams during the previous year.   The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at The Venetian in Las Vegas during the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s annual industry gathering, the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. In addition to the 15 awards outlined below, a coveted Fan Favorite Host(s) award for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel will be handed out that night, as voted on by thousands of the networks’ biggest fans.   “After more than a year as a unified force created to super-serve passionate audiences that are dedicated to the growing outdoor lifestyle in America, Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks is pleased to come together to honor the very best in outdoor television,” said Jim Liberatore, CEO and President of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks. “With so many remarkable shows on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel that are brought to life by the incredible work of our talent, producers, directors, writers, camera crews, editors and others, 2015 was truly an extraordinary year for our industry and I look forward to presenting these lauded accolades."   This year’s awards show will be emceed by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector, along with Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN.   Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded gathering also will include a special musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   Among the Outdoor Sportsman Awards presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   This year, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.
    974 Posted by Chris Avena
  • OUTDOOR CHANNEL AND SPORTSMAN CHANNEL UNVEIL NOMINEES FOR THE 16TH ANNUAL OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN AWARDS   Michael Waddell and Tom McMillan to Co-Host; Taya Kyle, Willie Robertson, Eva Shockey and More Among the Presenters; Legendary Rock & Roll Musical Guest and Kristy Lee Cook to Perform   DENVER (January 5, 2016) – Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, part of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, today announced the nominees for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA). The OSA serve as the hallmark event to recognize the outstanding programming created by Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel’s talent and production teams during the previous year.   The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at The Venetian in Las Vegas during the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s annual industry gathering, the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. In addition to the 15 awards outlined below, a coveted Fan Favorite Host(s) award for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel will be handed out that night, as voted on by thousands of the networks’ biggest fans.   “After more than a year as a unified force created to super-serve passionate audiences that are dedicated to the growing outdoor lifestyle in America, Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks is pleased to come together to honor the very best in outdoor television,” said Jim Liberatore, CEO and President of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks. “With so many remarkable shows on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel that are brought to life by the incredible work of our talent, producers, directors, writers, camera crews, editors and others, 2015 was truly an extraordinary year for our industry and I look forward to presenting these lauded accolades."   This year’s awards show will be emceed by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector, along with Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN.   Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded gathering also will include a special musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   Among the Outdoor Sportsman Awards presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   This year, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.
    Jan 05, 2016 974
  • 21 Dec 2015
                                                                    Sure-Shot Game Calls Upgrades the Yentzen One   Groves, TX - In 2014, when Sure-Shot Game Calls introduced the Yentzen ONE duck call, it followed on the heels of the World Champion Original Yentzen which, as the first ever double-reed system, revolutionized the duck call industry back in the 1950s. Now, the new and improved Yentzen ONE is taking it into the next generation.   The Sure-Shot Yentzen ONE has earned respect among duck hunters due to the tonal quality which makes the true sounds of waterfowl and the Yentzen ONE nearly undistinguishable. The new proprietary CNC machined body of the Yentzen ONE also features a Cerekote™ khaki-colored band giving it a sure grip. The newly patented Screw-Lock System makes it the loudest and strongest duck call on the market. The re-engineered Screw-Lock System protects the integrity of the call, eliminates the need for O-Rings, while also preventing air loss.   The Yentzen ONE features a Sure-Quack reed system which better controls the vibration within the call. This, combined with the Sure-Quack trough system provides better tonal qualities. Lastly, the Sure-Quack peg design allows the reed to pivot for better control. The new and improved Yentzen ONE has an MSRP of $155.98.   About Sure-Shot Game Calls: The 60+ year old company was founded by James "Cowboy" Fernandez and George Yentzen in Nederland, Texas in the early 1940s. After many prototypes, their first product, the 1950 patented Yentzen, became the very first double-reed duck call introduced to the marketplace. In 1959, Cowboy Fernandez entered several duck calling competitions and both he and the Yentzen Caller became world class champions. When the elderly Cowboy Fernandez backed off of production, Charlie Holder purchased the company in 2011. Today, Sure-Shot offers over two dozen game calls for waterfowl, predator, deer, and turkey.   For more information about Sure-Shot's complete line of game calls, visit their website at
    945 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                                                 Sure-Shot Game Calls Upgrades the Yentzen One   Groves, TX - In 2014, when Sure-Shot Game Calls introduced the Yentzen ONE duck call, it followed on the heels of the World Champion Original Yentzen which, as the first ever double-reed system, revolutionized the duck call industry back in the 1950s. Now, the new and improved Yentzen ONE is taking it into the next generation.   The Sure-Shot Yentzen ONE has earned respect among duck hunters due to the tonal quality which makes the true sounds of waterfowl and the Yentzen ONE nearly undistinguishable. The new proprietary CNC machined body of the Yentzen ONE also features a Cerekote™ khaki-colored band giving it a sure grip. The newly patented Screw-Lock System makes it the loudest and strongest duck call on the market. The re-engineered Screw-Lock System protects the integrity of the call, eliminates the need for O-Rings, while also preventing air loss.   The Yentzen ONE features a Sure-Quack reed system which better controls the vibration within the call. This, combined with the Sure-Quack trough system provides better tonal qualities. Lastly, the Sure-Quack peg design allows the reed to pivot for better control. The new and improved Yentzen ONE has an MSRP of $155.98.   About Sure-Shot Game Calls: The 60+ year old company was founded by James "Cowboy" Fernandez and George Yentzen in Nederland, Texas in the early 1940s. After many prototypes, their first product, the 1950 patented Yentzen, became the very first double-reed duck call introduced to the marketplace. In 1959, Cowboy Fernandez entered several duck calling competitions and both he and the Yentzen Caller became world class champions. When the elderly Cowboy Fernandez backed off of production, Charlie Holder purchased the company in 2011. Today, Sure-Shot offers over two dozen game calls for waterfowl, predator, deer, and turkey.   For more information about Sure-Shot's complete line of game calls, visit their website at
    Dec 21, 2015 945
  • 21 Dec 2015
                  Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount For Seek Thermal’s CompactXR Camera Now Shipping   Product showcases the first integration of Seek’s CompactXR thermal image camera into a night vision scope at a price point of less than $500   SANDPOINT, Idaho, December 21, 2015 – Inteliscope LLC today announced it is now shipping the patented Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek Thermal’s award-winning CompactXR thermal imaging camera. Inteliscope is the first company to integrate the Compact XR into a night vision scope at a price point of $497.   “With a highly successful pre-sale campaign for the Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek’s CompactXR, we could not be more pleased to bring this product to market,” said Jason Giddings, Inteliscope’s CEO. “This product is such a great example of how Inteliscope is tapping into the latest technologies to help our customer base perform better and be safer in the field.”   “We are excited to see new innovations through the use of our products and SDK starting with Inteliscope’s mounting kit,” said Tracy Benson, VP of Global Marketing for Seek Thermal. “The idea that the Inteliscope team could quickly make an accessory suitable for their customers leveraging the same smartphone CompactXR device and Seekware SDK at affordable prices is remarkable."   The $497 Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount bundle provides a quality night vision experience for a fraction of the cost of stand-alone units. The Inteliscope PRO+ mounts any smartphone to the shooters rifle and the Seek XR is integrated into the PRO+ mount using a snap-in bracket with a short extending cable to the phone, providing firm support to improve accuracy and eliminate issues with high recoil. Seek’s CompactXR can detect temperatures from -40° up to 626° Fahrenheit, with the ability to detect heat up to 1,800 feet away.   About InteliScope  InteleScope LLC is a business entity established to bring to market the Inteliscope tactical firearm mount and smartphone device apps. Inteliscope products are designed and assembled in North Idaho. The Inteliscope product lines may be purchased online at or from over 600 dealers worldwide. To place an order or to learn more, go to   About Seek Thermal   Seek Thermal engineers, designs, and manufactures high quality thermal imaging products, Seekware SDK, and core platforms for consumer, commercial, and heat sensing IoT data applications. With headquarters in Santa Barbara, California, the global hub of thermal imaging innovation, the company has developed breakthrough thermal imaging camera cores that will enable a range of affordable products for use at home, work, and play. Inteliscope, the Inteliscope logo, and Inteliscope PRO+ are trademarks of Inteliscope. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    220268 Posted by Chris Avena
  •               Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount For Seek Thermal’s CompactXR Camera Now Shipping   Product showcases the first integration of Seek’s CompactXR thermal image camera into a night vision scope at a price point of less than $500   SANDPOINT, Idaho, December 21, 2015 – Inteliscope LLC today announced it is now shipping the patented Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek Thermal’s award-winning CompactXR thermal imaging camera. Inteliscope is the first company to integrate the Compact XR into a night vision scope at a price point of $497.   “With a highly successful pre-sale campaign for the Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek’s CompactXR, we could not be more pleased to bring this product to market,” said Jason Giddings, Inteliscope’s CEO. “This product is such a great example of how Inteliscope is tapping into the latest technologies to help our customer base perform better and be safer in the field.”   “We are excited to see new innovations through the use of our products and SDK starting with Inteliscope’s mounting kit,” said Tracy Benson, VP of Global Marketing for Seek Thermal. “The idea that the Inteliscope team could quickly make an accessory suitable for their customers leveraging the same smartphone CompactXR device and Seekware SDK at affordable prices is remarkable."   The $497 Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount bundle provides a quality night vision experience for a fraction of the cost of stand-alone units. The Inteliscope PRO+ mounts any smartphone to the shooters rifle and the Seek XR is integrated into the PRO+ mount using a snap-in bracket with a short extending cable to the phone, providing firm support to improve accuracy and eliminate issues with high recoil. Seek’s CompactXR can detect temperatures from -40° up to 626° Fahrenheit, with the ability to detect heat up to 1,800 feet away.   About InteliScope  InteleScope LLC is a business entity established to bring to market the Inteliscope tactical firearm mount and smartphone device apps. Inteliscope products are designed and assembled in North Idaho. The Inteliscope product lines may be purchased online at or from over 600 dealers worldwide. To place an order or to learn more, go to   About Seek Thermal   Seek Thermal engineers, designs, and manufactures high quality thermal imaging products, Seekware SDK, and core platforms for consumer, commercial, and heat sensing IoT data applications. With headquarters in Santa Barbara, California, the global hub of thermal imaging innovation, the company has developed breakthrough thermal imaging camera cores that will enable a range of affordable products for use at home, work, and play. Inteliscope, the Inteliscope logo, and Inteliscope PRO+ are trademarks of Inteliscope. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    Dec 21, 2015 220268