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  • 27 Jan 2011
    Hello Everyone,   My name is Wade and I am writing today to tell you about Racks & Tails Magazine!  Racks & Tails is a new quarterly publication written by Hunters for Hunters.  The Magazine has a 75% article to 25% advertisement ratio, meaning that you will always get lots of Great Information and see lots of Great Pictures, taken by average everyday hunters of  their harvested animals. I am hoping that you will find this Magazine interesting and be willing to give it a try!    I am trying to become a Gear Tester for the Magazine and as part of my contract I need to bring 100 + new subscribers to the Magazine.  Now, I really am an avid hunter, but my list of hunters that I personally know totals three, myself and my two hunting buddies.  So I am here today to ask you to check out the Magazine and if you like it, give it a try.  I ask that if you do decide to subscribe to Racks & Tails that you enter ABWW into the referral code section of the subscription page.  Buy doing so you will be helping me and you, as I will be open to any suggestions for Gear Testing and will respond to any questions that you may have.  Please follow the following Links to Racks & Tails Facebook Page and to the Subscription Page.     Thanks,   Wade
    752 Posted by wadewillems
  • Hello Everyone,   My name is Wade and I am writing today to tell you about Racks & Tails Magazine!  Racks & Tails is a new quarterly publication written by Hunters for Hunters.  The Magazine has a 75% article to 25% advertisement ratio, meaning that you will always get lots of Great Information and see lots of Great Pictures, taken by average everyday hunters of  their harvested animals. I am hoping that you will find this Magazine interesting and be willing to give it a try!    I am trying to become a Gear Tester for the Magazine and as part of my contract I need to bring 100 + new subscribers to the Magazine.  Now, I really am an avid hunter, but my list of hunters that I personally know totals three, myself and my two hunting buddies.  So I am here today to ask you to check out the Magazine and if you like it, give it a try.  I ask that if you do decide to subscribe to Racks & Tails that you enter ABWW into the referral code section of the subscription page.  Buy doing so you will be helping me and you, as I will be open to any suggestions for Gear Testing and will respond to any questions that you may have.  Please follow the following Links to Racks & Tails Facebook Page and to the Subscription Page.     Thanks,   Wade
    Jan 27, 2011 752
  • 22 Jan 2011
    I must say that we did see some interesting product at Shot this year. I saw a treestand by wood'n Trail that you step onto and then you can crank yourself up into the tree. Good idea for a hunter who is disabled. Price point was about 600 dollars. The had a battery opporated version for 1100. Browning came out with an anniversery 22. It is a stripped down version of the 1911. The have the 1911 45 as well that can be purchased as a box set. Ameristep has a new line of treestand. The Bone Collector Edition complete with sling backed chairs. It has comfortable seating. It is a pleasant change from sitting on that cold uncomfortable steel grating. It comes in multiple styles and I am looking forward to trying it out. As usual Tink's is working their magic with some new products this year: Mr. October -an Inflatable Buck Decoy - yes you read that right- an inflatable decoy. Tink's Power Moose Buck Bomb - This scent sticks to everything that it comes in contact with. Tink's Scrape Bomb -this triggers a Bucks 3 key senses-Dominance, reproductive & curiosity. Also- Tinks Vanish Odor Eliminatoer & Floor Blend Odor Eliminator. Both are designed to destroy over 300 odor causing compounds produced by the human body.
    885 Posted by Chris Avena
  • I must say that we did see some interesting product at Shot this year. I saw a treestand by wood'n Trail that you step onto and then you can crank yourself up into the tree. Good idea for a hunter who is disabled. Price point was about 600 dollars. The had a battery opporated version for 1100. Browning came out with an anniversery 22. It is a stripped down version of the 1911. The have the 1911 45 as well that can be purchased as a box set. Ameristep has a new line of treestand. The Bone Collector Edition complete with sling backed chairs. It has comfortable seating. It is a pleasant change from sitting on that cold uncomfortable steel grating. It comes in multiple styles and I am looking forward to trying it out. As usual Tink's is working their magic with some new products this year: Mr. October -an Inflatable Buck Decoy - yes you read that right- an inflatable decoy. Tink's Power Moose Buck Bomb - This scent sticks to everything that it comes in contact with. Tink's Scrape Bomb -this triggers a Bucks 3 key senses-Dominance, reproductive & curiosity. Also- Tinks Vanish Odor Eliminatoer & Floor Blend Odor Eliminator. Both are designed to destroy over 300 odor causing compounds produced by the human body.
    Jan 22, 2011 885
  • 05 Jan 2011
    Arizona Commission Supports Gray Wolf Delisting 12/7/2010  The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has voted to support congressional action aimed at removing gray wolves from the federal endangered species list.  PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has voted to support congressional action aimed at removing gray wolves from the federal endangered species list. The commission voted 4-1 after a lengthy meeting Saturday in support of federal legislation that would declare the wolves recovered and no longer in need of federal protections. The commission says it sees delisting the gray wolf as an opportunity to break through the gridlock that has stalled an effort to reintroduce the Mexican gray wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf, along the Arizona-New Mexico border. The commission says it wants to work with every stakeholder and all who are willing to negotiate and seek solutions for the troubled Mexican gray wolf program. At last count, Arizona and New Mexico had just 42 Mexican gray wolves.
    1113 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Arizona Commission Supports Gray Wolf Delisting 12/7/2010  The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has voted to support congressional action aimed at removing gray wolves from the federal endangered species list.  PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has voted to support congressional action aimed at removing gray wolves from the federal endangered species list. The commission voted 4-1 after a lengthy meeting Saturday in support of federal legislation that would declare the wolves recovered and no longer in need of federal protections. The commission says it sees delisting the gray wolf as an opportunity to break through the gridlock that has stalled an effort to reintroduce the Mexican gray wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf, along the Arizona-New Mexico border. The commission says it wants to work with every stakeholder and all who are willing to negotiate and seek solutions for the troubled Mexican gray wolf program. At last count, Arizona and New Mexico had just 42 Mexican gray wolves.
    Jan 05, 2011 1113
  • 03 Jan 2011
    Sportsmen Split on Western Wolf Issue Posted 18 Nov 20:40 by FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — Reintroduced wolves have exceeded expectations about adapting to their western environs and many states are seeking authority to manage packs within their boundaries. As a result, the wolf issue is one of the most controversial topics throughout the Rockies where gray wolves now roam. Among those stakeholder groups attempting to be heard on the matter—state and federal legislators, animal rights activists, ranchers and sportsmen—America’s hunters have as much to gain or lose as anybody. However, when asked by and what they thought about the issue, it is clear that even among our nation’s sportsmen, there remains some uncertainty as to how best to proceed. Asked if they believe western gray wolf populations are recovered and should be removed from the Endangered Species List, well over half of the respondents—57.1 percent—said “yes,” while only 6.7 percent said “no.” As many as 36.1 percent of the respondents said they “do not know.” At a rate of more than 2 to 1, however, sportsmen are concerned that growing wolf populations are having a harmful impact on elk, moose and deer populations within their range. More than 68 percent believe wolves are negatively affecting ungulate species, while 33.7 percent think the affects of more wolves are actually beneficial. Nearly the same amount of survey participants, 62.2 percent, as those who believe wolves are harming other wildlife populations say they would be more likely to vote for a candidate if they supported giving states primary management authority over wolf populations. Thirty-four percent said they weren’t sure if it would influence their vote or said the topic was too complicated to say how they would vote based on the issue. Only 3.7 percent said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported state management authority. “Future management of gray wolf populations is an extremely sensitive subject, particularly in the West where it most immediately affects the people and animals that live there,” said Rob Southwick, president of Southwick Associates, which designs and conducts the surveys at and “The results of the survey suggest a need for more clear-cut information be made available to the public regarding the current status of the gray wolf in the region and how it is impacting other game species.” One thing respondents seem more united on is their distrust of the motivations behind animal welfare groups’ opposition to delisting the gray wolf or turning over management authority to the states. Only 16.1 percent believe these groups are acting out of genuine concern for conserving and restoring wolf populations, while many more (65 percent) believe they are acting out of an interest to limit hunting opportunities and (38.7 percent) as a means to boost membership and donations. Comments submitted by survey respondents supported these beliefs with many suggesting animal rights groups will say or do anything they can to put a stop to hunting in any form.
    1381 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Sportsmen Split on Western Wolf Issue Posted 18 Nov 20:40 by FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — Reintroduced wolves have exceeded expectations about adapting to their western environs and many states are seeking authority to manage packs within their boundaries. As a result, the wolf issue is one of the most controversial topics throughout the Rockies where gray wolves now roam. Among those stakeholder groups attempting to be heard on the matter—state and federal legislators, animal rights activists, ranchers and sportsmen—America’s hunters have as much to gain or lose as anybody. However, when asked by and what they thought about the issue, it is clear that even among our nation’s sportsmen, there remains some uncertainty as to how best to proceed. Asked if they believe western gray wolf populations are recovered and should be removed from the Endangered Species List, well over half of the respondents—57.1 percent—said “yes,” while only 6.7 percent said “no.” As many as 36.1 percent of the respondents said they “do not know.” At a rate of more than 2 to 1, however, sportsmen are concerned that growing wolf populations are having a harmful impact on elk, moose and deer populations within their range. More than 68 percent believe wolves are negatively affecting ungulate species, while 33.7 percent think the affects of more wolves are actually beneficial. Nearly the same amount of survey participants, 62.2 percent, as those who believe wolves are harming other wildlife populations say they would be more likely to vote for a candidate if they supported giving states primary management authority over wolf populations. Thirty-four percent said they weren’t sure if it would influence their vote or said the topic was too complicated to say how they would vote based on the issue. Only 3.7 percent said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported state management authority. “Future management of gray wolf populations is an extremely sensitive subject, particularly in the West where it most immediately affects the people and animals that live there,” said Rob Southwick, president of Southwick Associates, which designs and conducts the surveys at and “The results of the survey suggest a need for more clear-cut information be made available to the public regarding the current status of the gray wolf in the region and how it is impacting other game species.” One thing respondents seem more united on is their distrust of the motivations behind animal welfare groups’ opposition to delisting the gray wolf or turning over management authority to the states. Only 16.1 percent believe these groups are acting out of genuine concern for conserving and restoring wolf populations, while many more (65 percent) believe they are acting out of an interest to limit hunting opportunities and (38.7 percent) as a means to boost membership and donations. Comments submitted by survey respondents supported these beliefs with many suggesting animal rights groups will say or do anything they can to put a stop to hunting in any form.
    Jan 03, 2011 1381
  • 20 Dec 2010
      Deer hunting in stands more prevalent than years ago Posted on 18 December 2010 By Joe Mosby When Dad and Granddad talk nostalgically about the good ol’ days of Arkansas deer hunting compared to today, keep in mind that it is an apples and oranges comparison. We don’t hunt deer like they did in 1960. We don’t go after deer. We sit and wait for deer to come to us. We kill many, many more deer than they did in those good ol’ days, but we also have many more deer roaming around than in times past. Scientific and accurate verification is impossible, but likely there are many more deer today in Arkansas than when the first settlers arrive in a territory and state that was virtually covered with forests. It is easier to get a handle on the change in hunting methods. For a couple of centuries, deer in Arkansas were hunted by people slipping quietly through the woods, bottoms and other cover. Deer hunters learned to walk quietly. Their objective was to slip up on deer bedded down in grassy spots, in addition to finding a path made by wildlife and stalking along it. Deer hunters matched their senses with deer. They made great effort to be silent, and they tried to cover their smell with items like a couple of ripe apples in pockets. They depended on eyesight, and here the human could match the deer. The oldtimers didn’t deck themselves out in bright orange, and they didn’t wear camouflage clothing until well after World War II. A warm plaid flannel shirt was commonly used by a deer hunter of old. A warm jacket of some sort was used along with cast-off suit jackets. The deer hunter of old carried a rifle with open sights, not telescopic sights. The “thutty-thutty,” or .30-30, was the most common deer gun. Lever action rifles using cartridges like the .38-40 and .44-40 were often used, and these have less power than the .30-30. Shots at deer were usually less than 100 yards, with long “bean-field shots” unknown. By the time the 1970s arrived, hunters were discovering elevated stands. First came the 2×4 board steps nailed to a tree and leading to a board platform secured to branches. This put the hunter several feet above ground and allowed more visibility at the price of not being mobile. Innovative types developed metal stands that could be moved from one spot to another. They also came up with ladder and platform rigs that could be leaned against a handy tree and tied in place with a strap or rope. Free-standing metal stands came forth as did relatively lightweight portable stands that could be used to climb trees. The old walk and stalk faded in favor of the sit and wait. Available statistics tell us that elevated-stand hunting, the sit-and-wait game, has numbers of deer killed well in its favor. It was the 1970s before the number of deer checked in Arkansas passed 20,000 a year. In recent years the number has approached 200,000 in a season. Another statistic, though, tells us that the 12 or 14 days of deer hunting a few decades back has given way to deer seasons nearly a month long, sometimes more. And this goes along with the increasing population of deer all across the state. All right, is the sit-and-wait practitioner a better deer hunter than the old fellow who eased through the woods on foot and sneaked up on a deer? A definitive answer isn’t likely. The ability to shoot a rifle accurately, however, is just as critical today as in old times. Today’s deer rifles have power that would amaze the oldtimers along with those vision-enhancing telescopic sights. Shooting ability still ranks near the top of deer hunting talents, and a sit-and-wait enthusiast may point out that his or her position provides a more stable shooting setup than a person walking in the woods.
    1118 Posted by Chris Avena
  •   Deer hunting in stands more prevalent than years ago Posted on 18 December 2010 By Joe Mosby When Dad and Granddad talk nostalgically about the good ol’ days of Arkansas deer hunting compared to today, keep in mind that it is an apples and oranges comparison. We don’t hunt deer like they did in 1960. We don’t go after deer. We sit and wait for deer to come to us. We kill many, many more deer than they did in those good ol’ days, but we also have many more deer roaming around than in times past. Scientific and accurate verification is impossible, but likely there are many more deer today in Arkansas than when the first settlers arrive in a territory and state that was virtually covered with forests. It is easier to get a handle on the change in hunting methods. For a couple of centuries, deer in Arkansas were hunted by people slipping quietly through the woods, bottoms and other cover. Deer hunters learned to walk quietly. Their objective was to slip up on deer bedded down in grassy spots, in addition to finding a path made by wildlife and stalking along it. Deer hunters matched their senses with deer. They made great effort to be silent, and they tried to cover their smell with items like a couple of ripe apples in pockets. They depended on eyesight, and here the human could match the deer. The oldtimers didn’t deck themselves out in bright orange, and they didn’t wear camouflage clothing until well after World War II. A warm plaid flannel shirt was commonly used by a deer hunter of old. A warm jacket of some sort was used along with cast-off suit jackets. The deer hunter of old carried a rifle with open sights, not telescopic sights. The “thutty-thutty,” or .30-30, was the most common deer gun. Lever action rifles using cartridges like the .38-40 and .44-40 were often used, and these have less power than the .30-30. Shots at deer were usually less than 100 yards, with long “bean-field shots” unknown. By the time the 1970s arrived, hunters were discovering elevated stands. First came the 2×4 board steps nailed to a tree and leading to a board platform secured to branches. This put the hunter several feet above ground and allowed more visibility at the price of not being mobile. Innovative types developed metal stands that could be moved from one spot to another. They also came up with ladder and platform rigs that could be leaned against a handy tree and tied in place with a strap or rope. Free-standing metal stands came forth as did relatively lightweight portable stands that could be used to climb trees. The old walk and stalk faded in favor of the sit and wait. Available statistics tell us that elevated-stand hunting, the sit-and-wait game, has numbers of deer killed well in its favor. It was the 1970s before the number of deer checked in Arkansas passed 20,000 a year. In recent years the number has approached 200,000 in a season. Another statistic, though, tells us that the 12 or 14 days of deer hunting a few decades back has given way to deer seasons nearly a month long, sometimes more. And this goes along with the increasing population of deer all across the state. All right, is the sit-and-wait practitioner a better deer hunter than the old fellow who eased through the woods on foot and sneaked up on a deer? A definitive answer isn’t likely. The ability to shoot a rifle accurately, however, is just as critical today as in old times. Today’s deer rifles have power that would amaze the oldtimers along with those vision-enhancing telescopic sights. Shooting ability still ranks near the top of deer hunting talents, and a sit-and-wait enthusiast may point out that his or her position provides a more stable shooting setup than a person walking in the woods.
    Dec 20, 2010 1118
  • 07 Dec 2010
    NJ's bear hunt: Hunters kill 264 bears on first day of controversial NJ hunt By ROB JENNNIGS • STAFF WRITER • December 6, 2010  FREDON — Joan Robillard of Boonton was waiting in line Monday to have the bear she shot dead several hours earlier in Montville weighed and registered.    Entering the Whittingham Wildlife Management Area check station shortly after 1 p.m., she and her son, Eddie, were jeered by two dozen protesters who gathered for the first day of New Jersey's first bear hunt in five years.  Protesters, including Ken Vassilatos of Pine Bush, N.Y., were chanting "stop the slaughter" as hunters pulled up in their pickup trucks, with State Police erecting barriers to keep both sides apart. One man was arrested shortly after noon, several hours into the six-day hunt, after police said he breached the barricade, state Division of Fish and Wildlife Assistant Director Larry Herrighty said. By that point, at least a dozen bears had been brought to the check station, one of three in Sussex — the heart of bear country — set up for the hunt. Overall, 264 bears had been killed.  Robillard, who used a Remington 1100 20-gauge slug to kill the bear at 8:35 a.m., echoed the sentiments of several other hunters on Monday — that hunting was part of their heritage and a worthy tradition.  "I've hunted since I was 15," she said.  Protesters took a different view. Angi Metler of Vernon, a critic of the state's last two bear hunts in 2003 and 2005, charged that the public safety rationale used to justify the hunt was manufactured. "This is a massacre that is based on lies," she said. "This is simply a trophy hunt. It's not about population reduction and it's not about reducing nuisance complaints." Herrighty disagreed. "This isn't a trophy hunt. It is a management hunt," Herrighty said.  Herrighty, who was working in Fredon on Monday, estimated that anywhere from 500 to 700 bears would be killed by the end of the hunt. That would represent a small but still significant portion of the bear population. Prior to the hunt, the state Department of Environmental Protection estimated there were 3,400 bears in northwestern New Jersey. According to the DEP, bear complaints involving a threat to safety or property have more than doubled since 2007 — after dropping by 40 following the 2003 hunt and by 15 percent after the 2005 hunt.  New Jersey originally ended bear hunting in the early 1970s when the population was nearing extinction. In Fredon, Anthony Lingenfelter of Howell recorded the first dead bruin — a 327.5-pound, 7-year-old male — on Monday. Joined by his father, also named Anthony, he woke up at 3:15 a.m. for the two-hour drive and brought down the bear at 7:10 a.m. Lingenfelter said he would bring the carcass to the butcher for food, with the hide and head going to the taxidermist. "I grew up in a hunting family," Lingenfelter said, adding, "It's been passed down from generation to generation."  He said it was the first time he had killed a bear. Though only one arrest was reported by midday, tensions between hunters and protesters were evident. Two hunters, upon arriving in Fredon with dead bears, said they did not want to be named for fear of retaliation.  A man from Lake Hopatcong who gave his name as "Bill" said he was concerned the publicity could hurt his insurance business. Another hunter, "Mike," was making a video of protesters who were making a video of him.  In addition to criticizing hunters, protesters were also targeting Gov. Chris Christie for allowing the hunt to proceed.  "Gov. Christie, stop the hunt," was chanted again and again by demonstrators lining the road leading to the entrance.  Claudia Emerson, a bear hunt protester who lives in West New York, said she opposed the previous two hunts in 2003 and 2005 and that the reasons behind her objections hadn't diminished.  "It's not necessary," she said of the hunt.  As in 2003 and 2005, this week's bear hunt is limited to north of Route 78 and west of Route 287, including portions of Morris, Sussex and Warren counties  
    1405 Posted by Chris Avena
  • NJ's bear hunt: Hunters kill 264 bears on first day of controversial NJ hunt By ROB JENNNIGS • STAFF WRITER • December 6, 2010  FREDON — Joan Robillard of Boonton was waiting in line Monday to have the bear she shot dead several hours earlier in Montville weighed and registered.    Entering the Whittingham Wildlife Management Area check station shortly after 1 p.m., she and her son, Eddie, were jeered by two dozen protesters who gathered for the first day of New Jersey's first bear hunt in five years.  Protesters, including Ken Vassilatos of Pine Bush, N.Y., were chanting "stop the slaughter" as hunters pulled up in their pickup trucks, with State Police erecting barriers to keep both sides apart. One man was arrested shortly after noon, several hours into the six-day hunt, after police said he breached the barricade, state Division of Fish and Wildlife Assistant Director Larry Herrighty said. By that point, at least a dozen bears had been brought to the check station, one of three in Sussex — the heart of bear country — set up for the hunt. Overall, 264 bears had been killed.  Robillard, who used a Remington 1100 20-gauge slug to kill the bear at 8:35 a.m., echoed the sentiments of several other hunters on Monday — that hunting was part of their heritage and a worthy tradition.  "I've hunted since I was 15," she said.  Protesters took a different view. Angi Metler of Vernon, a critic of the state's last two bear hunts in 2003 and 2005, charged that the public safety rationale used to justify the hunt was manufactured. "This is a massacre that is based on lies," she said. "This is simply a trophy hunt. It's not about population reduction and it's not about reducing nuisance complaints." Herrighty disagreed. "This isn't a trophy hunt. It is a management hunt," Herrighty said.  Herrighty, who was working in Fredon on Monday, estimated that anywhere from 500 to 700 bears would be killed by the end of the hunt. That would represent a small but still significant portion of the bear population. Prior to the hunt, the state Department of Environmental Protection estimated there were 3,400 bears in northwestern New Jersey. According to the DEP, bear complaints involving a threat to safety or property have more than doubled since 2007 — after dropping by 40 following the 2003 hunt and by 15 percent after the 2005 hunt.  New Jersey originally ended bear hunting in the early 1970s when the population was nearing extinction. In Fredon, Anthony Lingenfelter of Howell recorded the first dead bruin — a 327.5-pound, 7-year-old male — on Monday. Joined by his father, also named Anthony, he woke up at 3:15 a.m. for the two-hour drive and brought down the bear at 7:10 a.m. Lingenfelter said he would bring the carcass to the butcher for food, with the hide and head going to the taxidermist. "I grew up in a hunting family," Lingenfelter said, adding, "It's been passed down from generation to generation."  He said it was the first time he had killed a bear. Though only one arrest was reported by midday, tensions between hunters and protesters were evident. Two hunters, upon arriving in Fredon with dead bears, said they did not want to be named for fear of retaliation.  A man from Lake Hopatcong who gave his name as "Bill" said he was concerned the publicity could hurt his insurance business. Another hunter, "Mike," was making a video of protesters who were making a video of him.  In addition to criticizing hunters, protesters were also targeting Gov. Chris Christie for allowing the hunt to proceed.  "Gov. Christie, stop the hunt," was chanted again and again by demonstrators lining the road leading to the entrance.  Claudia Emerson, a bear hunt protester who lives in West New York, said she opposed the previous two hunts in 2003 and 2005 and that the reasons behind her objections hadn't diminished.  "It's not necessary," she said of the hunt.  As in 2003 and 2005, this week's bear hunt is limited to north of Route 78 and west of Route 287, including portions of Morris, Sussex and Warren counties  
    Dec 07, 2010 1405
  • 10 Nov 2010
    NUMBER OF U.S. HUNTERS GREATER THAN EXPECTEDPosted 01 Nov 14:16 by donna@southwickassociates.comFernandina Beach, Fla. – A new study funded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and carried out by Southwick Associates has found that the pool of American hunters is much larger than previously thought. This discovery can lead to major conservation and economic benefits.  If many “casual hunters” (hunters that do not purchase a hunting license on an annual basis) can be converted into annual license buyers, a major benefit would be realized. This report estimates that 21.8 million Americans hunted at least once over the past five years. Previous estimates have shown over 14 million youth and adults hunt each year, but not all hunters take to the field every year. Conducted in partnership with 17 state wildlife agencies, the study assessed license sales patterns and found that 78 percent of the U.S. hunters who bought a license in a given year also purchased one again the following year. By examining purchasing patterns over multiple years, it was determined that for every two hunters in the field this year, one is taking the year off. “Considering hunters’ contribute over $1 billion every year to wildlife conservation via licenses and excise taxes, if half of the hunters who lapsed this year actually bought a license, conservation dollars would have increased by $97 million,” reported Rob Southwick, President of Southwick Associates. “This estimate doesn’t even include the extra dollars possible from increased hunters’ excise taxes. Considering the limited government dollars allocated for wildlife and the tremendous impact hunters provide to rural communities, increased efforts to boost hunter numbers would make smart conservation and economic sense.” The NSSF study monitored license-buying patterns over multiple years, producing results for various segments of hunters, and described the lifestyles, habits and demographics of various segments of the hunting community. “We know there are many types of hunters with a wide range of interests. This study reveals who our hunters are beyond the usual demographic descriptions. We now have a better idea of hunters’ regional purchasing habits, recreational choices and overall lifestyle preferences,” said Jim Curcuruto, Director of Research and Analysis for NSSF.  “The results will be used to strengthen existing hunting participation programs and develop new programs designed to convert the casual hunter into an annual license buyer.  Savvy industry marketing and communications professionals will use these data to enhance their advertising efforts.” said Curcuruto.
    955 Posted by Chris Avena
  • NUMBER OF U.S. HUNTERS GREATER THAN EXPECTEDPosted 01 Nov 14:16 by donna@southwickassociates.comFernandina Beach, Fla. – A new study funded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and carried out by Southwick Associates has found that the pool of American hunters is much larger than previously thought. This discovery can lead to major conservation and economic benefits.  If many “casual hunters” (hunters that do not purchase a hunting license on an annual basis) can be converted into annual license buyers, a major benefit would be realized. This report estimates that 21.8 million Americans hunted at least once over the past five years. Previous estimates have shown over 14 million youth and adults hunt each year, but not all hunters take to the field every year. Conducted in partnership with 17 state wildlife agencies, the study assessed license sales patterns and found that 78 percent of the U.S. hunters who bought a license in a given year also purchased one again the following year. By examining purchasing patterns over multiple years, it was determined that for every two hunters in the field this year, one is taking the year off. “Considering hunters’ contribute over $1 billion every year to wildlife conservation via licenses and excise taxes, if half of the hunters who lapsed this year actually bought a license, conservation dollars would have increased by $97 million,” reported Rob Southwick, President of Southwick Associates. “This estimate doesn’t even include the extra dollars possible from increased hunters’ excise taxes. Considering the limited government dollars allocated for wildlife and the tremendous impact hunters provide to rural communities, increased efforts to boost hunter numbers would make smart conservation and economic sense.” The NSSF study monitored license-buying patterns over multiple years, producing results for various segments of hunters, and described the lifestyles, habits and demographics of various segments of the hunting community. “We know there are many types of hunters with a wide range of interests. This study reveals who our hunters are beyond the usual demographic descriptions. We now have a better idea of hunters’ regional purchasing habits, recreational choices and overall lifestyle preferences,” said Jim Curcuruto, Director of Research and Analysis for NSSF.  “The results will be used to strengthen existing hunting participation programs and develop new programs designed to convert the casual hunter into an annual license buyer.  Savvy industry marketing and communications professionals will use these data to enhance their advertising efforts.” said Curcuruto.
    Nov 10, 2010 955
  • 03 Nov 2010
    State DEC to issue 5,000 extra deer-hunting permits By Adam Bosch Published: 2:00 AM - 11/03/10 State environment regulators will be handing out 5,000 extra deer-hunting permits across the state, including 890 in our region.The state Department of Environmental Conservation said last week it received fewer applications in some regions than expected for permits that allow hunters to harvest female deer. The leftovers will now be sent out randomly to applicants who previously were denied during the application period. Those permits are expected to be sent out this week.Regular deer season opens Nov.
    851 Posted by Chris Avena
  • State DEC to issue 5,000 extra deer-hunting permits By Adam Bosch Published: 2:00 AM - 11/03/10 State environment regulators will be handing out 5,000 extra deer-hunting permits across the state, including 890 in our region.The state Department of Environmental Conservation said last week it received fewer applications in some regions than expected for permits that allow hunters to harvest female deer. The leftovers will now be sent out randomly to applicants who previously were denied during the application period. Those permits are expected to be sent out this week.Regular deer season opens Nov.
    Nov 03, 2010 851
  • 03 Nov 2010
    Working to Keep a Heritage Relevant By ERIK ECKHOLM Published: September 25, 2010 HAMBURG, Pa. — To millions of Americans, autumn means not just N.F.L. games and the World Series but also the start of hunting season — a few months packed with chances to stalk deer, bear, ducks and doves with rifles, shotguns, bows and even black-powder muskets.  “Hunting is one of those sports where you can’t have too much stuff,” said Dan Gechtman, 46, one of many customers streaming into Cabela’s, a hunting and fishing megastore here, on a balmy afternoon. “This store is on steroids,” he said while trying on a camouflage suit that fluttered with artificial leaves and taking in the dazzling array of products, stuffed animal dioramas and a laser-shooting arcade. In some rural areas, hunting is still so universal that schools close on the opening day of deer season. President Obama, in a ritual White House act requested by sporting fans and manufacturers, proclaimed Saturday National Hunting and Fishing Day. But as the hunters revel in their preparations for their annual forays into the wild, hunting enthusiasts are gearing up to reverse the long-term dwindling of their ranks. As the nation becomes more urban and teenagers seek other recreation, the popularity of hunting is declining. The latest federal survey, in 2006, found that 12.5 million people hunt each year, down from 17 million in 1975. Other studies suggest that perhaps 18 million people hunt occasionally, but in any case, hunters represent a shrinking part of the population. The graying ranks and the impulses that have sustained stores like Cabela’s, even in the recession, are typified by Gerard Dick, 72, who has hunted since childhood and through a career as a high school science teacher. He owns plenty of weapons, he said, but on Thursday afternoon he was checking out a small rifle with a camouflage-covered stock. “I’ll use it on turkeys and groundhogs,” he said. The decline in hunters is a concern for state fish and game agencies, which are financed through licenses and excise taxes on sporting goods, as well as for pro-hunting conservation groups and advocates like the National Rifle Association. “We’re concerned that in the future we aren’t going to have adequate dollars to manage our wildlife resources,” said John E. Frampton, director of South Carolina’s Department of Natural Resources and president of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. “We also want to preserve an important part of our heritage.” Mr. Frampton serves on a new federal advisory board intended “to help promote and preserve America’s hunting heritage for future generations,” in part by drawing in more youths and women. While declining interest and shrinking wildlife habitat may be the main threats to the pastime, hunting and gun groups are worried by the occasional efforts to restrict it, like the ban on mourning dove hunting in Michigan that was promoted by animal rights advocates. South Carolina is one of four states, along with Arizona, Arkansas and Tennessee, that will vote this fall on adding the right to hunt and fish to their constitutions. Ten states already have such provisions, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. None of these long-term worries were on the mind of Victor Hakes, 53, as he wandered in Cabela’s on Thursday afternoon with his wife, Shawna, and their grandson after making a two-hour drive from northern Pennsylvania. Mr. Hakes, who builds custom trailers, bags deer and turkeys every year but has not yet shot a bear, “although I passed over two cubs,” he said. On this trip he was just buying boots, but his eyes shifted toward the gun racks. “I’ve got 10 rifles and shotguns, and she won’t let me buy any more,” he said, nudging his wife with a laugh. Their 3-year-old grandson, Aiden Jaeger, looked with wide eyes at a huge stuffed moose. “He’ll be a hunter and a fisherman,” Mr. Hakes said, expressing a hope that Aiden would buck the national trend and carry on a family tradition.    
    1228 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Working to Keep a Heritage Relevant By ERIK ECKHOLM Published: September 25, 2010 HAMBURG, Pa. — To millions of Americans, autumn means not just N.F.L. games and the World Series but also the start of hunting season — a few months packed with chances to stalk deer, bear, ducks and doves with rifles, shotguns, bows and even black-powder muskets.  “Hunting is one of those sports where you can’t have too much stuff,” said Dan Gechtman, 46, one of many customers streaming into Cabela’s, a hunting and fishing megastore here, on a balmy afternoon. “This store is on steroids,” he said while trying on a camouflage suit that fluttered with artificial leaves and taking in the dazzling array of products, stuffed animal dioramas and a laser-shooting arcade. In some rural areas, hunting is still so universal that schools close on the opening day of deer season. President Obama, in a ritual White House act requested by sporting fans and manufacturers, proclaimed Saturday National Hunting and Fishing Day. But as the hunters revel in their preparations for their annual forays into the wild, hunting enthusiasts are gearing up to reverse the long-term dwindling of their ranks. As the nation becomes more urban and teenagers seek other recreation, the popularity of hunting is declining. The latest federal survey, in 2006, found that 12.5 million people hunt each year, down from 17 million in 1975. Other studies suggest that perhaps 18 million people hunt occasionally, but in any case, hunters represent a shrinking part of the population. The graying ranks and the impulses that have sustained stores like Cabela’s, even in the recession, are typified by Gerard Dick, 72, who has hunted since childhood and through a career as a high school science teacher. He owns plenty of weapons, he said, but on Thursday afternoon he was checking out a small rifle with a camouflage-covered stock. “I’ll use it on turkeys and groundhogs,” he said. The decline in hunters is a concern for state fish and game agencies, which are financed through licenses and excise taxes on sporting goods, as well as for pro-hunting conservation groups and advocates like the National Rifle Association. “We’re concerned that in the future we aren’t going to have adequate dollars to manage our wildlife resources,” said John E. Frampton, director of South Carolina’s Department of Natural Resources and president of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. “We also want to preserve an important part of our heritage.” Mr. Frampton serves on a new federal advisory board intended “to help promote and preserve America’s hunting heritage for future generations,” in part by drawing in more youths and women. While declining interest and shrinking wildlife habitat may be the main threats to the pastime, hunting and gun groups are worried by the occasional efforts to restrict it, like the ban on mourning dove hunting in Michigan that was promoted by animal rights advocates. South Carolina is one of four states, along with Arizona, Arkansas and Tennessee, that will vote this fall on adding the right to hunt and fish to their constitutions. Ten states already have such provisions, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. None of these long-term worries were on the mind of Victor Hakes, 53, as he wandered in Cabela’s on Thursday afternoon with his wife, Shawna, and their grandson after making a two-hour drive from northern Pennsylvania. Mr. Hakes, who builds custom trailers, bags deer and turkeys every year but has not yet shot a bear, “although I passed over two cubs,” he said. On this trip he was just buying boots, but his eyes shifted toward the gun racks. “I’ve got 10 rifles and shotguns, and she won’t let me buy any more,” he said, nudging his wife with a laugh. Their 3-year-old grandson, Aiden Jaeger, looked with wide eyes at a huge stuffed moose. “He’ll be a hunter and a fisherman,” Mr. Hakes said, expressing a hope that Aiden would buck the national trend and carry on a family tradition.    
    Nov 03, 2010 1228
  • 02 Nov 2010
    Hunting and Fishing: Bright Stars of the American Economy A force as big as all outdoors  A dollar here. A hundred dollars there. It adds up to more than you might think. America’s 34 million hunters and anglers are an economic powerhouse, driving the economy. They’re passionate about their pastimes. And they spend passionately too. Multiply individual spending by those many millions of people, and you’re talking a major force in our economy, through booms as well as recessions. They directly support 1.6 million jobs. They spend more than a billion dollars just on licenses, stamps, tags and permits. And they generate $25 billion a year in federal, state and local taxes. By any measure, hunters and anglers are among the most prominent and influential of all demographic groups.  Without hunters and anglers, our economy would be a lot smaller. $76 billion smaller, in fact. That’s how much they spend each year on their passion for the outdoors. If a single corporation grossed as much as hunters and anglers spend, it would be among America’s 20 largest, ahead of Target, Costco and AT&T. But hunters' and anglers’ influence goes even further. They create an economic “ripple effect” of $192 billion a year. They keep people working: not just in typical hunting and fishing jobs, but also in gas stations, retail, restaurants and hotels throughout every state and congressional district of the USA. There are other numbers, too. For instance, Americans spend more time hunting and fishing each year than days spent running the Federal government (737 million days vs. 486 million). Together, hunters and anglers are a significant voting bloc. In fact, their voting potential was 31% of all votes cast in the 2004 presidential election. Eighty percent of sportsmen are “likely voters,” far more than the national average. They can change the tide of elections. And, as you might guess, they tend to favor pro-sporting candidates.  Add up the populations of America’s two largest cities, New York and Los Angeles. Roughly, that’s 12 million people—a pretty enormous number. But it’s still less than the number of people who hunt. More people hunt than play tennis. More people hunt than ski. And they spend more time doing it, too. The average hunter spends 18 blissful days engaged in his passion each year. With 12.5 million individuals, that’s 220 million days spent in the woods, fields and wetlands each year. Of course, the bigger story isn’t the time they spend. It’s the money. At $1,992 per hunter per year, that’s $24.9 billion pumped into our economy. And where do those billions go? Well, $2.1 billion goes just into food and drinks consumed on hunting trips. That’s enough to feed 360,000 soldiers for a year. Another $56 million goes towards boat fuel alone, plus $30 million for boat trailers, motors and accessories. Bow hunters alone spend $674 million just on their bows and arrows. All this spending adds up to support close to 600,000 jobs—more than the number of people employed by McDonald’s corporation. Quick: Guess what American anglers spend $1.1 billion a year on. No, it’s not their equipment. (That costs $5.3 billion.) Not food ($4.3 billion). Not even lodging ($2 billion). Nope. That $1.1 billion is what anglers spend just on bait. That’s twice what ski enthusiasts spend on all of their pricey gear (a mere $615 million). Obviously, sportfishing is one of America’s favorite outdoor pastimes—outranking football, basketball, baseball and tennis. One in every six Americans 16 and older goes fishing. One quarter of all men do. And, perhaps surprisingly, some eight percent of all women. Besides spending lots of money, anglers spend an average of 17 days a year on the water. That’s in stark contrast to the 13 days the average American spends on vacation. And during those 17 days, they’re supporting not just bait stands and boat makers, but gas stations, local motels, grocery and convenience stores, and of course, sporting goods retailers.  Hunters and anglers have historically been — and continue to be — the largest contributors to government wildlife conservation programs. Through excise taxes and license revenues, they have contributed more than $10 billion dollars to conservation, and annually provide more than 80% of the funding for most state fish and wildlife agencies. American sportsmen know that their passion for the outdoors must be matched with active participation in the political process. Lawmakers and regulators make decisions every day that affect sportsmen. Hunters and anglers pay attention, and take those decisions into account when they vote. And there are even more hunters and anglers than the licensed sportsmen cited in this report. Including those who don’t require licenses, there are an estimated 18.6 million hunters (1.6 million under 16). And an estimated 44.4 million people (8.4 million under 16) who fish. It is estimated that there are 40 million sportsmen of voting age in the United States – nearly a third of the entire vote. Nearly 8 in 10 hunters always vote in presidential elections, while 6 in 10 always vote in non-presidential elections. A huge majority of all sportsmen consider themselves “likely voters.” Approximately 20% of the entire population of major swing states – Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida – hold either a hunting or fishing license, or both. 8 in 10 sportsmen state that a candidate’s position on sportsmen’s issues is important in determining whom they will vote for. Polls show that the American public has an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward hunting and fishing. Americans understand that hunting and fishing serve multiple needs – sustenance, recreation and conservation. The fact is, hunting and fishing have been part of the American culture since before our nation began. So it’s no wonder that these timeless pursuits are perceived more favorably. You've seen the national economic impact of hunting and fishing. Now, here's  how the states stack up. Every single state makes a contribution through revenue, taxes and jobs, but these are the states where hunting and fishing truly drive the economy.   This report was produced by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. CSF is the most respected and trusted hunting and fishing organization in the political arena. With support from every major hunting and fishing organization, CSF is the leader in promoting sportsmen’s issues with elected officials. CSF works directly with the bi-partisan, bi-cameral Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus in the U.S. Congress, as well as affiliated state sportsmen’s caucuses in state legislatures around the country.                                                               ~In Partnership with~ The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the shooting, hunting and firearms industry, whose purpose is to provide trusted leadership in addressing industry challenges and to deliver programs and services to meet the identified needs of their members. NSSF concentrates efforts on measurably advancing participation in and understanding of hunting and the shooting sports; reaffirming and strengthening their members' commitment to the safe and responsible use of their products, and promoting a political climate supportive of America's traditional firearms rights. For over 30 years, SCI’s mission has been to protect and expand the freedom to hunt, instituting sustainable use conservation worldwide while protecting hunting heritage. To that end, SCI is involved at all levels of government – from state and local to national and international. SCI chapters in the U.S., with the assistance of the Government Affairs Department, get involved with state legislative and regulatory issues, with federal plans that affect management, conservation and hunting access on public lands, as well as national legislative issues. National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the leading association representing the recreational boating industry. NMMA's nearly 1,700 member companies produce more than 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories and gear used by boaters and anglers in North America. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs in public policy, market research and data, product quality assurance and marketing communications, and provides leadership necessary to unite the industry in pursuit of its primary goal: To make boating the #1 choice in recreation. Visit for more information.   The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers represents the common interests of its members and provides a forum to enable them to advance public policies that meet consumer and societal needs for clean, safe, efficient, and affordable personal transportation.  CSF also gratefully acknowledges the following for their contributions: American Sportfishing Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, InterMedia Outdoors, Fountain and Associates, Patrick O’Malley, Southwick and Associates        
    2584 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Hunting and Fishing: Bright Stars of the American Economy A force as big as all outdoors  A dollar here. A hundred dollars there. It adds up to more than you might think. America’s 34 million hunters and anglers are an economic powerhouse, driving the economy. They’re passionate about their pastimes. And they spend passionately too. Multiply individual spending by those many millions of people, and you’re talking a major force in our economy, through booms as well as recessions. They directly support 1.6 million jobs. They spend more than a billion dollars just on licenses, stamps, tags and permits. And they generate $25 billion a year in federal, state and local taxes. By any measure, hunters and anglers are among the most prominent and influential of all demographic groups.  Without hunters and anglers, our economy would be a lot smaller. $76 billion smaller, in fact. That’s how much they spend each year on their passion for the outdoors. If a single corporation grossed as much as hunters and anglers spend, it would be among America’s 20 largest, ahead of Target, Costco and AT&T. But hunters' and anglers’ influence goes even further. They create an economic “ripple effect” of $192 billion a year. They keep people working: not just in typical hunting and fishing jobs, but also in gas stations, retail, restaurants and hotels throughout every state and congressional district of the USA. There are other numbers, too. For instance, Americans spend more time hunting and fishing each year than days spent running the Federal government (737 million days vs. 486 million). Together, hunters and anglers are a significant voting bloc. In fact, their voting potential was 31% of all votes cast in the 2004 presidential election. Eighty percent of sportsmen are “likely voters,” far more than the national average. They can change the tide of elections. And, as you might guess, they tend to favor pro-sporting candidates.  Add up the populations of America’s two largest cities, New York and Los Angeles. Roughly, that’s 12 million people—a pretty enormous number. But it’s still less than the number of people who hunt. More people hunt than play tennis. More people hunt than ski. And they spend more time doing it, too. The average hunter spends 18 blissful days engaged in his passion each year. With 12.5 million individuals, that’s 220 million days spent in the woods, fields and wetlands each year. Of course, the bigger story isn’t the time they spend. It’s the money. At $1,992 per hunter per year, that’s $24.9 billion pumped into our economy. And where do those billions go? Well, $2.1 billion goes just into food and drinks consumed on hunting trips. That’s enough to feed 360,000 soldiers for a year. Another $56 million goes towards boat fuel alone, plus $30 million for boat trailers, motors and accessories. Bow hunters alone spend $674 million just on their bows and arrows. All this spending adds up to support close to 600,000 jobs—more than the number of people employed by McDonald’s corporation. Quick: Guess what American anglers spend $1.1 billion a year on. No, it’s not their equipment. (That costs $5.3 billion.) Not food ($4.3 billion). Not even lodging ($2 billion). Nope. That $1.1 billion is what anglers spend just on bait. That’s twice what ski enthusiasts spend on all of their pricey gear (a mere $615 million). Obviously, sportfishing is one of America’s favorite outdoor pastimes—outranking football, basketball, baseball and tennis. One in every six Americans 16 and older goes fishing. One quarter of all men do. And, perhaps surprisingly, some eight percent of all women. Besides spending lots of money, anglers spend an average of 17 days a year on the water. That’s in stark contrast to the 13 days the average American spends on vacation. And during those 17 days, they’re supporting not just bait stands and boat makers, but gas stations, local motels, grocery and convenience stores, and of course, sporting goods retailers.  Hunters and anglers have historically been — and continue to be — the largest contributors to government wildlife conservation programs. Through excise taxes and license revenues, they have contributed more than $10 billion dollars to conservation, and annually provide more than 80% of the funding for most state fish and wildlife agencies. American sportsmen know that their passion for the outdoors must be matched with active participation in the political process. Lawmakers and regulators make decisions every day that affect sportsmen. Hunters and anglers pay attention, and take those decisions into account when they vote. And there are even more hunters and anglers than the licensed sportsmen cited in this report. Including those who don’t require licenses, there are an estimated 18.6 million hunters (1.6 million under 16). And an estimated 44.4 million people (8.4 million under 16) who fish. It is estimated that there are 40 million sportsmen of voting age in the United States – nearly a third of the entire vote. Nearly 8 in 10 hunters always vote in presidential elections, while 6 in 10 always vote in non-presidential elections. A huge majority of all sportsmen consider themselves “likely voters.” Approximately 20% of the entire population of major swing states – Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida – hold either a hunting or fishing license, or both. 8 in 10 sportsmen state that a candidate’s position on sportsmen’s issues is important in determining whom they will vote for. Polls show that the American public has an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward hunting and fishing. Americans understand that hunting and fishing serve multiple needs – sustenance, recreation and conservation. The fact is, hunting and fishing have been part of the American culture since before our nation began. So it’s no wonder that these timeless pursuits are perceived more favorably. You've seen the national economic impact of hunting and fishing. Now, here's  how the states stack up. Every single state makes a contribution through revenue, taxes and jobs, but these are the states where hunting and fishing truly drive the economy.   This report was produced by the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. CSF is the most respected and trusted hunting and fishing organization in the political arena. With support from every major hunting and fishing organization, CSF is the leader in promoting sportsmen’s issues with elected officials. CSF works directly with the bi-partisan, bi-cameral Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus in the U.S. Congress, as well as affiliated state sportsmen’s caucuses in state legislatures around the country.                                                               ~In Partnership with~ The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the shooting, hunting and firearms industry, whose purpose is to provide trusted leadership in addressing industry challenges and to deliver programs and services to meet the identified needs of their members. NSSF concentrates efforts on measurably advancing participation in and understanding of hunting and the shooting sports; reaffirming and strengthening their members' commitment to the safe and responsible use of their products, and promoting a political climate supportive of America's traditional firearms rights. For over 30 years, SCI’s mission has been to protect and expand the freedom to hunt, instituting sustainable use conservation worldwide while protecting hunting heritage. To that end, SCI is involved at all levels of government – from state and local to national and international. SCI chapters in the U.S., with the assistance of the Government Affairs Department, get involved with state legislative and regulatory issues, with federal plans that affect management, conservation and hunting access on public lands, as well as national legislative issues. National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the leading association representing the recreational boating industry. NMMA's nearly 1,700 member companies produce more than 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories and gear used by boaters and anglers in North America. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs in public policy, market research and data, product quality assurance and marketing communications, and provides leadership necessary to unite the industry in pursuit of its primary goal: To make boating the #1 choice in recreation. Visit for more information.   The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers represents the common interests of its members and provides a forum to enable them to advance public policies that meet consumer and societal needs for clean, safe, efficient, and affordable personal transportation.  CSF also gratefully acknowledges the following for their contributions: American Sportfishing Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, InterMedia Outdoors, Fountain and Associates, Patrick O’Malley, Southwick and Associates        
    Nov 02, 2010 2584