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Scott Stover 's Entries

3 blogs
  • 04 Mar 2015
    As I sit here this morning facing another "hump" day, my thoughts drift to the fall of the smells, the challenges of the upcoming hunting season and often wonder what it would be like to hunt for a living? Would I get tired of getting up before daylight, go sit in a stand no matter what the weather (unless its raining like crazy) or super windy.  Would the thrill of taking bucks of "wallhanger" class get old? Would that adrenaline rush when you see a deer go away? I personally think it wouldnt, just for the fact that no matter how many times I see deer, I still get excited, and still appriciate everthing that I have when I am out there! I think a career in the outdoor industry couldnt get any better, but I often wonder exactly how you make a living doing somehting like that? How do the superstars of the industry make it work? I know these are completly random thoughts but I have found myself considering something like this when I finally retire from Uncle Sam's Air Force. Have any of you considered anything like this, and if so, how do you go about finding a place to start?  I cant thank Chris enough for giving me a chance as a Pro Staff member, that in itself is a pretty good foundation!
    1952 Posted by Scott Stover
  • As I sit here this morning facing another "hump" day, my thoughts drift to the fall of the smells, the challenges of the upcoming hunting season and often wonder what it would be like to hunt for a living? Would I get tired of getting up before daylight, go sit in a stand no matter what the weather (unless its raining like crazy) or super windy.  Would the thrill of taking bucks of "wallhanger" class get old? Would that adrenaline rush when you see a deer go away? I personally think it wouldnt, just for the fact that no matter how many times I see deer, I still get excited, and still appriciate everthing that I have when I am out there! I think a career in the outdoor industry couldnt get any better, but I often wonder exactly how you make a living doing somehting like that? How do the superstars of the industry make it work? I know these are completly random thoughts but I have found myself considering something like this when I finally retire from Uncle Sam's Air Force. Have any of you considered anything like this, and if so, how do you go about finding a place to start?  I cant thank Chris enough for giving me a chance as a Pro Staff member, that in itself is a pretty good foundation!
    Mar 04, 2015 1952
  • 23 Jan 2015
    I know I know, its only January and I am already thinking about Spring Turkey season, Ive got a chance to hunt a place that hasnt been turkey hunted in several years! I am one excited dude!! I will be calling for a friends neice, she hunts but has never turkey hunted before, so Im really excited about it! I want to try to get her a good bird and then I would like to try to get a good one as well! How many of you guys hunt turkeys? Do you have a favorite call you use? I use a box and a slate call, Ive tried using a mouth call, but all I sound like is a dying cat! LOL I hope you guys are enjoying the off season so far!! Got lots to do before the weather changes and gets a bit warmer, then its time to chase turkeys and go hit the flats for some specks!!
    7336 Posted by Scott Stover
  • I know I know, its only January and I am already thinking about Spring Turkey season, Ive got a chance to hunt a place that hasnt been turkey hunted in several years! I am one excited dude!! I will be calling for a friends neice, she hunts but has never turkey hunted before, so Im really excited about it! I want to try to get her a good bird and then I would like to try to get a good one as well! How many of you guys hunt turkeys? Do you have a favorite call you use? I use a box and a slate call, Ive tried using a mouth call, but all I sound like is a dying cat! LOL I hope you guys are enjoying the off season so far!! Got lots to do before the weather changes and gets a bit warmer, then its time to chase turkeys and go hit the flats for some specks!!
    Jan 23, 2015 7336
  • 24 Dec 2014
    Merry Christmas everyone!! Just curious what is on everyones Christmas lists?? I didnt ask for much this year...tried to play it a little more conservative! HA!! No, honestly wasnt much on mine, Just a new Double tree stand, and a I already got an early gift to ourselves...a new TV for our garage! We entertain alot so we needed a bigger TV so that we can watch football!! Other than that, I didnt ask for much!! Lets hear what you all ask the jolly man in the red suit for!!
    1409 Posted by Scott Stover
  • Merry Christmas everyone!! Just curious what is on everyones Christmas lists?? I didnt ask for much this year...tried to play it a little more conservative! HA!! No, honestly wasnt much on mine, Just a new Double tree stand, and a I already got an early gift to ourselves...a new TV for our garage! We entertain alot so we needed a bigger TV so that we can watch football!! Other than that, I didnt ask for much!! Lets hear what you all ask the jolly man in the red suit for!!
    Dec 24, 2014 1409