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  • 11 Aug 2016
                  ZEISS introduces new ZEISS Conquest® Gavia 85 spotting scope   NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., August 4, 2016 – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics, is pleased to announce the new ZEISS Conquest Gavia 85 angled spotting scope, specially developed to meet the needs of sportsmen and wildlife/nature observers.   The powerful 60x magnification combined with a wide-angle field of view, the Gavia 85mm spotting scope makes tricky identification of wildlife no problem, even at great distances thanks to highly detailed image rendition. Outstanding optical performance and brightness along with an intuitive and dynamic focusing mechanism enables fast and smooth focusing during observation. The Gavia’s compact and light-weight design makes packing this spotting scope in remote locations comfortable and effortless.   Made in Germany, the Conquest Gavia owes its outstanding image quality and optical resolution to its 85mm objective design and its unique HD glass system. This phenomenal optical concept offers unrivalled low light performance. All external lenses are protected by LotuTec® coating for easy cleaning and clear visibility in any weather situation.   Specifications: Magnification                                                            30-60x Objective Lens Diameter                                          85 mm Exit Pupil Diameter                                                  2.8-1.4 mm Focal Length (Objective Lens System)                   494 mm Field of View at 1,000 yds                                      99-69 ft Close Focus                                                             10.8 ft Lens Type HD Coating                                             LotuTec® /T* Fogproof                                                                  Nitrogen Filled Waterproof                                                             400 mbar Lens Thread                                                            M 86x1 Length                                                                    15.6 in Weight (incl. Eyepiece)                                         60 oz Order Number (with Eyepiece 30-60x)                528048-0000-010 Retail Price                                                            $1,999.99
    738 Posted by Chris Avena
  •               ZEISS introduces new ZEISS Conquest® Gavia 85 spotting scope   NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., August 4, 2016 – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics, is pleased to announce the new ZEISS Conquest Gavia 85 angled spotting scope, specially developed to meet the needs of sportsmen and wildlife/nature observers.   The powerful 60x magnification combined with a wide-angle field of view, the Gavia 85mm spotting scope makes tricky identification of wildlife no problem, even at great distances thanks to highly detailed image rendition. Outstanding optical performance and brightness along with an intuitive and dynamic focusing mechanism enables fast and smooth focusing during observation. The Gavia’s compact and light-weight design makes packing this spotting scope in remote locations comfortable and effortless.   Made in Germany, the Conquest Gavia owes its outstanding image quality and optical resolution to its 85mm objective design and its unique HD glass system. This phenomenal optical concept offers unrivalled low light performance. All external lenses are protected by LotuTec® coating for easy cleaning and clear visibility in any weather situation.   Specifications: Magnification                                                            30-60x Objective Lens Diameter                                          85 mm Exit Pupil Diameter                                                  2.8-1.4 mm Focal Length (Objective Lens System)                   494 mm Field of View at 1,000 yds                                      99-69 ft Close Focus                                                             10.8 ft Lens Type HD Coating                                             LotuTec® /T* Fogproof                                                                  Nitrogen Filled Waterproof                                                             400 mbar Lens Thread                                                            M 86x1 Length                                                                    15.6 in Weight (incl. Eyepiece)                                         60 oz Order Number (with Eyepiece 30-60x)                528048-0000-010 Retail Price                                                            $1,999.99
    Aug 11, 2016 738
  • 02 Sep 2016
    629 Posted by Chris Avena
    Sep 02, 2016 629
  • 09 Apr 2013
    NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms Manasquan, NJ --( Remember all those who denied that firearms confiscation as a result of New York’s new gun laws was too “insane” to even consider? That it was strictly in the realm of paranoid conspiracy theorists and the “it cant happen here crowd”? Those were and remain some of the standard replies to anyone who even thought about the possibility, let alone gave voice to it, despite the fact that Gov Cuomo and numerous other officials made public comments about such a plan, as I discussed in my article “Feinstein & Cuomo Admit Planning Australian Style Government Gun Buy Back” . Elected Officials, the media, various Gun Control Groups and their zealous forced disarmament supporters, even some firearms owners themselves all insisted it was to crazy to even consider. There’s just one huge problem it is happening now in New York State!It seems those that tried desperately to warn of such an insidious plot had hit the bullseye with their warnings after all. News came from multiple NY State based firearms enthusiast websites late Friday that confiscations of Pistol Owner ID Cards, as well as firearms and accessories has commenced in NY under the provisions of the horribly flawed, draconian and blatantly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act. Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated  have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects, something I wrote about extensively last week in an article that went viral in days and caused multiple Anti Gun and Progressive News Groups to initiate a concentrated denial of service hacker attack against Ammoland Shooting Sports News (see Daily KOS ” Keeping Track Of The RKBA Crowd”,  in an effort to keep the information from the public. From NY “John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation. Those are the facts. Nothing more, nothing less.” Get your FREE 2A Flashmob Patch – See if your eligible here! Now, before anyone trots out the old saw about how this is nothing more then a paranoid, unsubstantiated rumor on a “gun nuts” internet forum. I spoke to the Attorney of Record in this matter on the phone this morning and he confirmed that the above snippet is accurate and these cases are happening! James Tresmond Esq confirmed in our conversation that the above mentioned case is occurring in Erie County NY, it is his client that has been effected, and as yet unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation. It seems these supposedly confidential records are then compared against a list of known NY pistol license holders and letters are sent out demanding their Pistol Owner ID Cards be surrendered, as well as any firearms and accessories. This is an unprecedented violation of a Citizens 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment RIGHTS, brought to fruition by power and control hungry tyrants holding elected office who swore an Oath to uphold and defend the very rights they are now actively stripping from their constituents. Moreover, the confiscation efforts underway in NY State have had another, albeit unintended effect. By undertaking this course of action, those in power have inadvertently pulled back the curtain on something they have suppressed from the Citizens for far to long, leaving them with precious little wiggle room to explain away their actions. Either they are acknowledging that there is in fact some sort of little reported link between the prescribing of psychotropic drugs and violent behavior, thus they are somehow, at least in their own minds “justified” in their actions to preempt someone from violence. Or, this is nothing more then a backdoor confiscation effort and massive abuse of governmental power unleashed on innocent Citizens. Those are the only two possible explanations. If anyone still feels some level of doubt regarding the veracity of this story, Attorney Tresmond welcomes anyone to visit his website, Facebook page ( ), or send an email to  
    1982 Posted by Chris Avena
  • NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms Manasquan, NJ --( Remember all those who denied that firearms confiscation as a result of New York’s new gun laws was too “insane” to even consider? That it was strictly in the realm of paranoid conspiracy theorists and the “it cant happen here crowd”? Those were and remain some of the standard replies to anyone who even thought about the possibility, let alone gave voice to it, despite the fact that Gov Cuomo and numerous other officials made public comments about such a plan, as I discussed in my article “Feinstein & Cuomo Admit Planning Australian Style Government Gun Buy Back” . Elected Officials, the media, various Gun Control Groups and their zealous forced disarmament supporters, even some firearms owners themselves all insisted it was to crazy to even consider. There’s just one huge problem it is happening now in New York State!It seems those that tried desperately to warn of such an insidious plot had hit the bullseye with their warnings after all. News came from multiple NY State based firearms enthusiast websites late Friday that confiscations of Pistol Owner ID Cards, as well as firearms and accessories has commenced in NY under the provisions of the horribly flawed, draconian and blatantly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act. Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated  have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects, something I wrote about extensively last week in an article that went viral in days and caused multiple Anti Gun and Progressive News Groups to initiate a concentrated denial of service hacker attack against Ammoland Shooting Sports News (see Daily KOS ” Keeping Track Of The RKBA Crowd”,  in an effort to keep the information from the public. From NY “John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation. Those are the facts. Nothing more, nothing less.” Get your FREE 2A Flashmob Patch – See if your eligible here! Now, before anyone trots out the old saw about how this is nothing more then a paranoid, unsubstantiated rumor on a “gun nuts” internet forum. I spoke to the Attorney of Record in this matter on the phone this morning and he confirmed that the above snippet is accurate and these cases are happening! James Tresmond Esq confirmed in our conversation that the above mentioned case is occurring in Erie County NY, it is his client that has been effected, and as yet unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation. It seems these supposedly confidential records are then compared against a list of known NY pistol license holders and letters are sent out demanding their Pistol Owner ID Cards be surrendered, as well as any firearms and accessories. This is an unprecedented violation of a Citizens 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment RIGHTS, brought to fruition by power and control hungry tyrants holding elected office who swore an Oath to uphold and defend the very rights they are now actively stripping from their constituents. Moreover, the confiscation efforts underway in NY State have had another, albeit unintended effect. By undertaking this course of action, those in power have inadvertently pulled back the curtain on something they have suppressed from the Citizens for far to long, leaving them with precious little wiggle room to explain away their actions. Either they are acknowledging that there is in fact some sort of little reported link between the prescribing of psychotropic drugs and violent behavior, thus they are somehow, at least in their own minds “justified” in their actions to preempt someone from violence. Or, this is nothing more then a backdoor confiscation effort and massive abuse of governmental power unleashed on innocent Citizens. Those are the only two possible explanations. If anyone still feels some level of doubt regarding the veracity of this story, Attorney Tresmond welcomes anyone to visit his website, Facebook page ( ), or send an email to  
    Apr 09, 2013 1982
  • 19 Oct 2016
    Are you on that endless diet cycle? You have the best of intentions; you are motivated and seriously ready to shed those unwanted pounds. You start the day on a positive note and are all set to eat well, but then those mid day cravings and hunger pangs hit. It's almost impossible at that stage to hang on to your willpower. Your stomach is grumbling, you know it is three hours until your next meal and all of a sudden you find yourself standing in front of the vending machine popping in a dollar. Losing your willpower and succumbing to snacking is one of the number one reasons that utilizing dieting alone to lose weight just does not work. When your stomach is not complaining, it is not that difficult to keep to your diet plans. But when that empty feeling hits, motivation is almost impossible to keep. But now, there is an amazing weight loss product that can safely and effectively help to deter those willpower killers. ProShapeRX is the doctor and herbalist-endorsed weight loss system that is completely designed to help you quickly and easily shed those unwanted pounds without having to endure hunger pains. The secret behind the ProShapeRX is a 100% safe and natural ingredient called, Hoodia Gordonii. This amazing plant has several medicinal uses and grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. One of the original discovered uses was to treat indigestion, but more importantly it was found to be used as an appetite suppressant by the indigenous populations of South Africa during long hunting trips. And now this plant has been cultivated and is used as part of the ProShapeRX formula to help you take advantage of this long known positive side effect. ProShapeRX will help you control those hunger cravings and allow you to stick to your original weight loss plans and meal schedule. It is simple and easy to use. You simply take one pill at every meal time and this well-known appetite suppressant will give you the little extra boost you need to obtain your weight loss goal. The natural ingredients found in the ProShapeRX system have all been medically researched and endorsed. There are no detrimental side effects and the results will be so positive you will wonder why you didn't try this weight loss supplement before. Soon all your friends will be wondering your secret. Can you imagine how you are going to feel even after seven days of taking this supplement? You will start to see and feel the results almost immediately. You will soon have more energy, your clothes will start to feel looser and you will be even more motivated to stick to it! So what are you waiting for? There is no risk involved in trying the ProShapeRX natural weight loss system today. There is even a thirty day money back guarantee. So there is no need for any more excuses. Order your trial today and know by next week you are going to be feeling better and well on your way to your new slimmer and healthier self! Related Article:
    518 Posted by Slimming Love
  • Are you on that endless diet cycle? You have the best of intentions; you are motivated and seriously ready to shed those unwanted pounds. You start the day on a positive note and are all set to eat well, but then those mid day cravings and hunger pangs hit. It's almost impossible at that stage to hang on to your willpower. Your stomach is grumbling, you know it is three hours until your next meal and all of a sudden you find yourself standing in front of the vending machine popping in a dollar. Losing your willpower and succumbing to snacking is one of the number one reasons that utilizing dieting alone to lose weight just does not work. When your stomach is not complaining, it is not that difficult to keep to your diet plans. But when that empty feeling hits, motivation is almost impossible to keep. But now, there is an amazing weight loss product that can safely and effectively help to deter those willpower killers. ProShapeRX is the doctor and herbalist-endorsed weight loss system that is completely designed to help you quickly and easily shed those unwanted pounds without having to endure hunger pains. The secret behind the ProShapeRX is a 100% safe and natural ingredient called, Hoodia Gordonii. This amazing plant has several medicinal uses and grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. One of the original discovered uses was to treat indigestion, but more importantly it was found to be used as an appetite suppressant by the indigenous populations of South Africa during long hunting trips. And now this plant has been cultivated and is used as part of the ProShapeRX formula to help you take advantage of this long known positive side effect. ProShapeRX will help you control those hunger cravings and allow you to stick to your original weight loss plans and meal schedule. It is simple and easy to use. You simply take one pill at every meal time and this well-known appetite suppressant will give you the little extra boost you need to obtain your weight loss goal. The natural ingredients found in the ProShapeRX system have all been medically researched and endorsed. There are no detrimental side effects and the results will be so positive you will wonder why you didn't try this weight loss supplement before. Soon all your friends will be wondering your secret. Can you imagine how you are going to feel even after seven days of taking this supplement? You will start to see and feel the results almost immediately. You will soon have more energy, your clothes will start to feel looser and you will be even more motivated to stick to it! So what are you waiting for? There is no risk involved in trying the ProShapeRX natural weight loss system today. There is even a thirty day money back guarantee. So there is no need for any more excuses. Order your trial today and know by next week you are going to be feeling better and well on your way to your new slimmer and healthier self! Related Article:
    Oct 19, 2016 518
  • 07 Dec 2016
        Bipartisan Sportsmen's ActFinal Push: Your Immediate Action is Needed and Appreciated     The most important legislation in a generation for America’s hunters and target shooters is at a crucial stage. The U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives are in the homestretch and have just days to pass the Energy Policy Modernization Act conference report that includes the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act prior to the end of the 114th Congress. Take this final opportunity to call the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan and urge him to approve the Energy Conference report with the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act. Please CALL TODAY before Congress takes up the Continuing Resolution this week to fund the federal government past Dec. 9. We do NOT want Congress to punt the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act into the next congress that begins in January.  We have come too far to go back to “square one” and begin again. Please take this final opportunity to call today to help protect and preserve our cherished outdoor traditions. United States Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
    599 Posted by Chris Avena
  •     Bipartisan Sportsmen's ActFinal Push: Your Immediate Action is Needed and Appreciated     The most important legislation in a generation for America’s hunters and target shooters is at a crucial stage. The U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives are in the homestretch and have just days to pass the Energy Policy Modernization Act conference report that includes the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act prior to the end of the 114th Congress. Take this final opportunity to call the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan and urge him to approve the Energy Conference report with the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act. Please CALL TODAY before Congress takes up the Continuing Resolution this week to fund the federal government past Dec. 9. We do NOT want Congress to punt the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act into the next congress that begins in January.  We have come too far to go back to “square one” and begin again. Please take this final opportunity to call today to help protect and preserve our cherished outdoor traditions. United States Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
    Dec 07, 2016 599
  • 02 Mar 2017
    HUNTERS REJOICE AT INNOVATIVE BADLANDS COMBINATION BINOCULAR/RANGEFINDER CASE DURING ANNUAL TRADESHOWS West Jordan, UT – Crowd control was key for Badlands at the 2017 ATA tradeshow as they unveiled the new Bino XR optics case. Utilizing Badlands Zip-No™ Magnetic Closure Technology, the Bino XR provides separate, easy-access compartments for a set of binoculars and a rangefinder. “Oohhs and aahhs” were frequently overheard as Badlands demonstrated the dual-carry capability of the new case. Features of the Bino XR include: · Badlands Zip-No™ Magnetic Closure Technology on both upper and lower compartments· Upper storage fits most 10x42 binoculars and smaller· Lower storage fits most rangefinder models· Built-in lens cloth· Tethers for binoculars and rangefinder· New zippered side pocket storage· Built-in (removable) rain cover for ultimate protection· New slimmer, ventilated 4-way shoulder harness system Badlands Supply Chain Manager Tim Shoaf said of the new case, “Honestly, this one is kind of pain in the you-know-what for me because demand is already through the roof.” He continued, “We’re working hard to fulfill all the demand and make sure everyone has one of these on their chest this spring.”The Badlands Bino XR will be available April 2017 for $149.99. Available color options will be Badlands Approach camouflage, Serengeti Brown and Gunmetal Gray.Now     in its 23rd year, Badlands continues to focus on exceptional quality, continuing innovation, unmatched performance and as always the only unconditional lifetime warranty in the industry.  
    616 Posted by Chris Avena
  • HUNTERS REJOICE AT INNOVATIVE BADLANDS COMBINATION BINOCULAR/RANGEFINDER CASE DURING ANNUAL TRADESHOWS West Jordan, UT – Crowd control was key for Badlands at the 2017 ATA tradeshow as they unveiled the new Bino XR optics case. Utilizing Badlands Zip-No™ Magnetic Closure Technology, the Bino XR provides separate, easy-access compartments for a set of binoculars and a rangefinder. “Oohhs and aahhs” were frequently overheard as Badlands demonstrated the dual-carry capability of the new case. Features of the Bino XR include: · Badlands Zip-No™ Magnetic Closure Technology on both upper and lower compartments· Upper storage fits most 10x42 binoculars and smaller· Lower storage fits most rangefinder models· Built-in lens cloth· Tethers for binoculars and rangefinder· New zippered side pocket storage· Built-in (removable) rain cover for ultimate protection· New slimmer, ventilated 4-way shoulder harness system Badlands Supply Chain Manager Tim Shoaf said of the new case, “Honestly, this one is kind of pain in the you-know-what for me because demand is already through the roof.” He continued, “We’re working hard to fulfill all the demand and make sure everyone has one of these on their chest this spring.”The Badlands Bino XR will be available April 2017 for $149.99. Available color options will be Badlands Approach camouflage, Serengeti Brown and Gunmetal Gray.Now     in its 23rd year, Badlands continues to focus on exceptional quality, continuing innovation, unmatched performance and as always the only unconditional lifetime warranty in the industry.  
    Mar 02, 2017 616
  • 14 Jul 2012
    WCO – 2012 Jicarilla 4-H Horse Camp by Mia Anstine Wolf Creek Outfitters, Inc. was proud to be a part of the annual Jicarilla 4-H Horse Camp in Dulce, New Mexico. The camp is offered to kids in hopes to uplift them as well as the community. The tribe has a high incidence of suicide and substance abuse so they have designed the camp to [...] Read more of this post
    1411 Posted by Mia Anstine
  • WCO – 2012 Jicarilla 4-H Horse Camp by Mia Anstine Wolf Creek Outfitters, Inc. was proud to be a part of the annual Jicarilla 4-H Horse Camp in Dulce, New Mexico. The camp is offered to kids in hopes to uplift them as well as the community. The tribe has a high incidence of suicide and substance abuse so they have designed the camp to [...] Read more of this post
    Jul 14, 2012 1411
  • 24 Mar 2017
    Immediate Changes to South African Firearm Registration Guidelines for American Hunters The South African Police Services’ Central Firearms Desk has announced its decision to no longer accept United States Department of Homeland Security Certificates of Registration, commonly known as CBP Form 4457, if the date in the top right had corner of the form has expired. “We encourage all Safari Club members to complete a new CBF Form 4457 before embarking on any international travel with firearms,” said Larry Higgins, President of SCI. “While South Africa is currently the only country to make this decision, others will likely follow suit. Members should ensure their 4457 Form is valid before leaving the U.S.” This new form can be found online here. SCI members with questions should contact the Customs and Border Protection Information Center directly. The CBP INFO Center is open Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time. You can ask your question via email or by calling (877) 227-5511. If you are outside the U.S. you must call 1 (202) 325-8000. Those needing additional assistance may contact SCI’s Office of Hunter Advocacy at (202) 543-8733 or may email SCI also encourages members to defer to the Professional Hunters’ Association of South Africa (PHASA) and their travel protocols when hunting in South Africa. PHASA recommends hunting clients pre-apply, through a reputable, registered meet-and-greet agency, for temporary import/export of firearms and/or transit permits.
    577 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Immediate Changes to South African Firearm Registration Guidelines for American Hunters The South African Police Services’ Central Firearms Desk has announced its decision to no longer accept United States Department of Homeland Security Certificates of Registration, commonly known as CBP Form 4457, if the date in the top right had corner of the form has expired. “We encourage all Safari Club members to complete a new CBF Form 4457 before embarking on any international travel with firearms,” said Larry Higgins, President of SCI. “While South Africa is currently the only country to make this decision, others will likely follow suit. Members should ensure their 4457 Form is valid before leaving the U.S.” This new form can be found online here. SCI members with questions should contact the Customs and Border Protection Information Center directly. The CBP INFO Center is open Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time. You can ask your question via email or by calling (877) 227-5511. If you are outside the U.S. you must call 1 (202) 325-8000. Those needing additional assistance may contact SCI’s Office of Hunter Advocacy at (202) 543-8733 or may email SCI also encourages members to defer to the Professional Hunters’ Association of South Africa (PHASA) and their travel protocols when hunting in South Africa. PHASA recommends hunting clients pre-apply, through a reputable, registered meet-and-greet agency, for temporary import/export of firearms and/or transit permits.
    Mar 24, 2017 577
  • 12 Jul 2017
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   NEW BADLANDS ASCENT PACK DESIGNED TO CLIMB THE HILLS OR THE TREES   West Jordan, UT –  Part of the new pack lineup for 2017, Badlands is set to release the Ascent Pack as a mid-range, versatile, do-it-all workhorse. Over a year in development and testing, the Ascent Pack features new technologies and functionality never before seen on a Badlands pack. Built to be ideal for backcountry hunts or treestand hunting alike, the Ascent Pack will feel at home on the mountain or in the treetops.   Among the new features are the Badlands Bow-Wrap Carrier System, an internal padded spotting scope pocket, a reverse bucket lid opening for easy access and a new ventilated suspension. Other features and specs are as follows:   Included Rain Cover Built-In Rifle Boot Total Volume: 2430 Cubic Inches Weight: 4.5 lbs Hydration Reservoir Compatible Bow and Rifle Carry Compatible The Ascent pack is available in Badlands Approach camo and will be available fall 2017. The MSRP will be $249.99 and include the legendary Badlands Unconditional Lifetime Warranty.   Now in its 24th year, Badlands continues to focus on exceptional quality, continuing innovation, unmatched performance and as always the only unconditional lifetime warranty in the industry.
    1065 Posted by Chris Avena
  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   NEW BADLANDS ASCENT PACK DESIGNED TO CLIMB THE HILLS OR THE TREES   West Jordan, UT –  Part of the new pack lineup for 2017, Badlands is set to release the Ascent Pack as a mid-range, versatile, do-it-all workhorse. Over a year in development and testing, the Ascent Pack features new technologies and functionality never before seen on a Badlands pack. Built to be ideal for backcountry hunts or treestand hunting alike, the Ascent Pack will feel at home on the mountain or in the treetops.   Among the new features are the Badlands Bow-Wrap Carrier System, an internal padded spotting scope pocket, a reverse bucket lid opening for easy access and a new ventilated suspension. Other features and specs are as follows:   Included Rain Cover Built-In Rifle Boot Total Volume: 2430 Cubic Inches Weight: 4.5 lbs Hydration Reservoir Compatible Bow and Rifle Carry Compatible The Ascent pack is available in Badlands Approach camo and will be available fall 2017. The MSRP will be $249.99 and include the legendary Badlands Unconditional Lifetime Warranty.   Now in its 24th year, Badlands continues to focus on exceptional quality, continuing innovation, unmatched performance and as always the only unconditional lifetime warranty in the industry.
    Jul 12, 2017 1065
  • 30 Jul 2018
    436 Posted by Chris Avena
    Jul 30, 2018 436