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  • 21 May 2010
     Hello to all, my name is Mike.  I recently purchased my first guns.  A Marlin 336 in 30-30 winchester, and a mossberg 500 in a 20 gauge. i also have a 12 gauge, but thats for home defense purposes.  my main reason for starting this topic is because i am very interested in hunting, however i do not know anyone that hunts.  i am taking my hunter safety course the first week of june (2 weeks) i am looking for someone to take me under their wing and basically teach me how to hunt, and do it while still showing respect for the outdoors and other living creatures as well as being mindful of other hunters.  i am willing to pay for any expenses that are necessary, however im not trying to break the bank.  i am becoming a marine in the next few months and this is something i have wanted to do all my life, but it goes against everything i was ever taught growing up.  hunting is also something that i was taught never to do, however i have always wanted to.  i would like the opportunity to try it before going to parris island.  if anyone is interested please do not hesitate to contact me.  thanks for taking the time to read this...---Mike
    1252 Posted by Mike Lopez
1,083 views May 21, 2010

What kinds of guns do you guys/gals own?


What kinds of guns do you guys/gals do you think are must haves? 

  • Chris Avena
    Chris Avena it depends on what you are hunting. For Deer - I like a 308 but a 30-30 or a 30-06 are great guns too. Personally, I like Remington but thats just me.
    Lets see your opinions guys -
    May 21, 2010
  • Mike Lopez
    Mike Lopez i recently found out that at 300 yards, the bullet drop on a 30-30 is ridiculous...its like pitching softball. so i decided to go purchase a custom left handed bolt action. i want to get a remington 700 in a .308. i was told these are military grade wi...  more
    June 2, 2010
  • Bob Elliott
    Bob Elliott I own a lot of guns (more than I use for hunting). And I feel, if you can afford a gun it is a must have ;)
    November 10, 2010