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656 views Jun 23, 2010
Filming your hunts questions

 Ok, i am just starting out filming my hunts...finally! And I am gonna start out slowly and do some experimenting on my own but was wondering...

A_ do any of you guy's that film use a bow mounted camera? I just ordered a bow mount for my little camera and was wondering how well this works, i know it is not going to win any awards but will definitely get the footage.

B- WHAT CAMERA do you think should be ny first decent camera. My father-in-law has an E-2000 that is AWESOME! but he paid almost 2k for it....I don't have 2k to spend on a camera at this point so need other options...(he is coming over tonight and i am gonna ask him to let me use it, that would be awesome!)

C- Any tips would be appreciated!

Please, please, please give me some helpful advice if you have matter how small! except, don't say not to miss the shot, I got that part figured out:)

  • Outdoors Sportsman Club Brandon
    Outdoors Sportsman Club Brandon Well to be honest I wouldn't prefer the bow mount camera due to the fact when you take the shot take in consideration the vibration of the bow and what will happen with the picture. We are currently using a small camera at this time with a tripod in a gro...  more
    June 23, 2010
  • Derek St.Romain
    Derek St.Romain i have that setup ready for my ground blinds, but was thinking when i go spot and stalk with my bow it would be easier with the bow cam. and that is really just for fun and family hunts with my boys. the next camera is what has me stumped....trying not to...  more
    June 23, 2010
  • Scott Mastowski
    Scott Mastowski If you are still looking for a Camera............Go to this page and check out the Link to Go Pro Camera's. They are by far the most affordable and highest quality outdoor camera for the money!
    I have used others like them.... and nothing comes close!!...  more
    July 19, 2010