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  • Topic: How to hang a Moose

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    • July 11, 2010 7:04 AM EDT
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      The age ole theory, do I hang him with the head up or the head down.

      Usually the Moose gets hung up the quickest way possible! Some don't know & some don't care

      & some say this is the way I seen it done for years.

      Same thing as they used to say, hurry & run over to it & slit its throat to let the blood drain out.

      Ole School stuff, once the heart stops beating no more blood is going to flow.

      So where does the blood naturally go, to the heart, & where is most of the meat on a Moose?

      The hind end right! After doing Seminars & talking with Butchers, the best way to hang a Moose or

      any animal for that matter is " HEAD DOWN " this lets the blood to drain naturally from the animal.

      Take this from an Ole Hunter that knows.

    • August 1, 2010 4:46 PM EDT
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      I think this depends more on what your doing with the moose, Our seasons are early here, so we don't leave them hanging long, take some pic, skin them out and quarter them up, which seems to be easier to do hanging them by the head. And also the way we have always done it. we can start the hide with a knives, and then pull it off mostly with a 4 wheeler / truck and a rope. the head may be up out of reach, but the rest of the moose is easy to get at, where I think hanging by the hind legs, the hind quarters would be out of reach or the head in the way. Do you use a good rugged spreading bar or 2 sets of chain falls when hanging a moose head down? Will a moose still hang evenly when you start quartering it off one side, using a spreading bar? I guess everyone has there own way of doing things, and reasons for them.
    • August 1, 2010 11:13 PM EDT
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      A good spreading Bar goes a long way!
      I like your way & your theory, But as you say to each his own.
      I also seen that a well oiled Chian Saw, with Vegetable Oil,
      works great on cutting the spine down the middle & halfing the Moose.
      Depending on how warm it gets in Camp the onger you can hang it the better, but in most cases its too warm so the hang him, shin him, job has to be done fast & get the Moose to a cooler or Butcher ...A.S.A.P,
      Thanx for your input, & good luck with all your hunts


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