Forums » Turkey, Wingshooting Water Fowl

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    • November 18, 2013 5:03 PM EST
    • If you are interested in winning one of these great calls from SeeMeHunt member Thomas Michel, check out the opportunity to win one right here: [url=][/url]

    • February 21, 2011 2:03 PM EST
    • We traveled down to Nashville on Saturday to the Opryland Convention Center to see the NWTF show going on this past weekend. Big crowds, lots of hunters there. We visited briefly with our friends at Woods-N-Water at their booth where they were set up with their Plotmaster machine.

      I enjoyed visiting the big game hunting exhibits as much (more?) than the turkey ones and especially enjoyed seeing the 500+/- mounted heads and animals there, especially the three full body mount grizzly bears. It was a really good time! 
