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Chris Avena 's Entries

206 blogs
  • 15 Dec 2012
    I know that Many - Including myself are in disbelief of the senseless shooting of those innocent children yesterday. I cringe at the thought that - what if it was my kid. It is a terrible thing and as a parent - my heart goes out to the parents who lost a child at the hand of this misguided individual.With that said- I know that once again gun laws are thrust into the spot light and what it really comes down to is Criminals & Psycho's do not obtain a gun through legal  means.  Our Right to Bare Arms is not an amendment to insure that we can go hunting. It is an amendment that is there to give us the ability to protect ourselves from our enemies - Both Foreign & Domestic. It gives us the basic right to protect our freedoms. Our Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion, free to own properties & Live Our Way of Life. People Just Do Not Get It!Maybe it should be mandatory that we read the Bill of Rights Once in a while - To remember why hundreds of thousands of Americans fought & Died to Protect our way of life. To protect the right to have an opinion. Weather you agree or disagree, THAT is Our Right."Because a well-regulated militia is necessary to national security, the right of the people to keep and bear arms may not be infringed". With all of the Terrorism in the world today - Our Right To Bare Arms is more important today than it has Ever Been in Our Great Countries History.We can turn a blind eye to what is going on in the world around us and say - "No, that could never happen here"Well It Has Happened Here. It happened on September 11th, 2001 and it can happen again.Let keep our eyes on the real issue at hand. A mentally ill person took the lives of countless innocent people yesterday. My prayers and condolences go out to the family and friends of all who have been touched by this situation
    1090 Posted by Chris Avena
  • I know that Many - Including myself are in disbelief of the senseless shooting of those innocent children yesterday. I cringe at the thought that - what if it was my kid. It is a terrible thing and as a parent - my heart goes out to the parents who lost a child at the hand of this misguided individual.With that said- I know that once again gun laws are thrust into the spot light and what it really comes down to is Criminals & Psycho's do not obtain a gun through legal  means.  Our Right to Bare Arms is not an amendment to insure that we can go hunting. It is an amendment that is there to give us the ability to protect ourselves from our enemies - Both Foreign & Domestic. It gives us the basic right to protect our freedoms. Our Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion, free to own properties & Live Our Way of Life. People Just Do Not Get It!Maybe it should be mandatory that we read the Bill of Rights Once in a while - To remember why hundreds of thousands of Americans fought & Died to Protect our way of life. To protect the right to have an opinion. Weather you agree or disagree, THAT is Our Right."Because a well-regulated militia is necessary to national security, the right of the people to keep and bear arms may not be infringed". With all of the Terrorism in the world today - Our Right To Bare Arms is more important today than it has Ever Been in Our Great Countries History.We can turn a blind eye to what is going on in the world around us and say - "No, that could never happen here"Well It Has Happened Here. It happened on September 11th, 2001 and it can happen again.Let keep our eyes on the real issue at hand. A mentally ill person took the lives of countless innocent people yesterday. My prayers and condolences go out to the family and friends of all who have been touched by this situation
    Dec 15, 2012 1090
  • 08 Nov 2012
    Legislative Alert Sportsmen's Act Will Soon Face A Vote NSSF Urges Calls to Your Senators As the 112th Congress begins its post-election session, NSSF encourages all firearms owners, hunters and sportsmen to call or email their U.S. Senators and urge them to vote YES on the Sportsmen's Act (S. 3525), the most important package of measures for the benefit of sportsmen in a generation. An early vote has been cleared procedurally, so act now. This historic legislation includes the firearms industry's top legislative priority, the Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act (S. 838) that would clarify that ammunition is excluded from regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Anti-hunting groups led by the Center for Biological Diversity are suing the EPA to force a ban on traditional ammunition made with lead components that would devastate hunting and shooting sports participation, drive up ammunition prices by almost 200 percent on average and dry up conservation funding. No less than 46 of the nation's leading sportsmen and conservation groups including the NRA, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and the Boone and Crockett Club are championing S. 3525. This bipartisan legislation is strongly supported by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The Sportsmen's Act is a package of 19 separate bills -- the majority of sportsmen's legislative priorities on Capitol Hill. (See below for an overview of the components of the bill.) A similar package of bills--the Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 (H.R. 4089)--was passed by the House in the spring by a bipartisan vote of 276 to 146. Passage of this pro-sportsmen's legislation will promote, protect and preserve our nation's hunting, shooting and conservation heritage for generations to come. Our voices must be heard! As you read this, Anti-hunting forces are working to defeat S. 3525. So act now, call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to vote YES for the bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2012. Sportsmen's Priorities in the Sportsmen's Act of 2012 The Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act: Specifically excludes ammunition and fishing tackle from the Toxic Substances Control Act, preventing unnecessary regulations that could devastate hunting, shooting, conservation funding and the firearm and ammunition industries. Making Public Lands Public: Requires that the 1.5 percent of annual Land and Water Conservation Fund funding is made available to secure public access to federal public land for hunting, fishing, and other recreational purposes. Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act: Makes Pittman-Robertson funds available to states for a longer period of time for the creation and maintenance of shooting ranges. The bill encourages federal land agencies to cooperate with state and local authorities to maintain shooting ranges and limits liability for these agencies.   Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to urge your senators to SUPPORT the Sportsmen's Act of 2012.   --------------------------- Visit NSSF's Government Relations site at
    2062 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Legislative Alert Sportsmen's Act Will Soon Face A Vote NSSF Urges Calls to Your Senators As the 112th Congress begins its post-election session, NSSF encourages all firearms owners, hunters and sportsmen to call or email their U.S. Senators and urge them to vote YES on the Sportsmen's Act (S. 3525), the most important package of measures for the benefit of sportsmen in a generation. An early vote has been cleared procedurally, so act now. This historic legislation includes the firearms industry's top legislative priority, the Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act (S. 838) that would clarify that ammunition is excluded from regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Anti-hunting groups led by the Center for Biological Diversity are suing the EPA to force a ban on traditional ammunition made with lead components that would devastate hunting and shooting sports participation, drive up ammunition prices by almost 200 percent on average and dry up conservation funding. No less than 46 of the nation's leading sportsmen and conservation groups including the NRA, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and the Boone and Crockett Club are championing S. 3525. This bipartisan legislation is strongly supported by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The Sportsmen's Act is a package of 19 separate bills -- the majority of sportsmen's legislative priorities on Capitol Hill. (See below for an overview of the components of the bill.) A similar package of bills--the Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 (H.R. 4089)--was passed by the House in the spring by a bipartisan vote of 276 to 146. Passage of this pro-sportsmen's legislation will promote, protect and preserve our nation's hunting, shooting and conservation heritage for generations to come. Our voices must be heard! As you read this, Anti-hunting forces are working to defeat S. 3525. So act now, call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to vote YES for the bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2012. Sportsmen's Priorities in the Sportsmen's Act of 2012 The Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act: Specifically excludes ammunition and fishing tackle from the Toxic Substances Control Act, preventing unnecessary regulations that could devastate hunting, shooting, conservation funding and the firearm and ammunition industries. Making Public Lands Public: Requires that the 1.5 percent of annual Land and Water Conservation Fund funding is made available to secure public access to federal public land for hunting, fishing, and other recreational purposes. Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act: Makes Pittman-Robertson funds available to states for a longer period of time for the creation and maintenance of shooting ranges. The bill encourages federal land agencies to cooperate with state and local authorities to maintain shooting ranges and limits liability for these agencies.   Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to urge your senators to SUPPORT the Sportsmen's Act of 2012.   --------------------------- Visit NSSF's Government Relations site at
    Nov 08, 2012 2062
  • 04 Oct 2012
    Bow hunting for deer opens in New York Southern Zone By Grandview Outdoors 10/2/2012   A regulation change adopted by the Department of Environmental Conservation moved the opening date of archery season.   ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Bow hunting for deer in New York's Southern Zone is open, two weeks earlier than in the past. A regulation change adopted by the Department of Environmental Conservation moved the opening date of archery season to Oct. 1 in the Southern Zone. Another rule change allows youth age 14 to 15 to carry firearms or crossbows. The state's first youth deer firearms hunt is next weekend, the three-day Columbus Day weekend. The special hunt is part of the state's efforts to encourage more young people to take up hunting. Junior hunters, age 14 and 15, with a big game license will be eligible to shoot one deer of either sex when accompanied by a licensed adult. The hunt is taking place in both the Northern and Southern zones.
    1134 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Bow hunting for deer opens in New York Southern Zone By Grandview Outdoors 10/2/2012   A regulation change adopted by the Department of Environmental Conservation moved the opening date of archery season.   ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Bow hunting for deer in New York's Southern Zone is open, two weeks earlier than in the past. A regulation change adopted by the Department of Environmental Conservation moved the opening date of archery season to Oct. 1 in the Southern Zone. Another rule change allows youth age 14 to 15 to carry firearms or crossbows. The state's first youth deer firearms hunt is next weekend, the three-day Columbus Day weekend. The special hunt is part of the state's efforts to encourage more young people to take up hunting. Junior hunters, age 14 and 15, with a big game license will be eligible to shoot one deer of either sex when accompanied by a licensed adult. The hunt is taking place in both the Northern and Southern zones.
    Oct 04, 2012 1134
  • 04 Sep 2012
    By Chris Avena   There was a time when the Rhino roamed the plains of Africa in vast numbers. However, since the 1970’s, the worlds rhino population has been reduced by approximately 90% due to poaching. Poachers would hunt the rhino just for their horn. There is no scientific evidence that the rhino horn has any medical properties, and yet, poachers still hunt them for their horn illegally. The value of one horn is equal to approximately fifty U.S. Dollars. Even though the rhino’s horn could be removed without harming the animal, they are still slaughtered.   Today, there are less than twenty thousand rhino that roam the plains. With the help of our conservation efforts, those numbers are steadily increasing. This past week, I had the distinct pleasure of hunting with the World Wild Adventure Team. Our destination – South Africa. This particular hunt really did peak my interest. We would be hunting a White Rhino. This was number one on my Big Five hunting list. This hunt would be a bit different than most. This was to be a “Green Hunt”. It would have all of the thrill and excitement of a big game hunt, but instead of using a 375 H & H, I would be hunting this great beast with a tranquilizer gun. The fact is, green hunting requires more skill and precision than hunting with a rifle because the animal must be shot at a much closer range. The darted animals can become very unpredictable. The animal could bolt or it could charge. The tranquilizer gun does not have immediate results like a conventional rifle which leaves a large margin of uncertainty.   After twenty hours of traveling, we finally arrived at Tam Safari’s. Our PH for this trip would be Stephan Tam, a young, confident and very competent professional. I must admit, I was a bit nervous to hunt my first Big Five animal, but all of that would change. We got settled in at the lodge and the hunt would begin the next morning. I was up before sunrise. I was overwhelmed with excitement. I watched the sun come up and I was in awe of just how beautiful it was. We discussed our strategy over breakfast and we set out about eight in the morning. The trackers were out about an hour before us looking for signs of rhino. Around mid day the trackers spotted a rhino going down into a creek bed. We carefully followed over the rocky terrain and down into the creek bed. It was a bit unnerving wading through the high reeds of the creek bed because rhino were not the only big game in the area. There are Lion and Cape Buffalo which are just as aggressive and just as dangerous. We followed the trail out of the creek bed and into the thick brush. My view was obscured by the thick thorny brush that adorns the plains. Our PH, Stephen was on point  and he silently moved us within thirty yards of this six thousand pound colossus. As I cleared the brush, the rhino came into view. My heart skipped a beat when I realized that not more than eighteen yards away were TWO huge rhino’s. There is a certain degree of uncertainty of how a rhino will react when it is shot with a tranquilizer. However, when two rhino’s travel together the risk factor increases considerably. Stephan’s calm demeanor put me at ease while we got set to take the shot. I raised the tranquilizer gun and took careful aim right behind its shoulder. Stephan whispered “Take em when you are ready”. I squeezed off a round and watched as the tranquilizer dart hit home. The time factor fort he tranquilizer to take full effect is approximately fifteen minutes. Fortunately, both rhino’s bolted in the same direction away from our hunting party.   The two rhino’s ran for about a mile with our trackers in hot pursuit. We caught up with them in the truck only to come upon a very dangerous situation. The drug was starting to take effect on the darted rhino, however, his companion was not going to leave his side. With time at the essence, we needed to separate the two as quickly as possible. We tried to scare off the second rhino by beeping the trucks horn but it only seemed to agitate him. The rhino began to charge the truck. Only stopping yards from hitting us on three separate attempts. The situation was dicey to say the least. With the clock ticking, we finally scared off the second rhino. We had to work quickly and efficiently to collect the DNA samples. The veterinarian drew a vile of blood while I took some hair samples and blood swatches. With our main task completed we still had a little time for our recap for World Wild Adventures and snap a few pictures for prosperity.   The DNA samples will be sent to James Derr PHD, the director of the DNA technologies laboratory at Texas A&M University. Doctor Derr supplied us with the DNA kits so we would be able to log the DNA from the rhino into their global data base. We have a responsibility as hunters to assist with the conservation efforts so animals such as the rhino will continue to flourish in the wild for years to come. If this DNA kit were to become standard issue when you applied for your hunting license, we would be able to log in and track a vast variety of species through out the world rather quickly. With this in place, we would have the ability to track various herds from all parts of the globe from one year to the next.
    1382 Posted by Chris Avena
  • By Chris Avena   There was a time when the Rhino roamed the plains of Africa in vast numbers. However, since the 1970’s, the worlds rhino population has been reduced by approximately 90% due to poaching. Poachers would hunt the rhino just for their horn. There is no scientific evidence that the rhino horn has any medical properties, and yet, poachers still hunt them for their horn illegally. The value of one horn is equal to approximately fifty U.S. Dollars. Even though the rhino’s horn could be removed without harming the animal, they are still slaughtered.   Today, there are less than twenty thousand rhino that roam the plains. With the help of our conservation efforts, those numbers are steadily increasing. This past week, I had the distinct pleasure of hunting with the World Wild Adventure Team. Our destination – South Africa. This particular hunt really did peak my interest. We would be hunting a White Rhino. This was number one on my Big Five hunting list. This hunt would be a bit different than most. This was to be a “Green Hunt”. It would have all of the thrill and excitement of a big game hunt, but instead of using a 375 H & H, I would be hunting this great beast with a tranquilizer gun. The fact is, green hunting requires more skill and precision than hunting with a rifle because the animal must be shot at a much closer range. The darted animals can become very unpredictable. The animal could bolt or it could charge. The tranquilizer gun does not have immediate results like a conventional rifle which leaves a large margin of uncertainty.   After twenty hours of traveling, we finally arrived at Tam Safari’s. Our PH for this trip would be Stephan Tam, a young, confident and very competent professional. I must admit, I was a bit nervous to hunt my first Big Five animal, but all of that would change. We got settled in at the lodge and the hunt would begin the next morning. I was up before sunrise. I was overwhelmed with excitement. I watched the sun come up and I was in awe of just how beautiful it was. We discussed our strategy over breakfast and we set out about eight in the morning. The trackers were out about an hour before us looking for signs of rhino. Around mid day the trackers spotted a rhino going down into a creek bed. We carefully followed over the rocky terrain and down into the creek bed. It was a bit unnerving wading through the high reeds of the creek bed because rhino were not the only big game in the area. There are Lion and Cape Buffalo which are just as aggressive and just as dangerous. We followed the trail out of the creek bed and into the thick brush. My view was obscured by the thick thorny brush that adorns the plains. Our PH, Stephen was on point  and he silently moved us within thirty yards of this six thousand pound colossus. As I cleared the brush, the rhino came into view. My heart skipped a beat when I realized that not more than eighteen yards away were TWO huge rhino’s. There is a certain degree of uncertainty of how a rhino will react when it is shot with a tranquilizer. However, when two rhino’s travel together the risk factor increases considerably. Stephan’s calm demeanor put me at ease while we got set to take the shot. I raised the tranquilizer gun and took careful aim right behind its shoulder. Stephan whispered “Take em when you are ready”. I squeezed off a round and watched as the tranquilizer dart hit home. The time factor fort he tranquilizer to take full effect is approximately fifteen minutes. Fortunately, both rhino’s bolted in the same direction away from our hunting party.   The two rhino’s ran for about a mile with our trackers in hot pursuit. We caught up with them in the truck only to come upon a very dangerous situation. The drug was starting to take effect on the darted rhino, however, his companion was not going to leave his side. With time at the essence, we needed to separate the two as quickly as possible. We tried to scare off the second rhino by beeping the trucks horn but it only seemed to agitate him. The rhino began to charge the truck. Only stopping yards from hitting us on three separate attempts. The situation was dicey to say the least. With the clock ticking, we finally scared off the second rhino. We had to work quickly and efficiently to collect the DNA samples. The veterinarian drew a vile of blood while I took some hair samples and blood swatches. With our main task completed we still had a little time for our recap for World Wild Adventures and snap a few pictures for prosperity.   The DNA samples will be sent to James Derr PHD, the director of the DNA technologies laboratory at Texas A&M University. Doctor Derr supplied us with the DNA kits so we would be able to log the DNA from the rhino into their global data base. We have a responsibility as hunters to assist with the conservation efforts so animals such as the rhino will continue to flourish in the wild for years to come. If this DNA kit were to become standard issue when you applied for your hunting license, we would be able to log in and track a vast variety of species through out the world rather quickly. With this in place, we would have the ability to track various herds from all parts of the globe from one year to the next.
    Sep 04, 2012 1382
  • 04 Sep 2012
                                          I dreamed of Africa For as long as I could remember, I have always dreamed about going to Africa. As a child, when I would go on camping trips, I would hide out in the woods and imagine that I was stalking the dangerous game of the “Dark Continent”. I would hide in the brush and as stealthily as possible, I would stalk my prey. I would use a stick from the woods as my rifle but it was as accurate as a Remington 700. I never missed. Every shot was carefully placed in the kill zone. Lions, Elephants, Cape Buffalo, I successfully tracked them all. In my minds eye, my trophy room was unsurpassed. I would proudly walk the room admiring my triumphs and victory’s.   When I was ten years old, we had taken a school trip to Sagamore Hill – President Teddy Roosevelt’s house. I was awe-struck from the moment I entered his home. There, in every room of his home were the trophies that I had been dreaming about. There were Lion Rugs, Cape Buffalo, Rhino mounts through out the house. In the great room, two American Bison mounts flanked either side of the huge fire place. I was in complete amazement of his hunting exploits. I knew then, that Teddy Roosevelt had left a life long impression on me that would leave me longing to experience the thrill of the dangerous game of Africa as he did a century before. Through the years, hunting in Africa was never far from my thoughts. Occasionally, I would speak to friends about planning a trip but the answers always seemed the same. “Sure, let’s plan something for next year” but next year would never come. Something always seemed to come up. We are buying a house, we are having a baby. I would love to but…….   A week ago, I received a call from Judge Julie Mogenis. I am part of her pro-staff for her new show “World Wild Adventures”. She began to tell me how bogged down her schedule was and how there just was not enough time to go on all of the hunts that she had booked. I did not expect her next question. She had asked if I would fill in on a hunt for her and co-host the segment of the show for her. I was caught a little off guard but without knowing anything about the hunt Julie was speaking about, I agreed to fill in thinking that maybe it was a deer or an elk hunt.   Awesome! You will have to be in Africa by Monday. I was silent for a moment trying to process what I had just heard. You want me in Africa by Monday to fill in for this hunt, I repeated? What kind of Plains game will we be hunting? No plains game Julie said. This will be a Green Hunt for Rhino. This conversation was getting better by the minute. My first trip to Africa and I will be hunting one of the Big Five? This was like a dream come true. Weather I wanted to fill in for her on this hunt or not was not even a factor. The only issue I had was that we had a family vacation planned to Cabo San Lucus and the dates would overlap by a few days. I needed to speak to my family to shuffle around some dates. After I hung up the phone I woke up my girlfriend to tell her about the conversation. I was not sure how we would work out the dates but she said not to worry about any of that and I should just go to Africa. I really did not have to be told twice so I booked the flights the next day.   All I know is, one minute I was laying on my bed watching the Cartoon Network with my son and the next minute, I am on a plane to South Africa to hunt rhino. It is an experience of a life time. I can honestly say that if you work hard enough and you want it bad enough – Dreams do come true- So follow your dreams.
    1237 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                       I dreamed of Africa For as long as I could remember, I have always dreamed about going to Africa. As a child, when I would go on camping trips, I would hide out in the woods and imagine that I was stalking the dangerous game of the “Dark Continent”. I would hide in the brush and as stealthily as possible, I would stalk my prey. I would use a stick from the woods as my rifle but it was as accurate as a Remington 700. I never missed. Every shot was carefully placed in the kill zone. Lions, Elephants, Cape Buffalo, I successfully tracked them all. In my minds eye, my trophy room was unsurpassed. I would proudly walk the room admiring my triumphs and victory’s.   When I was ten years old, we had taken a school trip to Sagamore Hill – President Teddy Roosevelt’s house. I was awe-struck from the moment I entered his home. There, in every room of his home were the trophies that I had been dreaming about. There were Lion Rugs, Cape Buffalo, Rhino mounts through out the house. In the great room, two American Bison mounts flanked either side of the huge fire place. I was in complete amazement of his hunting exploits. I knew then, that Teddy Roosevelt had left a life long impression on me that would leave me longing to experience the thrill of the dangerous game of Africa as he did a century before. Through the years, hunting in Africa was never far from my thoughts. Occasionally, I would speak to friends about planning a trip but the answers always seemed the same. “Sure, let’s plan something for next year” but next year would never come. Something always seemed to come up. We are buying a house, we are having a baby. I would love to but…….   A week ago, I received a call from Judge Julie Mogenis. I am part of her pro-staff for her new show “World Wild Adventures”. She began to tell me how bogged down her schedule was and how there just was not enough time to go on all of the hunts that she had booked. I did not expect her next question. She had asked if I would fill in on a hunt for her and co-host the segment of the show for her. I was caught a little off guard but without knowing anything about the hunt Julie was speaking about, I agreed to fill in thinking that maybe it was a deer or an elk hunt.   Awesome! You will have to be in Africa by Monday. I was silent for a moment trying to process what I had just heard. You want me in Africa by Monday to fill in for this hunt, I repeated? What kind of Plains game will we be hunting? No plains game Julie said. This will be a Green Hunt for Rhino. This conversation was getting better by the minute. My first trip to Africa and I will be hunting one of the Big Five? This was like a dream come true. Weather I wanted to fill in for her on this hunt or not was not even a factor. The only issue I had was that we had a family vacation planned to Cabo San Lucus and the dates would overlap by a few days. I needed to speak to my family to shuffle around some dates. After I hung up the phone I woke up my girlfriend to tell her about the conversation. I was not sure how we would work out the dates but she said not to worry about any of that and I should just go to Africa. I really did not have to be told twice so I booked the flights the next day.   All I know is, one minute I was laying on my bed watching the Cartoon Network with my son and the next minute, I am on a plane to South Africa to hunt rhino. It is an experience of a life time. I can honestly say that if you work hard enough and you want it bad enough – Dreams do come true- So follow your dreams.
    Sep 04, 2012 1237
  • 19 Jul 2012
    What’s Next for    On Wednesday July 18, 2012, Chris Avena, the President of was invited by Professional Hunter and retired Judge Julie Mogenis to join the pro-staff of her latest TV Show “World Wild Adventure”, which airs on Fox Sports on Saturday mornings at 6am. If you are an adrenalin junkie then this show is not to be missed. Julie Mogenis is known as a world wide adventurer and you never know where she will end up next. You can catch Julie and her posse tracking the big five across the Dark Continent of Africa,  Antelope in New Mexico, Sport fishing in Costa Rica or Zip Lining over an alligator infested swamp.   Tune in to the World Wild Adventure and connect with the "kinship of the Outdoorsman".  Join them in their conservation efforts to restore the wild to its pristine state while Judge Julie Mogenis and her Adventure Pros travel the globe telling of their Wild Adventures!    You can find out more about World Wild Adventures at The Interactive Social Network for Hunters  
    1040 Posted by Chris Avena
  • What’s Next for    On Wednesday July 18, 2012, Chris Avena, the President of was invited by Professional Hunter and retired Judge Julie Mogenis to join the pro-staff of her latest TV Show “World Wild Adventure”, which airs on Fox Sports on Saturday mornings at 6am. If you are an adrenalin junkie then this show is not to be missed. Julie Mogenis is known as a world wide adventurer and you never know where she will end up next. You can catch Julie and her posse tracking the big five across the Dark Continent of Africa,  Antelope in New Mexico, Sport fishing in Costa Rica or Zip Lining over an alligator infested swamp.   Tune in to the World Wild Adventure and connect with the "kinship of the Outdoorsman".  Join them in their conservation efforts to restore the wild to its pristine state while Judge Julie Mogenis and her Adventure Pros travel the globe telling of their Wild Adventures!    You can find out more about World Wild Adventures at The Interactive Social Network for Hunters  
    Jul 19, 2012 1040
  • 04 Jul 2012
    Do you have a Passion for the Outdoors? Do you Live to Hunt? Become a Member of the Pro-Staff. is Looking for 2 Men & 2 Women to be part of our Pro-Staff    To Apply --   -Tell us in approx 200 words why we should choose you for Our Pro- Staff -Give us a Brief Bio of your Outdoor Life -Show us 3 different successful hunting pics - Would prefer that you live in NY, NJ, Pa, Mass (North East) But not required.   What is Required:-   -You Must be a member of - You Must Post Something about  at least Once a Week on Your Social Media Pages .-help out at at least 1 area trade show .- Help to promote   In Return You will receive - Free SeeMeHunt Gear & Other Free & Discounted Hunting Gear.Discounted Hunts & More-    Email your info to To Be Considered. We Look Forward to Working with you  less
    1047 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Do you have a Passion for the Outdoors? Do you Live to Hunt? Become a Member of the Pro-Staff. is Looking for 2 Men & 2 Women to be part of our Pro-Staff    To Apply --   -Tell us in approx 200 words why we should choose you for Our Pro- Staff -Give us a Brief Bio of your Outdoor Life -Show us 3 different successful hunting pics - Would prefer that you live in NY, NJ, Pa, Mass (North East) But not required.   What is Required:-   -You Must be a member of - You Must Post Something about  at least Once a Week on Your Social Media Pages .-help out at at least 1 area trade show .- Help to promote   In Return You will receive - Free SeeMeHunt Gear & Other Free & Discounted Hunting Gear.Discounted Hunts & More-    Email your info to To Be Considered. We Look Forward to Working with you  less
    Jul 04, 2012 1047
  • 07 Jun 2012
    POWELL, Ohio - An insect expert was traveling the state to warn counties and veterinarians about an increase in deer ticks, 10TV’s Kristyn Hartman reported on Monday.   Fifteen years ago, deer ticks were unheard of in Ohio. Now 26 counties, including Franklin and Delaware, are on the watch list The black legged deer tick, which can be as small as a poppy seed, can carry Lyme disease.   If bites are diagnosed early, the illness can be easily treated with antibiotics. If missed, it can mean years of misery, Hartman reported.   Paige Caulley said that she discovered that first hand.   "We think I was bit when I was really, really young," said Caulley, 27.   Caulley grew up in Connecticut, where Lyme disease was more common. She said that she knew many classmates who had gotten the illness.   The Powell resident said that she has suffered from health problems throughout her life but never associated them with Lyme disease.   Caulley said that the problems grew worse after her daughter was born 18 months ago.   "I had a family doctor who just told me I need to start exercising. And that I need to see a therapist. And that it was all in my head. And I was in so much pain that I could barely walk," Caulley said.   Caulley looked to many doctors for help before finding a specialist in New York. Now, Caulley makes monthly trips to New York, takes a variety of pills and gives herself a daily intravenous drip of antibiotics. Her medical bills exceed $50,000.   Glen Needham, an entomologist at the Ohio State University, who works with the state health department, travels the state warning county health departments and veterinarians that ticks are on the march across Ohio.   "We've gone from what we believe were no counties with black legged ticks, to two counties, to 26 counties," he said.   Hunters brought deer heads to the state lab for tick checks. In one year, numbers ballooned from 29 ticks to 1,800, Hartman reported.   “Dogs will be kind of canary in the cave for us.” Needham said. "So we think dogs may get Lyme Disease first in the state. And that may alert us to where some of these hot spots are," Needham said.   The infection is first identified by a bull’s-eye rash that many people may not notice.   Those infected could have a few days of flu-like symptoms, then feel better. But the disease does not go away. It could spread into the heart, the joints, and the nervous system.   Caulley thought that is what happened to her. Now she faces four more months of an IV antibiotic and a struggle to feel well, but a struggle that she thought was worth it, Hartman reported.   "I'm like 50 percent better," Caulley said.   Needham says Lyme disease may be difficult to diagnose, because patients experience a variety of symptoms. To cut the risk of getting sick, he said people should spray skin and clothes with an insecticide containing DEET.   Watch 10TV News and fresh for more information. ©2012 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    1585 Posted by Chris Avena
  • POWELL, Ohio - An insect expert was traveling the state to warn counties and veterinarians about an increase in deer ticks, 10TV’s Kristyn Hartman reported on Monday.   Fifteen years ago, deer ticks were unheard of in Ohio. Now 26 counties, including Franklin and Delaware, are on the watch list The black legged deer tick, which can be as small as a poppy seed, can carry Lyme disease.   If bites are diagnosed early, the illness can be easily treated with antibiotics. If missed, it can mean years of misery, Hartman reported.   Paige Caulley said that she discovered that first hand.   "We think I was bit when I was really, really young," said Caulley, 27.   Caulley grew up in Connecticut, where Lyme disease was more common. She said that she knew many classmates who had gotten the illness.   The Powell resident said that she has suffered from health problems throughout her life but never associated them with Lyme disease.   Caulley said that the problems grew worse after her daughter was born 18 months ago.   "I had a family doctor who just told me I need to start exercising. And that I need to see a therapist. And that it was all in my head. And I was in so much pain that I could barely walk," Caulley said.   Caulley looked to many doctors for help before finding a specialist in New York. Now, Caulley makes monthly trips to New York, takes a variety of pills and gives herself a daily intravenous drip of antibiotics. Her medical bills exceed $50,000.   Glen Needham, an entomologist at the Ohio State University, who works with the state health department, travels the state warning county health departments and veterinarians that ticks are on the march across Ohio.   "We've gone from what we believe were no counties with black legged ticks, to two counties, to 26 counties," he said.   Hunters brought deer heads to the state lab for tick checks. In one year, numbers ballooned from 29 ticks to 1,800, Hartman reported.   “Dogs will be kind of canary in the cave for us.” Needham said. "So we think dogs may get Lyme Disease first in the state. And that may alert us to where some of these hot spots are," Needham said.   The infection is first identified by a bull’s-eye rash that many people may not notice.   Those infected could have a few days of flu-like symptoms, then feel better. But the disease does not go away. It could spread into the heart, the joints, and the nervous system.   Caulley thought that is what happened to her. Now she faces four more months of an IV antibiotic and a struggle to feel well, but a struggle that she thought was worth it, Hartman reported.   "I'm like 50 percent better," Caulley said.   Needham says Lyme disease may be difficult to diagnose, because patients experience a variety of symptoms. To cut the risk of getting sick, he said people should spray skin and clothes with an insecticide containing DEET.   Watch 10TV News and fresh for more information. ©2012 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    Jun 07, 2012 1585
  • 18 May 2012
                                                            Is There a Price Tag on Our Right To Bare Arms?     By Chris Avena   On May 9th, I had the opportunity to speak to Kelly McMillan, the director of Operations of McMillan Firearms about his recent meeting with Bank of America in which they had told him that they no longer wanted to do business with McMillan Firearms because they are a firearms manufacturer. Should a financial institution have the right to terminate your account based solely on the industry that you choose to make a living in? Is there corporate profiling among our financial institutions? Let’s see what Kelly McMillan has to say.   SMH: Kelly, you recently had a meeting with Bank of America   KM: That is correct.  April 19th we had what was scheduled as just a standard annual account review meeting with a couple of representatives from the Bank of America. But it did surprise me when they showed up with the Sr. Vice President (Ray Fox) whom I have never met and didn’t know who he was but when you are handed a business card that says Sr. Vice President it just made me wonder what this meeting was really about. Had this been a normal account review, it would have been with the regular bankers that I deal with.   SMH: Did you make this meeting or did Bank of America make this meeting?   KM: They made the meeting. Just to give you a little background, I have been doing business with bank of America since 1998, that’s almost 14 years. In that time, we have never bounced a check, never missed a payment on our credit lines. We actually have two businesses with two different credit lines. At the time of this meeting our credit was less than 60 Percent of the maximum that is allowed on the credit lines. We have been a really good customer for them and we have had a significant amount of money that flowed through those accounts. We have also paid a significant amount of fees based on the services that they offered. So it really took me by surprise when Mr. Fox started to talk about our business and how it had changed. So I had interrupted him and said “so you are going to tell me that you did not want our business because we manufacture firearms and he said “that is correct”.   SMH: You had asked him if this decision was politically motivated.   KM: That is correct. He had made the comment that Bank of America had to be diligent in their assessment of their risk of doing business with a firearms manufacturer and how that played into their corporate reputation.   SMH: How did you interpret their Risk or their Reputational risk as they put it?   KM: I took Mr. Fox at his word that they just didn’t want to do business with me any more because I manufactured firearms which was not anything new to them. I had the account that we had opened for the rifle company under the name McMillan Firearms Manufacturering in 2007 so they have known (if they could read) they have known based on the name on the account. When they said that they had to assess the risk, that is when I asked him if this was a politically motivated decision and he said yes. From my stand point, I did not mean democrat or republican. I meant inter Bank of America political decision. I do not know what their policies are. I have never claimed to state what their policies are. Their big defense against this has been – well- that is not our policy. If you look-  we have just done a big deal with the freedom group and we have other customers that manufacture  or are in the manufacturing of firearms industry so this can not possibly be true and I do not know about any of that, I just know what happened.   SMH: Now that this has resonated with you for a week or so, do you feel that when they said political that it was B of A executives or government?   KM: I have been really firm about not speculating or giving my opinion about who or why because all of it would just be speculation and I do not want to give anybody the indication that I have any inside      information. I do know that the State president for the Bank of America from Arizona came to see me and I did not buy his explanation of why they decided that they do not want my business. He claimed that it was just a sound financial decision based on my business but the fact is (as I said before) that I have been a good customer. We are in good shape financially. There really is no reason for him to have made that comment. Now what made me even less likely to believe Mr. Almonza who is the state president (of B of A) is that when we started the meeting, I asked him if he minded if I record the meeting and he said yes I do mind. I was kind of surprised and said why would you mind? So he told me because he wanted it to be a friendly conversation between he and I. From my perspective, anyone who does not want to be held accountable for what they say (and that would be the reason why they would not want to be recorded) can not necessarily be taken at face value. So I listened to what he said and then I evaluated (the conversation). Basically what I asked Mr. Almonza was that he had told me such a different story from the conversation that Mr. Fox and I discussed that it can not be a misunderstanding so one of you is lying. Who should I believe? He responded that he does not know what Mr. Fox and I discussed because he was not in the room. Keep in mind that Mr. Fox is Mr. Almonza’s subordinate and works directly under him. If it were me, I would have had a conversation with Mr. Fox prior to coming into the meeting so I had a clear understanding.   SMH: You have seen quite a bit of support from our community since this all began –   KM: It has been incredible to see how many people really cherish their second amendment rights and will take a stand to anyone who threatens to take that away from them and that is what this has been seen as which is an affront to our second amendment rights. There have been thousands of people that I have been in communication with through our Facebook page, emails and phone calls. They have been very supportive and I really appreciate them making the effort to make this fight a national fight because it is important to all of us.   SMH: It is no secret that our Second Amendment rights have been under fire (so to speak) from the Obama Administration. With that in mind, if this was a politically pressured decision from our administration - Have they put a price tag on our Constitutional Rights?   KM: It has been mentioned many times in the press and around the internet that they have not been successful in drafting legislation that will outright take our guns away from us so they are back dooring us by attempting to get ammunition registered and each round accountable to an individual, it is just a way to make it more difficult, more expensive and more likely that we will not go through the trouble that they are trying to create in order for us to keep our guns. If we can not get ammunition it doesn’t matter if we can get guns or not and I believe that is part of the process.   SMH: Do you feel that with the events that are happening if this is in fact a political move, can the industry indirectly be affected with the ancillary products to guns such as ammunition, clips, scopes etc. anything that is gun related. Can a bank pick or choose who they want to do business with?   KM: I do understand as a business owner that banks need to be able to choose who they do business with but I also feel that they should be accountable and there needs to be a sound business logic to that and if they say that there is too much risk in the firearms industry, meaning that they have a few companies (that they do business with) and they want to balance their portfolio so we want to pick and choose which companies we would like to keep. I would understand that if they would man up, say it and let the world know that this is their position on this. They shouldn’t say that it (the conversation) never happened or that it was not their policy and try to brush it under the rug. I have always maintained that they (B of A) have always looked at me as a small business with little consequence and probably if they had told me to go away, I would just go away but they have found out how significant, each individual, when it comes to second amendment rights can be and how we (as a group) have stood up for our constitutional rights.   SMH: I know of several individuals that I have spoken to that have closed their accounts at Bank of America and they have taken it a step further by canceling their Bass Pro credit card because it was issued through Bank of America. It seems that Bass Pro’s positions is that Bank of America said that this situation did not happen the way you are saying so they are taking the three monkey approach (See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Talk No Evil) . For a company like BassPro to change banks, it would be a logistical nightmare for them.   KM: I understand that but please keep in mind that through this whole thing, I have never once asked anyone to close their accounts, cut up their credit cards and change banks. I have never said that. That is an individual choice for each of us who are fighting this battle against the encroachment of our second amendment rights. Everyone has to choose for them selves how they are going to fight this. If changing banks or changing mortgage companies or changing credit cards is not something that would be easily done or to would have negative repercussions on the individual or their business – I do not expect them to do that because they need to take care of themselves. As far as BassPro is concerned, what I am most disappointed about is that they have not contacted me. No one from BassPro has called me and said Lets hear your side of the story. I honestly think that they (BassPro) looked at this situation and said that it would be a nightmare if we had to stand on the side of the second amendment rights people. So we are just going to say that it is “he said, they said” and we can not take a position. Same as the NRA has done. The NRA has said that we do not have a position in this because it is his word against theirs. I understand that. That makes sense to me.   SMH: Do you feel it is a danger, if this is indeed the case, (and this is innuendo on both our parts) for government to put political pressure on a banking institution to stop financing gun manufacturing companies and possibly negating U.S. citizens of their second amendment rights.   KM: If in fact that is what’s happening, then I think that this is far more dangerous than anyone has given credit to it. Because if there is political pressure from the administration or anybody in the national political arena and the Bank of America or any other company is succumbing to that pressure, then we do not have much of a chance in our fight against them because that holds a different weight with people. The next time that someone becomes expendable as far as a company to Bank of America and political that is created that situation, you know that Bank of America will say (sure) whatever you want because of the position that they are in as far as being indebted to the administration for keeping them in business. Small business owners and even significant business owners really do not stand a chance to fight against that. Unless they are going to try to do something covertly and we just make sure that we let everyone know what is going on.   SMH: Do you mean something like the Fast and the Furious, selling guns to Mexico when they are supposed to be taken off the street altogether.   KM: Yes, that did hit real close to home. Of course we were not involved in that. They didn’t approach us during that time because of the type of firearms that we manufacture did not seem to fit what their profile was but even that is ridiculous. I have no idea what the fore thought to that was and whose decisions those were but it is crazy. We are law abiding citizens, we follow all of the ATF rules, we actually have to deal with the state department with every gun that we sell outside of this country and we Do that because we love this business and we want to stay in it so we follow the rules and we are law abiding company. Then when you hear about stuff like this that was created and perpetrated by the government I am wondering who is in control.   SMH: Have you found a Second Amendment Friendly Bank?   KM: We have actually started doing the interviewing process. We have three interviews over the next few days and I hope to have a choice by next week. One of the situations that we have found ourselves in is now that we have a responsibility to the thousands of people that are going to be looking to see who we choose, we must be diligent in picking a second amendment friendly bank, not just tolerant ( because there are tolerant banks out there). For example, there is one of the major banks that does not allow legal concealed carry in their bank or even in their drive through and obviously, I could not choose that bank because that is not really supporting our legal rights to own and carry guns. So we have to do a good job because a lot of people are watching.   SMH: So they will tolerate it, they will not allow it (guns) in their bank, but I am sure that their security guards are carrying guns.   KM: I am sure that they are.   SMH: I really appreciate you taking the time to speak to us today. I know how much everyone wants to be kept up to speed on the progress of this situation.   KM: I will keep in touch with everyone through Facebook and our website when we do choose a new bank. Our website is and our website has a link to our Facebook page. There is also a lot of information on our facebook page with regards to other people who have had similar experiences and people who have told their stories with relation to what has happened with Bank of America so if anybody is interested, they can just find us on facebook (McMillan Group International).   SMH: I have actually read quite a few stories on your facebook page and it does not seem like this is an isolated incident that is happening with you.   KM: No, it doesn’t and one of the things that has come to light is that they have done the same thing with farmers. I have heard several stories about people who have had family farms for years and years and about two or three years ago Bank of America started telling them that they will not be renewing their line of credit, which farms have to have in order to function. They (farms) can not function with out loans because of how the industry is. So when they are told that they can not have a credit line, it is real devastating to them. Asking us (McMillan) to change banks from Bank of America, we have not slowed down our production at all. It has not been a financial burden for us. Bank of America did tell us that they would give us 6 months or until September 1st (to find a new bank) so it has not been a financial Hardship for us. But those in the farming community who have had this happen to them, it was a real traumatic experience and for some of them, they never survived.   SMH: So the banking industry is actually picking and choosing the industries that are to their advantage to deal with.   KM: Apparently & for whatever reason. Well, I appreciate you calling me and giving me the chance to talk a little bit about what happened. I hope that your viewers find it enlightening. We will just have to see how this all plays out.   SMH: What does McMillan have in store for us this year as far as new product lines?   KM: We actually débuted a couple of new products at the Shot Show this year. They will probably be out by late summer. The CS-5 is a terrific new covert short barreled  mac-pack type gun for military and law enforcement. We also have a civilian version of it that has a 19 inch barrel so that you don’t have to get a tax stamp to own it.   SMH: I did not have the opportunity to stop by your booth at Shot this year but I will defently make it a point to come by and see you in January,   KM: Perfect- I look forward to it.   “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms” ~ Thomas Jefferson~    
    2240 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                                         Is There a Price Tag on Our Right To Bare Arms?     By Chris Avena   On May 9th, I had the opportunity to speak to Kelly McMillan, the director of Operations of McMillan Firearms about his recent meeting with Bank of America in which they had told him that they no longer wanted to do business with McMillan Firearms because they are a firearms manufacturer. Should a financial institution have the right to terminate your account based solely on the industry that you choose to make a living in? Is there corporate profiling among our financial institutions? Let’s see what Kelly McMillan has to say.   SMH: Kelly, you recently had a meeting with Bank of America   KM: That is correct.  April 19th we had what was scheduled as just a standard annual account review meeting with a couple of representatives from the Bank of America. But it did surprise me when they showed up with the Sr. Vice President (Ray Fox) whom I have never met and didn’t know who he was but when you are handed a business card that says Sr. Vice President it just made me wonder what this meeting was really about. Had this been a normal account review, it would have been with the regular bankers that I deal with.   SMH: Did you make this meeting or did Bank of America make this meeting?   KM: They made the meeting. Just to give you a little background, I have been doing business with bank of America since 1998, that’s almost 14 years. In that time, we have never bounced a check, never missed a payment on our credit lines. We actually have two businesses with two different credit lines. At the time of this meeting our credit was less than 60 Percent of the maximum that is allowed on the credit lines. We have been a really good customer for them and we have had a significant amount of money that flowed through those accounts. We have also paid a significant amount of fees based on the services that they offered. So it really took me by surprise when Mr. Fox started to talk about our business and how it had changed. So I had interrupted him and said “so you are going to tell me that you did not want our business because we manufacture firearms and he said “that is correct”.   SMH: You had asked him if this decision was politically motivated.   KM: That is correct. He had made the comment that Bank of America had to be diligent in their assessment of their risk of doing business with a firearms manufacturer and how that played into their corporate reputation.   SMH: How did you interpret their Risk or their Reputational risk as they put it?   KM: I took Mr. Fox at his word that they just didn’t want to do business with me any more because I manufactured firearms which was not anything new to them. I had the account that we had opened for the rifle company under the name McMillan Firearms Manufacturering in 2007 so they have known (if they could read) they have known based on the name on the account. When they said that they had to assess the risk, that is when I asked him if this was a politically motivated decision and he said yes. From my stand point, I did not mean democrat or republican. I meant inter Bank of America political decision. I do not know what their policies are. I have never claimed to state what their policies are. Their big defense against this has been – well- that is not our policy. If you look-  we have just done a big deal with the freedom group and we have other customers that manufacture  or are in the manufacturing of firearms industry so this can not possibly be true and I do not know about any of that, I just know what happened.   SMH: Now that this has resonated with you for a week or so, do you feel that when they said political that it was B of A executives or government?   KM: I have been really firm about not speculating or giving my opinion about who or why because all of it would just be speculation and I do not want to give anybody the indication that I have any inside      information. I do know that the State president for the Bank of America from Arizona came to see me and I did not buy his explanation of why they decided that they do not want my business. He claimed that it was just a sound financial decision based on my business but the fact is (as I said before) that I have been a good customer. We are in good shape financially. There really is no reason for him to have made that comment. Now what made me even less likely to believe Mr. Almonza who is the state president (of B of A) is that when we started the meeting, I asked him if he minded if I record the meeting and he said yes I do mind. I was kind of surprised and said why would you mind? So he told me because he wanted it to be a friendly conversation between he and I. From my perspective, anyone who does not want to be held accountable for what they say (and that would be the reason why they would not want to be recorded) can not necessarily be taken at face value. So I listened to what he said and then I evaluated (the conversation). Basically what I asked Mr. Almonza was that he had told me such a different story from the conversation that Mr. Fox and I discussed that it can not be a misunderstanding so one of you is lying. Who should I believe? He responded that he does not know what Mr. Fox and I discussed because he was not in the room. Keep in mind that Mr. Fox is Mr. Almonza’s subordinate and works directly under him. If it were me, I would have had a conversation with Mr. Fox prior to coming into the meeting so I had a clear understanding.   SMH: You have seen quite a bit of support from our community since this all began –   KM: It has been incredible to see how many people really cherish their second amendment rights and will take a stand to anyone who threatens to take that away from them and that is what this has been seen as which is an affront to our second amendment rights. There have been thousands of people that I have been in communication with through our Facebook page, emails and phone calls. They have been very supportive and I really appreciate them making the effort to make this fight a national fight because it is important to all of us.   SMH: It is no secret that our Second Amendment rights have been under fire (so to speak) from the Obama Administration. With that in mind, if this was a politically pressured decision from our administration - Have they put a price tag on our Constitutional Rights?   KM: It has been mentioned many times in the press and around the internet that they have not been successful in drafting legislation that will outright take our guns away from us so they are back dooring us by attempting to get ammunition registered and each round accountable to an individual, it is just a way to make it more difficult, more expensive and more likely that we will not go through the trouble that they are trying to create in order for us to keep our guns. If we can not get ammunition it doesn’t matter if we can get guns or not and I believe that is part of the process.   SMH: Do you feel that with the events that are happening if this is in fact a political move, can the industry indirectly be affected with the ancillary products to guns such as ammunition, clips, scopes etc. anything that is gun related. Can a bank pick or choose who they want to do business with?   KM: I do understand as a business owner that banks need to be able to choose who they do business with but I also feel that they should be accountable and there needs to be a sound business logic to that and if they say that there is too much risk in the firearms industry, meaning that they have a few companies (that they do business with) and they want to balance their portfolio so we want to pick and choose which companies we would like to keep. I would understand that if they would man up, say it and let the world know that this is their position on this. They shouldn’t say that it (the conversation) never happened or that it was not their policy and try to brush it under the rug. I have always maintained that they (B of A) have always looked at me as a small business with little consequence and probably if they had told me to go away, I would just go away but they have found out how significant, each individual, when it comes to second amendment rights can be and how we (as a group) have stood up for our constitutional rights.   SMH: I know of several individuals that I have spoken to that have closed their accounts at Bank of America and they have taken it a step further by canceling their Bass Pro credit card because it was issued through Bank of America. It seems that Bass Pro’s positions is that Bank of America said that this situation did not happen the way you are saying so they are taking the three monkey approach (See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Talk No Evil) . For a company like BassPro to change banks, it would be a logistical nightmare for them.   KM: I understand that but please keep in mind that through this whole thing, I have never once asked anyone to close their accounts, cut up their credit cards and change banks. I have never said that. That is an individual choice for each of us who are fighting this battle against the encroachment of our second amendment rights. Everyone has to choose for them selves how they are going to fight this. If changing banks or changing mortgage companies or changing credit cards is not something that would be easily done or to would have negative repercussions on the individual or their business – I do not expect them to do that because they need to take care of themselves. As far as BassPro is concerned, what I am most disappointed about is that they have not contacted me. No one from BassPro has called me and said Lets hear your side of the story. I honestly think that they (BassPro) looked at this situation and said that it would be a nightmare if we had to stand on the side of the second amendment rights people. So we are just going to say that it is “he said, they said” and we can not take a position. Same as the NRA has done. The NRA has said that we do not have a position in this because it is his word against theirs. I understand that. That makes sense to me.   SMH: Do you feel it is a danger, if this is indeed the case, (and this is innuendo on both our parts) for government to put political pressure on a banking institution to stop financing gun manufacturing companies and possibly negating U.S. citizens of their second amendment rights.   KM: If in fact that is what’s happening, then I think that this is far more dangerous than anyone has given credit to it. Because if there is political pressure from the administration or anybody in the national political arena and the Bank of America or any other company is succumbing to that pressure, then we do not have much of a chance in our fight against them because that holds a different weight with people. The next time that someone becomes expendable as far as a company to Bank of America and political that is created that situation, you know that Bank of America will say (sure) whatever you want because of the position that they are in as far as being indebted to the administration for keeping them in business. Small business owners and even significant business owners really do not stand a chance to fight against that. Unless they are going to try to do something covertly and we just make sure that we let everyone know what is going on.   SMH: Do you mean something like the Fast and the Furious, selling guns to Mexico when they are supposed to be taken off the street altogether.   KM: Yes, that did hit real close to home. Of course we were not involved in that. They didn’t approach us during that time because of the type of firearms that we manufacture did not seem to fit what their profile was but even that is ridiculous. I have no idea what the fore thought to that was and whose decisions those were but it is crazy. We are law abiding citizens, we follow all of the ATF rules, we actually have to deal with the state department with every gun that we sell outside of this country and we Do that because we love this business and we want to stay in it so we follow the rules and we are law abiding company. Then when you hear about stuff like this that was created and perpetrated by the government I am wondering who is in control.   SMH: Have you found a Second Amendment Friendly Bank?   KM: We have actually started doing the interviewing process. We have three interviews over the next few days and I hope to have a choice by next week. One of the situations that we have found ourselves in is now that we have a responsibility to the thousands of people that are going to be looking to see who we choose, we must be diligent in picking a second amendment friendly bank, not just tolerant ( because there are tolerant banks out there). For example, there is one of the major banks that does not allow legal concealed carry in their bank or even in their drive through and obviously, I could not choose that bank because that is not really supporting our legal rights to own and carry guns. So we have to do a good job because a lot of people are watching.   SMH: So they will tolerate it, they will not allow it (guns) in their bank, but I am sure that their security guards are carrying guns.   KM: I am sure that they are.   SMH: I really appreciate you taking the time to speak to us today. I know how much everyone wants to be kept up to speed on the progress of this situation.   KM: I will keep in touch with everyone through Facebook and our website when we do choose a new bank. Our website is and our website has a link to our Facebook page. There is also a lot of information on our facebook page with regards to other people who have had similar experiences and people who have told their stories with relation to what has happened with Bank of America so if anybody is interested, they can just find us on facebook (McMillan Group International).   SMH: I have actually read quite a few stories on your facebook page and it does not seem like this is an isolated incident that is happening with you.   KM: No, it doesn’t and one of the things that has come to light is that they have done the same thing with farmers. I have heard several stories about people who have had family farms for years and years and about two or three years ago Bank of America started telling them that they will not be renewing their line of credit, which farms have to have in order to function. They (farms) can not function with out loans because of how the industry is. So when they are told that they can not have a credit line, it is real devastating to them. Asking us (McMillan) to change banks from Bank of America, we have not slowed down our production at all. It has not been a financial burden for us. Bank of America did tell us that they would give us 6 months or until September 1st (to find a new bank) so it has not been a financial Hardship for us. But those in the farming community who have had this happen to them, it was a real traumatic experience and for some of them, they never survived.   SMH: So the banking industry is actually picking and choosing the industries that are to their advantage to deal with.   KM: Apparently & for whatever reason. Well, I appreciate you calling me and giving me the chance to talk a little bit about what happened. I hope that your viewers find it enlightening. We will just have to see how this all plays out.   SMH: What does McMillan have in store for us this year as far as new product lines?   KM: We actually débuted a couple of new products at the Shot Show this year. They will probably be out by late summer. The CS-5 is a terrific new covert short barreled  mac-pack type gun for military and law enforcement. We also have a civilian version of it that has a 19 inch barrel so that you don’t have to get a tax stamp to own it.   SMH: I did not have the opportunity to stop by your booth at Shot this year but I will defently make it a point to come by and see you in January,   KM: Perfect- I look forward to it.   “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms” ~ Thomas Jefferson~    
    May 18, 2012 2240
  • 11 May 2012
    How to Stay Tick Free This Spring by Melissa Bachman • April 24, 2012 •    Although turkey hunting may be one of my favorite hunts of the year, there is always a little bad with the good, and in this case it’s ticks! Not only do they completely invade my space, they can also be extremely dangerous; lyme disease is becoming an all too familiar problem among outdoor enthusiasts everywhere. I speak from first-hand experience when I say this season the ticks are out in full force. Just after completing a hunt in Kansas, the ticks seemed to be out of control, but I was ready for them. Each morning before heading out, I spray down my hunting clothes with a spray that has permethrin such as Sawyer’s Clothing Insect Repellant or Repel Clothing & Gear Insect Repellant. I completely spray my clothing down first, making sure to thoroughly spray my pants waistbands and socks. Then, I take Repel 100, which is 100-percent DEET, and spray down any exposed skin and around my ankles underneath my socks. This helps keep ticks, mosquitoes and chiggers off your skin so you can hunt in comfort and stay safe. This is the most concentrated insect repellent you can buy and works great if you plan to be outdoors for a long period of time. Just remember: If you get it on your hands, make sure to wash them before touching your mouth or eating. Regardless if you just hate the idea of ticks burrowing into your skin or you want to keep safe from lyme disease, these simple tips can be the best preventative medicine to keep you tick free this spring. How many of you have had serious run-ins with ticks this year?
    1420 Posted by Chris Avena
  • How to Stay Tick Free This Spring by Melissa Bachman • April 24, 2012 •    Although turkey hunting may be one of my favorite hunts of the year, there is always a little bad with the good, and in this case it’s ticks! Not only do they completely invade my space, they can also be extremely dangerous; lyme disease is becoming an all too familiar problem among outdoor enthusiasts everywhere. I speak from first-hand experience when I say this season the ticks are out in full force. Just after completing a hunt in Kansas, the ticks seemed to be out of control, but I was ready for them. Each morning before heading out, I spray down my hunting clothes with a spray that has permethrin such as Sawyer’s Clothing Insect Repellant or Repel Clothing & Gear Insect Repellant. I completely spray my clothing down first, making sure to thoroughly spray my pants waistbands and socks. Then, I take Repel 100, which is 100-percent DEET, and spray down any exposed skin and around my ankles underneath my socks. This helps keep ticks, mosquitoes and chiggers off your skin so you can hunt in comfort and stay safe. This is the most concentrated insect repellent you can buy and works great if you plan to be outdoors for a long period of time. Just remember: If you get it on your hands, make sure to wash them before touching your mouth or eating. Regardless if you just hate the idea of ticks burrowing into your skin or you want to keep safe from lyme disease, these simple tips can be the best preventative medicine to keep you tick free this spring. How many of you have had serious run-ins with ticks this year?
    May 11, 2012 1420