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Scott Stover 's Entries

1 blog
  • 09 Feb 2015
    Well, I know some of you all are still under snow.....LOTS of it, but I wanted to see what you all do during the summer months, camping, family vacations, fishing planting ect.... Here in south Ga the summers can be hot and dry, but we get out by the pools, head to FL to do some fishing, but mostly we hang out and enjoy the long days and good friends.  What do you do in your neck of the woods to stay busy over the summer when the kiddos are out of school and the long winter days are passed?  
    25691 Posted by Scott Stover
  • Well, I know some of you all are still under snow.....LOTS of it, but I wanted to see what you all do during the summer months, camping, family vacations, fishing planting ect.... Here in south Ga the summers can be hot and dry, but we get out by the pools, head to FL to do some fishing, but mostly we hang out and enjoy the long days and good friends.  What do you do in your neck of the woods to stay busy over the summer when the kiddos are out of school and the long winter days are passed?  
    Feb 09, 2015 25691